Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2404: opt out

"Xiao Ping is too ruthless. Even killing the two geniuses of Hao Haixing Domain is really bold."

"Yes, although a life and death contract was signed in the Pole Star Race, life and death are life and death, and no revenge is allowed in private. But what kind of power is the Haohai Star Region? They have to deal with Xiao Ping and Dongyang Star Region in the future. There are 10,000 ways."

"No need for later, now Lin Haochu has a killer heart against Xiao Ping. In the ranking battle, the two must have a **** battle!"

Lin Haochu's naked danger Han Yu, and Haohai Star Territory Master Cao Yi looked at Huo Ling like a hook. Although he didn't say a word, everyone could feel his killing intent.

The two deputy leaders frowned. This result was something they didn't want to see, but at this point, they could only figure out how to prevent the next fight.

The left deputy leader secretly sent a message to the elder who presided over the event. The elder immediately stood up, scanned the surroundings, and said, "Is there anyone challenging? Since there is no one to challenge, then this round of challenge is over, and then the ranking competition will take place." Those who had a grudge against Han Yu sighed for a while. They never expected that under the resistance of so many people, Han Yu could still hold the top ten throne. Although unwilling, but had to accept this reality, Han Yu was too strong, Wang Zhehan and Ni Qianrou were both killed, who can stop the rest


The ranking competition is the final round of the Pole Star Competition. According to the ranking of the contestants, to determine the ranking of the 27 star regions of the East Pole Star League, this is a battle for glory.

The ranking competition is divided into two points, the top ten compete for the top ten ranking, and the rest compete for the ranking after the tenth

Wang Tian and Lang Haotian involuntarily looked at Huo Ling, their eyes full of envy, jealousy and hatred. Now, no matter what Han Yu's final record is, Dongyang Star Territory has squeezed into the top ten of the East Pole Star Alliance, and these are all Chaotian stars. Territory, Galaxy Star Territory has never enjoyed a privilege.

You don't need to think about it. After today, the Dongyang Star Region will become the upstart of the East Pole Star Alliance and the overlord of the eastern part of the East Pole Star Alliance. The Chaotian Star Region and the Milky Way Star Region can only lower their proud heads in front of them.

However, thinking that Han Yu has offended so many people these days, Wang Tian, ​​Lang Haotian and others could not help but sneer secretly. Even though Dongyang Starfield has become the upstart of the East Pole Star Alliance, the road ahead will be full of thorns. Inconvenience may be directly removed from the Eastern Star Alliance.

And because of the special rules of the ten-strong battle, Han Yu and Lin Haochu must have a battle. In their opinion, Lin Haochu would definitely apply for a life-and-death battle, and Han Yu would eventually end up being killed by Lin Haochu.

Dongyang Star Territory does not have such a genius as Han Yu, even if it becomes an upstart, they will soon be trampled underfoot, and it will become a joke in the world.

There are specific rules for the top ten competition. The top ten players have to go through a comprehensive ranking of three battles before determining the final ranking. The first game draws lots to determine the opponent; the second game searches for opponents independently; in the third game, the senior officials of the East Pole Star Alliance designate opponents. The higher the overall record, the higher the ranking.

The top ten ranking competition and the remaining ranking competitions are conducted at the same time, and the top ten is ready to draw lots.

"Xiao Ping, this will be the last time you can enjoy." Lin Haochu glanced at Han Yu with a cold look, and took the lead in going up to the draw.

Lu Jingyu cast a cold look, and said solemnly: "Although Lin Haochu will kill you, if you meet me first, I will never give him any chance."

Han Yu stared coldly and said nothing.

After Lu Jingyu left, another person walked up to Han Yu with a smug sneer on his face. It was Cen Hai of Yunbo Star Territory.

"Xiao Ping, I wanted to fight you to the death and avenge Yu Shan in the top ten ranking competition, but it seems that I don't need to take action at all, and you can't leave here alive." Cen Hai raised his head high, like that. Han Yu is not worth his hands.

Han Yu still did not speak.

"Before it started, three geniuses threatened to kill him. Hey, this is a good show." Wang Tian glanced at Huo Ling and said lukewarm.

He hates Han Yu's bones, and now he resists the urge to laugh.

"Cen Hai, Lin Haochu, and Lu Jingyu are all first-class geniuses, but they are not comparable to those just now." Lang Haotian said in a strange way.

Huo Ling snorted coldly, frowning, Lin Haochu and Lu Jingyu's monster-level existence, even if Han Yu competed with him in his heyday, it would be only 50-50 at best, right?

And now, Han Yu has just gone through four or five days of battle. Even if Han Yu's strength is extraordinary, the consumption is real. Han Yu is not in his heyday. Is there any chance of winning against such an enemy?

Many people looked at Han Yu as if they were waiting for a good show. Only Fairy Tourmaline had a flash of worry in her heart. In the face of opponents like Lin Haochu and Lu Jingyu, neither she nor Tong Zhan was sure of victory, and she did not believe that Han Yu could contend with the three on their own.

Fairy Tourmaline thought for a while, and suddenly made up his mind, and secretly passed a letter to Han Yu: "Brother Xiao, heroes don't suffer from immediate losses. They are targeting you so deliberately. You don't have to face them head-on."

Han Yu frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Fairy Tourmaline looked apologetic and continued to transmit his voice: "Don't get me wrong, Brother Xiao, I didn't question Brother Xiao's ability. Just now it was just my suggestion."

The dignified tourmaline fairy, the fairy who holds the moon among the stars, is proud of the world. Even in the face of Tong Zhan and Lu Jingyu, she can talk and laugh freely, neither humble nor overbearing. But for some reason, when facing Han Yu's gaze, she felt a little heartbeat speeding up.

Han Yu didn't change his face and asked, "Then tell me, what should you do?" Seeing that Han Yu was not angry, the tourmaline fairy secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Because of the particularity of the top ten competition, Brother Xiao can’t avoid them anyway. I suggest that Brother Xiao quit the competition for the top ten rankings. Given the results that Brother Xiao has achieved now, presumably Master Xiao Taiyi won’t.

Blame Brother Xiao. "

"Huo Ling?" Han Yu smiled secretly, and Huo Ling might wish that Han Yu quit the top ten ranking competition.

Han Yu thought for a while and said, "Thank you Fairy for reminding me, I have my own plans."

Fairy Tourmaline smiled and went to draw lots.

Fairy Tourmaline didn't take a few steps, and suddenly heard Han Yu's voice sound.

"I withdrew from the top ten ranking competition."

Fairy Tourmaline's delicate body trembled slightly, and her heart couldn't help but a touch of ecstasy, but she quickly stabilized, without showing any impropriety, turned back and gave Han Yu an appreciative look, and continued to draw lots. The other top ten masters and many giants in the stands looked at Han Yu in amazement. Han Yu's choice was both reasonable and unexpected.

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