Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2417: Break four books in a row

Han Yu said lightly: "No need!"

After speaking, he walked to the nearest bookshelf.

Fairy tourmaline was petrified in the same place, even if she was cultivated, she was about to explode at this time.

This is the fifth time Han Yu has turned a blind eye to her kindness! the fifth time!


The tourmaline fairy asked herself in her heart.

She is an overwhelming country, unparalleled in the world, and has countless admirers. In normal times, countless people are willing to fight for her. And Han Yu was actually indifferent to her kindness, and it seemed to be a bit disgusting.

"Xiao Ping, this fairy doesn't believe me, you didn't ask me that day!" Fairy Tourmaline gritted his teeth secretly.

Han Yu didn't care about the tourmaline fairy. Regardless of whether the tourmaline fairy was good or bad, in Han Yu's mind, she only had one label, and that was the Protoss. So offending and not guilty is the same for him.

The book collection on the sixth floor is obviously much less than the book collection on the following floors. There are hundreds of books in total, all of the secrets of the Protoss, and there are no books snatched from thousands of small worlds. The books here are categorized by attributes, and are divided into seven attribute areas such as "Golden, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Wind and Thunder", which give clear instructions to those who come up to find magical powers and cultivate mental methods. Han Yu is a swallowing heavenly body, any energy of any attribute can be swallowed at will. There is no attribute distinction in the practice of "Tai Shang Zhen Jing"

, Therefore, Han Yu can cultivate any supernatural power with any attribute, and can exert powerful lethality.

However, Han Yu browsed at will, still projecting his gaze on the "Thunder Attribute" area. After all, he is now Xiao Ping. Xiao Ping's cultivation mentality belongs to the Thunder attribute mentality, and the magical powers of the lightning attribute are naturally the most important to him.

There is only one bookshelf in the Thunder attribute area, and there are eight books on the bookshelf. Compared with other attributes, the Thunder attribute is a rare attribute.

The eight books have three mental methods and five supernatural powers. The five supernatural powers are divided into four low-level extreme supernatural powers and one intermediate supernatural power. Han Yu had no choice but to focus directly on the mid-level extreme magical powers.

"Zhenwu Yulei Jue, an intermediate supernatural power."

Eleven characters are written on the cover of the book.

If you want to know the cultivation method of Zhenwu Yulei Jue, you have to break the seal on the book.

The seal on the book is invisible, but if you use mental power to perceive it, you can feel the fluctuation of energy. This is a special seal. "The seal on the sixth floor is really much stronger than the seals on the books below. With my mental strength, I can break the seal of two cheat books at most in two days, but I have the power of the soul. , The power of the soul is the sublimation of the spiritual power. To break the seal, it is not so

Difficult. "

Although Han Yu is the peak cultivation base of Emperor Wu, his spiritual power is not weaker than Lin Haochu's and his like, and he also has a strong soul power.

Tong Zhan, Lin Haochu, Lu Jingyu and Fairy Tourmaline are not Qitian Masters, and Han Yu is not afraid that they can sense the power of their own souls.

With a thought of Han Yu, the power of the soul shot out and began to crack the seal.

In less than half a day, the seal on Zhen Wu Yu Lei Jue was broken by Han Yu, and a burst of information flooded Han Yu's mind. "Zhen Wu Yu Lei Jue, Zhen Wu Tian Shen has created his own thunder attribute supernatural powers, which are divided into three levels, the first: the thunder and lightning sword art, attracts the power of nine days of thunder and lightning into a divine sword, which can open the world and kill the gods and demons; : Thunder Dragon swallows the sky, attracts the power of nine days of thunder and lightning to turn into a blue dragon, swallows the sky and the earth, has nothing


Zhenwu Yulei Jue is an incomplete magical power secret book, only the first two layers, not the last one.

"It's no wonder that it was placed on the sixth floor. It turned out to be an incomplete cheat. The power of this Zhenwu Yulei Art can definitely be ranked in the forefront of the intermediate-level extreme magical powers. If it is a complete cheat, it will definitely be placed on the seventh floor, not the sixth floor. "

Although it is incomplete, it does not affect the first two levels of cultivation, and the second level of Thunder Dragon Swallowing Sky is simply a magical power tailored for Han Yu, which surprises Han Yu.

Han Yu remembered the cultivation method of Zhenwu Yulei Jue in his mind, and then projected his gaze onto the cultivation mental technique next to him, and began to crack the seal on it.

"Huh, pose!"

Not far away, Lin Haochu gave a cold snort, with a face of contempt.

Han Yu started cracking the second cheat book so quickly, in his opinion, it was just pretending to be sensational. Han Yu must have got nothing.

Fairy Tourmaline also shook his head, thinking that Han Yu was funny.

After another half day, the seal of the second cheat book was broken, and Han Yu got a piece of spiritual practice. This cultivation method is not very useful to Han Yu, and then Han Yu left the thunder attribute area and walked towards the water attribute area.

Lin Haochu also just broke the seal, obtained the cultivation mentality on the secret book, cast his gaze down, and saw Han Yu approaching, he couldn't help frowning.

What surprised him was that Han Yu actually walked to his side and stood still, staring at the secret book he had just broken the seal with all his strength, the mid-level extreme supernatural power "Bihai Chaosheng". "Do you think that after the seal of this cheat book is broken by me, can you pick up the ready-made one? It's really stupid. The seal on the cheat book is very special. The moment it breaks open, the above cultivation method is passed on to the person who broke it. After that, it will heal in an instant. You want to take advantage of me, really wishful thinking."

Lin Haochu sneered again and again.

"Idiot." Han Yu glanced at Lin Haochu and began to crack the seal.

"You..." Lin Haochu gritted his teeth with anger, but couldn't do anything here. In the end, he could only snorted coldly, ignored Han Yu, and took the time to crack the next secret book.

Half a day later, Han Yu was born in Bihai Chao, and then left.

"Clown!" Lin Haochu glanced contemptuously at Han Yu's back.

Han Yu's next stop was the fire attribute area. His goal was the secret book Lu Jingyu had just cracked.

Lu Jingyu snorted coldly, seeing Han Yu owe it. Concentrate on cracking the seal of the second cheat book.

Tong Zhan and Fairy Tourmaline also saw Han Yu's "strange behavior" and couldn't help but shook their heads secretly.

Originally, Tong Zhan had already regarded Han Yu as an opponent, but Han Yu's "grandcapism" behavior made him disdain.

Fairy Tourmaline was secretly angry. Han Yu didn't want the opportunity she gave to Han Yu, but wanted to be a clown. Is she so annoying?

Everyone misunderstood Han Yu, and no one stared at Han Yu carefully. Otherwise, even though the time for cracking and healing the seal is short, they can still find some clues with their keenness. Unfortunately, there are too many self-righteous people in this world.

So when Han Yu successfully cracked the seal and left after getting the "heart-burning prairie fire", everyone was not surprised, but showed deep contempt. This is exactly the result Han Yu wanted. If they knew that they had really broken the seal on the four cheat books, it would be difficult for them not to attract the attention of the senior officials of the East Pole Star Alliance after they were passed out.

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