Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2442: After several twists and turns

"Boy, before Mao is Zhang Qi, he dare to threaten the old man!"

The old woman slammed the dragon head crutches to the ground, and the sky shook suddenly. Han Yusha felt a rush of stars shifting, and the next moment he appeared in the void, surrounded by clouds.

This is a dimensional space, a dimensional space created by the old woman in an instant.

This is the method of the strong gods, the dimensional space is created in an instant, and it is endless.

In this way, no matter how horrible their battle is, they will not affect other people, nor the vegetation outside.

"Boom!" From the old woman, a terrifying coercion rushed out, suppressing Han Yu like a mountain topping.

The coercion of the strong in the middle of the gods is really terrifying.

"The little boy in the early days of the little god, dare to be arrogant. The old body can even break you into pieces without moving your fingers." The old woman said proudly.

But soon the old woman felt surprised. Not only did her coercion not crush Han Yu's body, Han Yu was still standing, but looked slightly trembling.

"Sure enough, you're a bit proud of capital, but your capital is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the old man!" The old woman walked towards Han Yu, and every time he got closer to Han Yu, Han Yu would be under more pressure. .

It didn't take long for her to be ten feet away from Han Yu, and Han Yu's forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

"According to what the old man said before, you can live, if not, the old man doesn't mind killing you now!" The old woman had an indifferent expression.


At this moment, Han Yu moved suddenly, as if a blue dragon went out to sea, and hit the old woman with a heavy fist. His fist directly penetrated the old woman's body, suddenly blood raging, and the screams were harsh.

"Huh? How is it possible?"

The old woman was panicked and waved the leading cane to hit Han Yu, and Han Yu had already kicked her on top of her body and then walked back quietly.

The old woman was hit twice in a row, and her complexion instantly became ugly.

"Thinking that your cultivation base is higher than me, you can ravage me at will? You take yourself too seriously." Han Yu walked slowly towards the old woman with his hands behind his back.

The old woman exclaimed: "How is it possible that you can't move under my coercion, how can you make such a powerful attack?"

Han Yu sneered without speaking.

Everything just now was just an illusion, Han Yu was not afraid of fighting head-on with the powerhouse in the middle of the gods, let alone the oppressive pressure.

The old woman decisively withdrew from the dimension space and returned to the courtyard.

Han Yu followed closely behind, and rushed to the old woman.

"Do you follow what I said? Or do I fight until you beg for mercy?" Han Yu said lightly.

The old woman looked in a trance, this is simply a way to treat her.

Zhang Biao, the chartered parents-in-law directly stared their eyes wide. They all thought that Han Yu was trapped in the dimensional space of the old woman, absolutely dead or alive. They didn't expect that the old woman was the one who retreated. Looking at the blood hole on the old woman's body, they felt even more so. be terrified.


At this moment, a deep cold drink sounded.


Several figures flew up to surround the yard.

There is only one kind of person who can fly freely on the sword tide **** star, the law enforcement team of the sword tide **** star, Han Yu had to stop.

The charterer and the charterer suddenly saw a life-saving straw. The charterer hurried to a middle-aged man: "Cousin, this madman injured my mother-in-law and our husband and wife. You must take him to the right place!"

The man wearing armor and with a hooked nose had a displeased look on his face, and shouted: "How many times have I told you, when I am law enforcement, please call me Captain Lin."

The charterer quickly apologized: "Yes, watch... Captain Lin..."

The charterer and the old woman hurriedly went over to see him, even if they were as strong as the old woman, they were short in front of Captain Lin.

In Jianchao Shenxing, except for the high-level members of Wan Jianzong, the law enforcement team represents the sky and the rules.

"Dare to make trouble in Zongyuan City and take these three people away!"

Captain Lin glanced at Han Yu and Zhang Biao coldly, and ordered directly.

"Why did they take us away? They bullied people first." Zhang Biao asked.

"Because I am the captain of the law enforcement team." Captain Lin curled his lips in disdain, and then sternly said: "Who dares to resist, rectify the law on the spot!"

The charterer and the chartered woman looked at Han Yu and Zhang Biao with a smirk. They dared to act so unscrupulously in Zongyuan City because of the backer of Captain Lin. As long as Han Yu and Zhang Biao are captured by Captain Lin, they will have to peel off if they die.

"Let me see who dares to move!" Han Yu's body shook, and the powerful aura from the early days of the gods burst out.

Captain Lin sneered and said: "Boy, don't be stubborn, don't say that you are the early cultivation base of the gods, even if you are the power of the late gods, I will arrest you if you break the law!"

Captain Lin has this kind of confidence. Although he is only the cultivation base of the gods in the early stage, there is a huge Wan Jianzong behind him. Who dares to resist?

Han Yu frowned. He didn't expect to alarm the people from the law enforcement team. He was not afraid of these people, but he really started his hands. Not to mention the sword tide **** star he could not stay, I am afraid that he will be affected by Wan Jian in the future. Zong overwhelming pursuit and killing.

"You don't want to ask indiscriminately, just arrest us directly, this is not the style of the law enforcement team." Han Yu said coldly. "What do we do, you are not qualified to point out. If you are right, we will let you go!" Captain Lin said righteously, but there was a hint of playfulness deep in his eyes. As long as he is taken away, he doesn’t want to convict any crime, but he wants to punish it.

How to punish.

"Master, the situation is not good. We are dead if we resist, and if we don't resist being captured by them, I'm afraid we will die." Zhang Biao gave Han Yu a voice, very anxious.

"Take it down!"

Captain Lin no longer wasted time, he issued the last wanted. The members of the law enforcement team quickly moved closer to Han Yu and Zhang Biao, each holding a special kind of shackles in their hands. This kind of shackles were sacrificed by the strong men in the late Celestial period. Even the strong men in the mid Celestial period were handcuffed and broke free. Can't drop.

The faces of the charterer and his wife were all laughing and blooming. No matter what the result is today, Han Yu and Zhang Biao are dead and unhappy. "Wait!" Suddenly, a soft and complicated voice sounded. The members of the law enforcement team stopped involuntarily and looked out of the yard, only to see a beautiful lady in a purple dress with a demeanor coming in. Her appearance makes the tense atmosphere instantly comfortable

Extremely. This woman was so beautiful that she glanced at Han Yu, with a complex look in her eyes. She silently glanced at Caifeng's body, flashing a hint of surprise, and finally looked at Captain Lin, facing Lin. Captain Yingying bowed, all gestures were very graceful, charming, and leisurely said: "Captain Lin, the little girl is a disciple of Wan Jianzong's Ziwei, these three are my friends. I also ask Captain Lin to give the little girl a little bit of face. Leniency will be dealt with today."

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