Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2481: To 50,000 years ago

The disciples who entered the past time and space were all driven out. After everyone came out, they did not rush to leave. They gathered on the boundary of past time and space and parallel time and space, looking curiously at the direction of past time and space.

"It's really terrible. A senior elder sister from the late Celestial God stage fell into the vortex of time and space, instantly returned to her baby state, and finally returned to the dust!"

"A junior in the middle of the gods was also caught in the vortex of time and space. It was lucky to meet a passing patrol and rescued him, but now he has returned to three hundred years ago for no reason, becoming a true **** of the early stage. The weak!"

When everyone talked about the events they saw and heard, they all seemed shocked, and even the powerhouses of the late gods talked about discoloration.

"How could it suddenly become so terrible in the past time and space?"

This is the doubt of countless people.

"It is not the first time that such a change has occurred in time and space. There have been many major accidents in history. The most famous one was one five thousand years ago. A strong man at the peak of a **** fell in it." The older man sighed.

"Really? This is not the first time. Why not block the past time and space? Let everyone go in for adventure?" a young disciple asked.

"Opportunities and dangers coexist. Where there are dangers, there are opportunities. Are you afraid of danger but not opportunities, or are you not afraid of danger for opportunities? Everything is your own behavior. How can you blame Zongmen?" the old man scolded.

The young disciple bowed his head, not daring to say much.

"Brother, do you know why there have been repeated riots in time and space in the past?" one person asked sincerely.

Everyone calmed down and looked at the old man.

Even the core disciples don't know the reasons for the riots in the past. "Where is the past time and space? It is a place where time flows backwards. In the past time and space, you can go back to the past. And how did the entire time and space gate come from? It was formed by the Great Master and Human Race 50,000 years ago." The old man said. "If you go to the core area of ​​the past time and space, you can

The scene of the Nian Patriarch and Tongtian battle. But even the former at the peak of the true **** couldn't bear the terrible power of time, traveling 50,000 years ago. "

"What does this mean? It means that the core area of ​​time and space in the past was 50,000 years ago, when a great war was taking place, and the riots in the past time and space were caused by the aftermath of the Patriarch and the Great Battle, and came across time and space. "

Everyone was stunned.

The battle that took place 50,000 years ago is still happening in the past time and space, how incredible it is.

The aftermath of the Sect Master Wanjian and the Great Battle across time and space is even more incredible.

But soon everyone figured out, what kind of characters are Sect Master Wanjian and Emperor Tongtian, their battlefields have become special places like the Gate of Time and Space, what else can they not do?

"Hey, Lord... Where's Junior Brother Xiao?" Su Zhouzhou, who was fascinated by the hearing, recovered and found that Han Yu had disappeared.

"Junior Brother Xiao? Where did you go, Junior Brother Xiao?" Jiang Zitong hurriedly looked around when he heard the words, but Han Yu was nowhere to be seen, his face changed drastically.

Su Zhouzhou secretly contacted Han Yu.

He has now signed a soul contract with Han Yu, has a special connection with Han Yu, can sense Han Yu's life and death, and can communicate with Han Yu within a certain range.

But after his message was sent, Han Yu did not get a response. In the past time and space, a figure shuttled past as fast as a stream of light, and it didn't take long for it to cross the deepest place that Han Yu and Su Zhouzhou had reached before. At this point, most powerful people in the late stage of the gods can feel the huge pressure, but this figure does not stop, still fast as lightning

The normal speed rushes to the core area of ​​the past time and space.

"Huh, what is that?" The patrol member who was clearing the field suddenly exclaimed, pointing in the direction that the figure passed by.

"What? It's nothing?" The person next to him looked, but didn't see anything.

"I saw that it was like a person flying over, too fast, like lightning!" the person said ate.

"Who can fly like lightning here, don't you think it's dazzling?" One person smiled and didn't believe it at all.

"It should be a dazzling look!" The man took a last look at the direction in which the figure disappeared. Although he himself was a little uncertain, for some reason, there was always a voice in his heart telling him that he was right, that was A person.

The core area of ​​the past time and space, the passage of time here, has reached a quite terrifying situation. At this point, the powerhouse at the peak of the gods would definitely not stick to the three breath time.

Suddenly, a figure walked out of the void, and the terrible power of time slashed on him, but it didn't affect him much.

If this situation were seen by the senior management of Wan Jianzong, they would definitely be shocked and speechless.

This is a man with a face like a knife, with a solemn expression, wearing a black robe, tall and straight like a gun.

This person is not someone else, but Han Yu. It's just that he changed his face now, and it was neither the face of Han Yu, nor the face of Xiao Ping. It is absolutely impossible to stand here if it is Han Yu's strength alone, but Han Yu is proficient in the power of time and space, and the power of time in the past will not harm Han Yu in any way. There are only two powerful auras that have caused a huge trouble to Han Yu. You don’t need to think about these two auras.

Since the lord of Wanjian Sect and Emperor Tongtian. Both breaths are terrifying, just like a real dragon, vast and vast. "The position I stood now has returned to forty-eight thousand years ago. A little further ahead, I will be able to witness the battle of that year!" Han Yu was bloody, whether it was Sect Master Wanjian or Emperor Tongtian, Those are the top figures in history, it’s great to be able to witness that battle

with pleasure.

But Han Yu still has some anxiety in his heart, that is, the Great Emperor Tongtian really lost to Sect Master Wanjian, and was killed by Sect Master Wanjian Sect?

If so, what significance does Han Yu think of that battle?

Moreover, the auras of the two have now formed a terrible oppression on Han Yu. If they really return to that time and space, with the spirit of both traversing the sky and the earth, I am afraid that a little aftermath can make Han Yu fall into a dead end.

Han Yu pondered again and again, and finally chose to go.

No matter what, he wants a truth.

The power of time has little effect on Han Yu, but the terrifying aura of the two people is forming a mountain of pressure. As they get closer to that time and space, Han Yu will endure more pressure. In the end, Han Yu had to summon the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd to protect the body, and use the golden array pattern and the power of time and space to barely block the two breaths, and smoothly step into the core area of ​​the past time and space, entering 50,000 years ago. In the time and space.

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