Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2503: Natural sword

Huo Siyan, Jiang Zitong, Fairy Tourmaline and Han Yu were pierced by a sword, Di Qing was adsorbed by the hilt, Huo Ziwei was adsorbed by the sword, and the spirits of the six masters were sucked by the sword whales and couldn't stop the surge.

Suddenly, the faces of several people became extremely ugly, especially Huo Siyan, who was only a thin line away from death.

However, she is as strong as her, but she can't afford the sword.

"Hmph, swallow and deprive me!" Han Yu snorted coldly, and his essence was absorbed by the sword by about 30%, but this was under Han Yu's defenseless situation.

Following that, Han Yu ran his mind, swallowing the power of the heavenly body, burst out instantly.


The essence that was sucked by the sword was forcibly sucked back by Han Yu in an instant.

Feeling the threat, Baojian trembled suddenly, and no longer absorbed Huo Siyan, Jiang Zitong, Fairy Tourmaline, Huo Ziwei and Di Qing, and used all his energy to deal with Han Yu.

The suction power of the sword suddenly increased, and it pulled Han Yu's essence away.

Han Yu snorted coldly, and the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd burst out with terrifying swallowing power.


Han Yu slapped Jiang Zitong's left shoulder with a palm, and the terrifying power was injected into Jiang Zitong's body, and then spread out in all directions.


There was a loud noise, followed by bursts of exclamation.

Di Qing, Huo Ziwei, Huo Siyan, Fairy Tourmaline, and Jiang Zitong scattered one after another, getting rid of the attraction of the sword!

Only Han Yu was stuck in his abdomen with a sword, absorbing his essence frantically.

"Junior Brother Xiao!"

"Xiao Ping!"


Several people were shocked, Jiang Zitong, Fairy Tourmaline, Di Qing and others immediately rushed to Han Yu. Huo Siyan and Huo Ziwei also changed their looks.

"Don't come over!" Han Yu shouted.

Several people stopped and looked at Han Yu in panic.

The onlookers were already stunned, they all looked at Han Yu and the colorful sword intently.

This is a sword that has not yet opened its edge, but it is far more terrifying than an invincible, unparalleled sword.

Han Yu stretched out his right hand to grasp the hilt, and then slowly pulled the sword out of his body.

The light above the sword was shining, as if it were connected to Han Yu, but Han Yu just pulled it out of his body a little bit. The onlookers were all fearful, and the hearts of Huo Siyan, Huo Ziwei, Jiang Zitong and others all turned up the stormy sea. They had experienced the terrible sword of the sword first-hand, especially Huo Siyan, who saw with their own eyes the powers of the two late gods Being sucked into dried meat by a sword, a man from the early days of the gods actually resisted

The terrible swallowing power of the sword is really incredible.

But now Huo Siyan has no more thoughts, watching Han Yu draw his sword in shock.

It took about ten breaths for Han Yu to barely pull out the sword from his body. You can see that Han Yu's essence is still turning into a torrent and is sucked out of his body by the sword.

Han Yu stretched out his left hand, pinched the tip of the sword, flattened the sword, and then shook his arms violently, shattering the torrent of essence, and then Han Yu's injury began to heal quickly.

After Han Yu held the sword with both hands and shook violently, the devouring power of the sword was dissipated, and he became uneasy. He actively shook, trying to shake Han Yu's hands.

This scene made everyone's eyes widened, and the terrifying sword began to fear Han Yu!

Han Yu firmly grasped the sword, not letting it escape.

After the tea time, the frequency of the sword's vibration suddenly weakened and became quiet. The five-color light emitted was restrained, and finally turned into a sword like colorful glaze, lying quietly in Han Yu's hands.

Han Yu waved the sword twice in one hand, and the wind rang like an ordinary sword.


"Has this sword been surrendered by him..."

"Does Baojian recognize him as the master..."

Everyone was dumbfounded, a horrible sword calmed down, and the only explanation was that they were surrendered.

Even Han Yu hasn't recovered.

This sword is too unworthy, right? Was surrendered so easily?

Han Yu glanced at Void and suddenly fell into thought.

"Since no one has come out to claim it, then this sword is mine!" Han Yu said heartily.

Then, Han Yu urged the Qiankun Bag to put the sword in. To his surprise, the Qiankun Bag could not even put the sword in.

You must know that Han Yu's Universe Bag is comparable to a low-level Celestial Soldier level space magic weapon, and it is impossible to fit this sword in, which shows that this sword is at least a top Celestial Emperor Soldier level magic weapon.

This made Han Yu ecstatic.

Han Yu no longer stayed for a long time, and quickly left with the sword.

Until now, everyone knew that the sword had become Han Yu's pocket, and for a while, many people showed envy and hatred.

Many people only pay attention to Han Yu getting this sword, but ignore how dangerous the process of getting this sword is.

Jiang Zitong, Fairy Tourmaline and Di Qing followed Han Yu without hesitation. Huo Siyan took a deep look at the direction of Han Yu's departure and asked Huo Ziwei to go back to heal her injuries. After a brief treatment of her injuries, she started to deal with matters on the scene. .

After Han Yu returned to the palace, the palace gate was closed tightly, and he declined to see guests. So that Jiang Zitong, Fairy Tourmaline and Di Qing, who followed closely behind, all ate behind closed doors.

After entering the palace, Han Yu entered the practice secret room and began to bleed and recognize the Lord impatiently.

However, to his surprise, blood dripped on the sword, and the sword neither repelled nor absorbed.

Han Yu studied the sword carefully and discovered an astonishing thing, that is, this sword is not an illegal treasure, but a natural bite, not only without Kaifeng, but also a "sword embryo" that has not been refined by others.

"How is this possible?"

Even with Han Yu's knowledge, he was stunned.

A "sword embryo" that hadn't opened the front, hadn't been refined by humans, unexpectedly killed so many people, among them there were two strong men in the late stage of the god.

Han Yu stayed for a long time, suddenly there was a bright light in his chest, and a shocked expression of relief appeared on his face.

"I know, this sword was deliberately buried under the dead wood cliff by the high-ranking members of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect. I want to use the vitality of countless masters to temper this sword and turn it into a magic weapon. The reason why it is so powerful is that Because it has absorbed the vitality of countless masters for tens of thousands of years." "In the beginning, it had so much power to swallow it, so that the powerhouses in the later stage of the gods were sucked to death by it, because it was just unearthed and needed too much. Energy to stabilize the form. Just because it has absorbed enough energy before, I can then contend against it and suppress it. Otherwise, it

At the beginning, the terrible devouring power, even the Heaven-swallowing Dao Body and Heaven-Swallowing Devil Gourd, were not its opponents! "I've picked up a bargain. Of course, if I change to an ordinary person, it will definitely die!" "

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