Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2533: March into the inner circle

Somewhere in the monster battlefield, a small team had just ended a **** battle with a group of monsters and suffered heavy losses. There were only 17 people left in the small team of 23 people, and three others were seriously injured.

"The more you go to the core area, the stronger the monsters and the more they will be. We have been attacked on such a large scale just as we entered the inner surrounding area. You can imagine how difficult the road behind will be!" The old man looked into the depths of the monster battlefield, his face showed a deep worry.

"This is only the junction between the inner and outer periphery, and our destination is to go to the core area!" Another person sighed, and a worrisome flash of anxiety flashed in the depths of his eyes. Maybe they are a team of people. , It may be annihilated.

"Lao Wang, Lao Su, that thing must never fall into the hands of the Zheng family. Our Xi family must take the lead and take that thing as our own!" A graceful, tall, and very handsome woman walked over. There was an unshakable and determined color on his face.

"Miss, don't worry, even if we two old guys fight their lives, we will send the young lady there, and if we get the thing, we will never let it fall into the hands of the Zheng family!" Wang Lao said solemnly.

The woman Xi Yuyao relaxed slightly.

Suddenly, Mr. Wang's transmission jade plaque trembled slightly. After seeing it, Mr. Wang couldn't help but change his face, saying, "Miss, Lao Su, there are large-scale disciples of Wan Jianzong on the outside, and they are coming inside."

"Disciples of Wan Jianzong, how come here at this time?" Both Xi Yuyao and Su Lao changed their colors.

"It should be an introductory test. We hurried to the road, and we must not let the people of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect find us. If we let them know our intentions and if they intervene, we want to get that thing, undoubtedly it is more difficult than reaching the sky." Wang Cautiously.

"Okay, then let's go on the road and rest while walking! We must not let the people of Wan Jianzong catch up with us!" Xi Yuyao hurriedly said.


The disciples of Wan Jianzong, because of the instructions of many elders before entering the monster battlefield, most of them only move in the outer area, but there are also a small number of people who are not afraid of danger and march towards the inner area.

The more you go in, the more monsters you have, and the more powerful they are. Naturally, the more essence stones you can get from slaying, the better.

The temptation to rank in the entry competition makes many people choose to take risks.

Brothers Xiong Feng and Xiong Yun were one of the people who took the risk. The two brothers killed all the way from the border to the junction of the outer and inner walls. They gained a lot. They recruited several followers on the road. By this time their team has reached A crowd of fifteen people.

Such a powerful team can be killed even if it encounters a mid-level demon of the gods, so even if a group of people come to the junction of the outer and inner walls, they are not worried at all.

"Big Brother Feng, Brother Yun, go further to the inner surrounding area, shall we continue?" A follower looked at Xiong Feng and Xiong Yun with a flattering expression.

"Naturally, we have to step forward. Our brother's goal is the first three in the entry test. We must enter the inner surrounding area to hunt down monsters to complete our ambition!" Xiong Yun said proudly.

"Big Brother Feng and Brother Yun are worthy of being the dragon among people. I really admire them!"

"This time we will follow the two horses, and we will look forward to the two horse heads in the future!"

"So are we, being able to follow two people is a blessing that we have cultivated in eight lifetimes!"

A few people flattered the two brothers, making both brothers feel a little airy. Xiong Er was even more instructive, saying: "Don't worry, you will follow our brothers, and you will never treat you badly."

"Yes, yes... Thank you Brother Yun..."

Xiong Yun raised his head and gave a hum, looking at Xiong Feng, his posture instantly lowered a lot. Although he was arrogant, he knew that compared with his elder brother, he was far inferior, and said: "Big brother, we are resting in place. , Or continue on the road?"

Xiong Feng had already watched the surrounding terrain, and he turned his gaze back when he heard the words, and said: "The danger level of the inner area is not comparable to that of the outer area. After everyone rests and recharges, we will not be too late on the road. "

Everyone looked forward to Xiong Feng's horse, and no one had any objections. They all sat cross-legged and closed their eyes to rest.

Not long after, a five-person team came eagerly.

"Who are you guys, didn't you see us resting here?" One person stood up and scolded.

The other party stopped immediately and said with an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry, we don't know that the seniors are resting here. Please forgive me for the offense. Is this a team of Xiong Feng and Xiong Yun?"

"Yes!" The attendant raised his head and stood tall, in a posture of superiority.

The five people were overjoyed, and the leading man hurriedly said: "Brother, please also inform Brother Feng and Brother Yun that the five of us are here to join the two elder brothers, and we also ask the two eldest brothers to take them in."

"Come here!" Xiong Yun spoke directly.

The five people came to the front and saw Xiong Feng and Xiong Yun. Xiong Yun asked casually and let the five people join the team. The number of people in the team instantly became twenty, which was much stronger.

"Have you ever met Xiao Ping?" Xiong Yun looked at the five and asked.

"No." All five of them shook their heads. They all knew the grievances between Xiong's Shuangjiao and Xiao Ping, and they didn't dare to lie.

Xiong Yun said unwillingly: "That **** Xiao Ping runs faster than the rabbit, and now we are about to enter the inner surrounding area, it is even more difficult to find him!"

Xiong Feng calmly said: "Don't worry, we will find Xiao Ping again when we find the essence stone, and he will never run away again!"

Xiong Feng said, stood up, and said, "Everyone has almost rested, let's go!"

A group of people stood up.

"Hey, isn't that Marton? Why did he come here?"

"This kid Marton openly formed an alliance with Xiao Ping, obviously wanting to be enemies with Brother Feng and Brother Yun. This is really unreasonable!"

"Big Brother Feng, Brother Yun, I'll go get that boy Marton, and listen to the two people.

"Go!" Xiong Yun waved his hand casually.

Can't find Han Yu, it's not bad to use Marton to vent his anger.

Marton saw brothers Xiong Feng and Xiong Yun from a distance, and hurriedly turned around and ran away.

However, after all, he was only a person of the true god's later stage of cultivation, and he was chased by the strong man of the early stage of the gods. Soon Marton was picked up like a chicken and threw it in front of Xiong Yun and Xiong Feng.

Xiong Yun kicked Ma Dun's face, kicked Ma Dun several tens of meters away before he stopped, and suddenly he bleeds. "Madun, did you do something to apologize to our brothers? Why did you turn around and run when you saw our brothers without saying anything?" Xiong Yun stared at Marton with a vicious look, making Marton tremble with fear. Quickly kowtow to make amends.

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