Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2550: Melee

"Young Master Xiao, thank you!"

At the junction of the inner and outer periphery of the monster battlefield, Xi Yuyao looked at Han Yu affectionately, reluctantly.

Han Yu didn't say anything, turned and left.

Sending Xi Yuyao here, he has done his best.

"Young Master Xiao!" Xi Yuyao followed after a few steps and said anxiously.

I was afraid that Han Yu would fly away and could not hear him.

"What else?" Han Yu asked, turning his head.

"Young Master Xiao, one year from now will be the day when I inherit the Patriarch of the Xi family. Our Xi family will hold a ceremony, and I want to invite you to participate." Xi Yuyao said, a little shy.

"No time." Han Yu said lightly.

Xuanyunxing is not a star within the jurisdiction of Wan Jianzong, but a star within the management of the Five Elements Sect that is comparable to Wan Jianzong. Han Yu set off from Wan Jianzong, and within half a year he couldn't make it there.

The friendship between Han Yu and Xi Yuyao hasn't reached the level that Han Yu rushed to attend her inheritance ceremony all the way.

Xi Yuyao was a little disappointed, but this was also in her expectation. She still had a strong look of expectation on her face, and said: "Young Master Xiao, I hope you can come. You are kind to me and our Xi family. , I will never forget, I hope I can do my best to repay you..."

Before Xi Yuyao's words were finished, Han Yu's cold voice sounded.

"No need!"

After Han Yu's voice fell, the person had disappeared without a trace.

"..." Xi Yuyao looked at the direction of Han Yu's departure. After a long pause, he muttered to himself like a dream: "Young Master Xiao, why don't you let the family finish the conversation? If you come, let us Xi Home will not only satisfy any of your requirements, but even include me... even if it is..."


Wan Jianzong's entry test, with the emergence of the monster race, the competition has become more intense.

One by one, the protoss masters yelled to slay demons and demons to eliminate harm for the protoss.

Suddenly, almost eliminating monsters became the top priority. If you don't get rid of some monsters, even if you get more essence stones and nuclear amorphites, you can't hold your head up.

Today, the demon removal operation is in full swing.

Sometimes disciples reported to the elders, they killed the monster beast.

And the core of the monster beast is the evidence to kill the monster.

There is a huge valley in the surrounding area of ​​the monster battlefield.

This valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with only one entrance to the south, and the sky above the valley is full of monsters, which is amazing.

At this time, many disciples of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect had gathered outside the valley, and you could see the entrance of the valley, there was already a surge of blood, with the blood of the powerful gods and the blood of monsters.

At first, only one team found this place, but that team was wiped out.

Later, more and more people found here, and hundreds of people have gathered at this time. However, because he belongs to multiple camps, I haven't thought of a plan that everyone agrees to, so I haven't acted rashly for the time being.

"In the valley, there are many monsters and mountain guards. We attacked three times without success, and we lost three people. We must work together to win this valley and hit all the monsters inside. kill!"

"Joining forces is inevitable, but after we have captured the valley, how do we divide the spoils inside?"

"Who contributes more, and who distributes the more? What objection does this have?"

"The truth is the truth, but once the melee starts, who knows who will do more?"


The leaders of several big camps are together, and you will argue with each other, and there will be no discussion about the reason for a while.


Suddenly, from the valley, countless white lights rushed out like a flood.

Those white lights were formed by the monster beast while it was flying fast.

"A monster is coming, defend yourself!"

The war broke out instantly.


With a scream, a master of the Protoss race was bitten off his head by a white as snow monster, chewed it directly into his body, and was eaten raw.


A monster beast was hit on the head by a magic weapon, its head exploded, and blood and blood flowed together.

"Why are you holding me? I'm going to kill the beasts!" In the crowd, a man turned his head and glared at the beautiful woman behind him.

This woman is as quiet as a virgin, pure and noble, like a fairy descending to the earth.

"Let's retreat!" The woman pulled the man back, quickly backing out of the battlefield.

"I respect you as the boss's friend. If you stop me, I will get angry." The man said unhappy.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime war of Guangzong Yaozu, he doesn't want to miss it.

"Hmph, you still dare to mention your boss, if you let your boss know, he must take your skin off!" The woman said coldly.

"Huh?" The man was taken aback and hurriedly said with a smile: "Hehe, you just made a joke, don't be angry."

The woman snorted coldly, let go of the man, and continued to step back.

The man didn't dare to make a second, and followed the woman away. But there was some doubt in his heart, why did he kill the monster and the old man was angry?

Of these two, the male is Marton, and the female is Fairy Tourmaline.

When the two met, Marton shamelessly followed Fairy Tourmaline, Fairy Tourmaline learned that Marton was Han Yu's follower, so he didn't say much.

"Fairy tourmaline, have you noticed that although there are many monsters in this valley, they are all one species." Marton said.

Fairy Tourmaline nodded and sighed faintly as he watched the monster beasts being killed by the powerhouse of the Protoss.

"Han Yu, I have contacted you, you are too late, these monsters have been cut to death, don't blame me!"

She knew that Han Yu was from the Jiuyang Continent and was united with the Yaozu. Although as a protoss, seeing the monster beast being slaughtered by the masters of the protoss, I still couldn't bear it.

Suddenly, a loud roar was earth-shaking.

"In the middle of the god?"

"Monster in the middle of the gods, run away, everyone!"

I saw a huge white fox rushing out from the valley, with slender hair and spotless hair, and a pair of copper bells and big eyes exuding a dazzling cold light.

The appearance is similar to other monsters, a pair of bright eyes exudes a dazzling cold light.

The most eye-catching thing is its tail, which has as many as seven.

Standing in Taniguchi, looking up to the sky and screaming, seven white tails stood up, and then quickly grew into seven long whips, sweeping towards the master of the Protoss.


Suddenly, the screams were endless, and before three breaths, more than a dozen Protoss masters were killed by the great white fox.

"Strike the seven-tailed white fox with all your strength!" a team leader yelled at the big white fox.

Suddenly, more than twenty masters pointed their attacking fingers at the seven-tailed white fox, and an earth-shattering battle began. Although among the disciples of Wan Jianzong, the strongest is only in the early stage of the gods, but there are many people, and they force the seven-tailed white fox to continue to regress.

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