Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2561: Stubborn

"How can you transfer my sonic attack to attack myself?" Elder Right looked at Han Yu incredulously, with a strong look of horror in his eyes.

The reason why he fell to the ground was injured because he was attacked by his own roaring sky technique.

Just now, a terrible sonic attack suddenly appeared from behind him, hit him, and seriously injured him.

"Do you have the power to transfer space?" Elder Zuo glared at Han Yu, exclaiming.

The rest of the people were already dumbfounded, and they used the other way to do what they did. This method was too bad and it was too helpless.

"Is this his true strength?" Fairy Tourmaline was frightened.

Han Yu's previous series of performances are already against the sky. However, Han Yu's strength now is even more incredible.

"Yeah, I should have thought of it. He used to pretend to be Xiao Ping, so naturally he couldn't exert his strongest strength!" Fairy Tourmaline sighed.

On the other hand, Marton had Venus in his eyes, wishing to kneel and kowtow to Han Yu to express his endless admiration and worship.

"Do you want to fight?" Han Yu looked at the right elder lightly.

Elder Right coughed violently, shame and angry.

It wanted to step Han Yu under its feet and save face. But reason tells it that it is not Han Yu's opponent at all.

"Boy, let me teach and teach you your brilliant tricks!" Elder Zuo rushed over, opened his mouth and spit out, a white light burst out of his mouth, which turned into lightning and hit Han Yu.

This is a short knife, unparalleled sharp, and cold.

Bai Qian looked helpless, the left and right old lady was so strong, and she loved face too much. But they don't look at who their opponents are, and if they continue, it will undoubtedly be even more embarrassing.

Bai Qian knew that she could not stop Elder Zuo, so she simply stopped saying anything. He Huqiang helped Elder Right up.

Han Yu flashed one of the Nine Star Transformations, pointing to the sky, pointing a finger on the streamer, and shook the short knife upside down.

Elder Zuo stretched out a tail, wrapped around the hilt of the knife, and was about to launch a stronger attack on Han Yu. Suddenly, Han Yu's cold voice sounded.

"I don't have time to continue playing with you, let's end it!"

"Fist breaks the nine heavens, turns the palm of the sky, breaks the sky with one finger, sweeps the horizon, swords roar the sky... the nine stars change, the universe moves!"


Han Yu displayed the nine major moves of Jiuxing Transformation in one breath, transforming into nine identical Han Yu, and then the nine major moves were fused together, blasting the world.

In an instant, there was a terrifying turmoil on the scene. A scream came out, and when Han Yu's shadow dissipated, Elder Zuo was already lying on the ground, vomiting blood.

The scene was extremely quiet for an instant, and everyone was stunned.

With one move, Han Yu actually only used one move to severely wound the left elder, and the injury was even more serious than that of the right elder.


After the three breaths, bursts of cold breath broke out on the scene.

The body of Elder Right couldn't help trembling.

It can be seen that Han Yu had already reserved his hand for him just now. If Han Yu had shown his full strength at the beginning, then...

"What an arrogant kid, dare to come to my white fox clan sacred mountain to commit murder!"

Suddenly, an angry voice came, and the whole sky trembled three times.


A figure, several disillusions came to the front from a distance.

It is a seven-tailed white fox, but its hair is not as slender and dusty as that of Bai Qian. There are a few gray miscellaneous hairs on one tail. The aura on the body is several times stronger than Bai Qian. Compared with Bai Qian, the left and right elders are far away. Not as good.

"Half of the fox demon who stepped into the late stage of the god." Han Yu narrowed his eyes and became alert for an instant.

You don't need to think about it, this fox demon must be the patriarch of the white fox family, Granny Bai.

"Mother-in-law, this is all a misunderstanding..." Bai Qian hurriedly explained.

Granny Bai glared at Bai Qian, then looked at Han Yu, and said very strongly: "Boy, no matter if you misunderstood it or not, you hurt the mountain elder of our white fox clan before my sacred mountain of the white fox clan. The provocation of the white fox clan, the old man will never take you lightly!"

Bai Qian's expression changed drastically, and she explained again, but Granny Bai did not listen.

Looking at Han Yu said: "Self-breaking meridians, suppressing for a hundred years under the Tiandi Mountain, the old man will forget the blame and let you leave, as for the two gods..."

Granny White turned her gaze to Marton and Fairy Tourmaline, and said coldly: "Just use their blood to pay homage to the holy mountain of my white fox family."

Han Yu shook his head helplessly, and said, "It's okay for the two of them to be stubborn. I didn't expect you to be so indistinguishable from right from wrong. Well, since you have done it, then hit it until you are convinced!"

In the beginning, Han Yu kept his hands on the left and right elders, but the other party had realized the misunderstanding and embarrassed Han Yu. How could Han Yu be polite?

Now, mother-in-law Bai is quite unreasonable, and Han Yu naturally won't give her face.

Many masters of the white fox clan were furious, and Han Yu was simply too arrogant and too defiant.

Even if Han Yu saved the lives of many people in the white fox clan, the white mother-in-law is their patriarch, and their taboos cannot be profaned.

"Boy, I have to say that you are too arrogant, but arrogance often comes at a price!" Granny Bai's eyes became cold and severe.

"Often the people who pay the price are those who say that to me." Han Yu said calmly.


Granny White's body shook, and the horror breath instantly swept through nine days. All the members of the white fox clan shook upside down and flew away.

"Mother-in-law..." Bai Qian called weakly.

Granny Bai ignored it at all.


In the next moment, Granny Bai turned into a white light and rushed towards Han Yu like lightning.

"Boom boom boom..."

In a blink of an eye, the two fought dozens of moves. When they were separated, Han Yu was caught in several places on his clothes.

"Show me everything!"

Granny Bai said, and the seven tails soared rapidly, turning into seven spears, assassinating Han Yu one after another.

The speed is so fast that it is hard to see clearly with the naked eye.

"Thorn against the sky, Brother Xiao, be careful..." Bai Qian changed color and hurriedly reminded.

The thorn against the sky is a unique magical power of the white fox family, and the tail turns into a spear, like the barb of a scorpion. The more the tail of the fox demon, the stronger the power of the sky-defying thorns.

"Do you treat me as a sparring partner? Humph!"

Han Yu moved his fists and collided with Granny Bai's tail.

With every impact, Han Yu's fist felt a little pain. After fighting a hundred moves, Han Yu's fists were actually worn out.

"It's worthy of being a strong man with half of his feet in the late stage of the gods, it is really scary!"

Although Granny White was also the cultivation base of the Celestial God's mid-term, her combat power was far beyond the elders of the left and right, even Huo Siyan compared with it, I am afraid that they are inferior. Granny Bai's heart was even more shocked. It is incredible that Han Yu, a small **** who cultivated in the early stage, could not defeat her with a hundred moves.

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