Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2564: Practice history

"Later generations call the history before the first prosperous age of cultivation the First Era, also known as the Age of Saints. In the prosperous age of cultivation, that is, after the Era of Saints, the powerhouse of Emperor Wu (True God) ranks first. This time, Emperor Wu (True God) became dissatisfied with the current world and turned his attention to the distant stars of the universe. Emperor Wu (True God) crossed the void and broke into another world, only to find out that they were in addition to their original world. , There are other worlds. As Wudi (True God) more and more powerhouses, the powerhouses who cross the boundary

The more you come, the more fiercer the competition becomes. Gradually, the competition between individuals and individuals has transformed into competition between the world and the world, and even a world war has begun. "It was a great collision and a great fusion of cultivation culture in a great world. Although most of the world was not peaceful, it allowed cultivation to flourish. This was the second era in the history of cultivation, also known as For the Emperor Era. After countless years of collision and integration of cultivation culture,

Countless amazing talents have been born, and a name that has shocked the ages has also appeared in this era. This name is-Ling Tiandi! "Emperor Ling Tian, ​​during the prosperous cultivation period, when everyone thought that Emperor Wu (True God) was the ultimate state of martial arts, he broke the convention and broke through the shackles of heaven and earth, reaching an unprecedented height, becoming the first breakthrough in the history of cultivation. The supreme powerhouse in the realm of the emperor of heaven

under! Opened the third era of cultivation history-the era of Emperor Tian. "Cultivation in the world has entered a new level. And as people's strength increased, their ambitions gradually became larger. The battle for training resources during the Emperor Era period turned into a battle of aggression. The powerful world began to invade the weak world wildly. After countless years of war, some original

This powerful world has fallen, or has been destroyed directly, but some originally weak worlds have become stronger. In the last years of the Third Age, the world of thousands formed a relatively peaceful situation, and the realm of Gods gradually established a leading position in the world. "After tens of thousands of years of development in this way, cultivation can be said to have reached an unprecedented heyday. Numerous powerhouses at the peak of the gods have begun to pursue a higher way and more lifespan! Finally, in this era of great prosperity in cultivation, one person rises strongly and pushes the other way forward.

A gate. "

"God of Ten Thousand Worlds, you are talking about Divine Venerable of Ten Thousand Worlds?" Suddenly, Marton's excited voice sounded.

Everyone turned their attention to Marton. Granny White nodded and said: "Yes, it is the **** of the ten thousand worlds. He is the first person to open the door of the gods world in the thousands of small worlds. It is he who pushed the cultivation to the top. It is him. Brings the history of cultivation into the Fourth Era-the Era of Gods. But Gods of Ten Thousand Realms is an careerist,

He is not only satisfied with the respect of all realms, he wants to pursue a higher way. So he thought of a frenzied way, that is to deprive other worlds of luck to achieve himself! "Qi Luck, like a person's spirit, is the fundamental development of a world. Once the air is taken away, the world will gradually decline." At the beginning, no one was the opponent of the gods of the ten thousand realms, and one small world was controlled by the gods of the ten thousand realms, and he was deprived of luck. But later, other

In the small world, some people broke through the realm of the gods (divines) one after another, and began to rise up against the gods of the ten thousand realms! "So, the most terrifying war in the history of cultivation began. Almost the entire Fourth Era was in a world war that ruined the world, during which countless worlds were destroyed and removed. After countless years of war, the God Realm finally suppressed thousands of worlds with unparalleled strength

, Stepped on all the world, became the final winner in the Fourth Age. Since then, the Fifth Era has been opened. The Protoss calls it the Bright Era, but we call it the Dark Era. "The first, second, third, and fourth epochs are all divided by the history of cultivation. Each epoch represents a brand-new history of cultivation; only the fifth era is divided according to the war. The darkest era in the history of cultivation. Today, we are in the Fifth Age.

In terms of time, it is exactly one hundred and thirty-five thousand (1305,000) years of the Fifth Era. "

Han Yu said in astonishment: "We Nine Suns Continent was suppressed only 100,000 years ago. Why has it been so long?" The white mother shook her head and said: "Since the Fifth Era, thousands of worlds have been suppressed. The Protoss has been suppressed, but the method of suppression has been changing. In the beginning, the Protoss directly allowed the strong to use a large amount of mana, depriving the Nine Sun Continent of luck, and using the same methods to deal with the rest of the small world. The Nine Sun Continent has launched it. Countless resistances have been suppressed. The closest thing to success is that one hundred thousand years ago, countless masters in Jiuyang Continent, after millions of years of self-cultivation, cultivated countless geniuses, from the demon ancestors, the ancestors of Huangquan and the swallowing devil The ancestor led him to enter the realm of God and kill directly

When we arrived at the core area of ​​the God Realm, it was a pity that we were caught in the tricks of the God Race! "Han Yu can imagine that it must be the large-scale attack on the Jiuyang Continent one hundred thousand years ago, which caused the Protoss to feel the crisis, so he did nothing and did nothing, and used the big formation to suppress the thousands of worlds, forming the avenue suppression, directly Let the thousands of worlds no longer have the possibility of the supreme powerhouse. Directly from the root

Relieving the disaster from the source can be said to be extremely vicious.

Han Yu, the left and right guardians, and Bai Qian all heard indignation and passion.

Marton and Fairy Tourmaline looked at each other from face to face. Some things about the Fifth Age, as the Protoss, would never know.

Only now did they discover that the so-called dark turmoil of the Protoss was nothing compared to the Dark Era of the Thousands of Worlds.

"No wonder he hated me so much at the beginning, and I ignored him many times. It turned out that he was not against me, but against the entire Protoss!" Fairy Tourmaline sighed, heartbroken for what happened to Han Yu.

"It's no wonder that he is so strong, so amazing and brilliant, who can walk out of such a harsh environment, and has escaped countless pursuits by the Protoss. How can he be a mediocre person?"

Fairy Tourmaline's gaze at Han Yu became complicated.

On one side is my own race, on the other side is the man I admire, admire, and admire.

Which side should I choose?

At the beginning, she thought that Han Yu would gradually feel powerless when facing the giant **** race, gradually giving up hatred, and gradually becoming a member of the gods.

Now that she learned of the peerless feud between the thousands of worlds and the Protoss, she realized that Han Yu would never give up the hatred! The most important thing is that with Han Yu's ability, one day he will become the greatest enemy of the Protoss!

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