Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2678: Enter the Jietian Temple

"Han Yu, you'd better not die too fast, I haven't tortured you well yet!" Wei Kun clenched his fists, his face showing incomparable resentment.


The Black Pearl shook, and the fifth defensive shield exploded.

Han Yu and Yang Fang on the ship were shocked pale.

In the face of the Black Pearl's defensive being broken layer by layer, Han Yu and Yang Fang were helpless. Although they both used their full strength to stimulate the Black Pearl, there was no other way but to extend the speed at which the Black Pearl was broken!




The defensive shield of the Black Pearl exploded like big stars, and only the last layer of defensive shield remained.

The people on the Corsair and King Shark began to cheer.


The ninth shield blew up.

Immediately afterwards, a long bell rang, shaking up for nine days and moving down to Jiuyou.


Han Yu and Yang Fang held Mo Yuanzhong against the energy storm and soared into the sky.

"The top **** soldier?" everyone exclaimed.

The top deity soldier, that is a powerful weapon that must be feared by the strong who stepped into the peak of the deity.

"Although it is a top-level Celestial Soldier, it's just a damaged top-level Celestial Soldier. It's nothing to worry about!"

"Boom boom boom..."

The three powerhouses blasted against Mo Yuanzhong three times in succession. Mo Yuanzhong was almost blown away, and both Han Yu and Yang Fang were shocked and coughed up blood.

Mo Yuanzhong's defense was not as good as the Black Pearl, how could he withstand their bombardment.

Han Yu quickly used the third type of time and space, but failed to break out of the siege.

These nine masters are no better than Shiyu. Shiyu attacked and killed by brute force, unable to spur the power of the void to hinder the void; and these nine strong, everyone can close the void with a gesture and make Han Yu unable to cross.


Mei Hetong hit Mo Yuanzhong with a punch, Mo Yuanzhong swayed continuously, and Han Yu and Yang Fang were injured again.

Death may be a foregone conclusion!

But Han Yu didn't panic, but in his eyes, there was a cruel look.

Yang Fang also looked like a strong man was going to die.


Digital master, shot at the same time!

Mo Yuanzhong was powerless to resist an attack by a strong man, let alone several people at the same time.

Suddenly, Yang Fang grabbed Han Yu's hand and held it tightly.

Han Yu frowned!

"Brother Han, can fight side by side with you, die together, I have no regrets!" Yang Fang smiled at Han Yu, suddenly the brilliance of her face was drifting away, and she was finally about to show her true identity.

Before she died, she wanted Han Yu to see the real her.


At this moment, the world trembled suddenly, as if at the far end, a giant was holding the sky with one hand and the ground with the other, shaking like crazy.

Then, a dull voice sounded, as if the door that had been sealed for a long time was suddenly opened.

"Look, Jietian Temple has been opened!"

"Who is he, how can he open Jietian Temple?"

Everyone hurriedly looked at Jietian Temple, and saw that the door of Jietian Temple was slowly opening, and a figure flashed in.

"He is... Crow Taoist?" Han Yu was taken aback, because it was a startling glance, he did not see who opened Jietian Temple.

"Impossible, only people who know the'Hero-Smiting One Hundred Eight Numbers' can open the Hall of Smiting Heaven, there is no such person in this world." An exclamation sounded in Han Yu's mind.

"Jietian Temple has been opened, go in!"

"The supreme secret book, the supreme magic weapon, the magic medicine seed, here I am!"

Suddenly, countless people stretched out and rushed towards Jietian Hall like moths fighting a fire.

What is surprising is that the terrifying coercion of Jietian Temple has disappeared, and anyone can rush to it. In a flash, several people rushed into Jietian Temple.

The nine masters were not calm, and immediately five people abandoned Han Yu and rushed to Jietian Temple.

Compared with killing Han Yu, getting the treasure in Jietian Temple is the most important thing.


In an instant, three people showed off and rushed over. Only Meihetong remained at the scene.

Mei Hetong slammed Mo Yuanzhong with a punch, making Han Yu and Yang Fang grumble again and again, but failed to kill Han Yu and Yang Fang.

"Little thief, you are lucky today!"

Mei Hetong pressed a cruel word and hurriedly stretched out and rushed into the Jietian Hall.

A catastrophe was resolved in this way.

Yang Fang let out a suffocating breath for the rest of his life, his face calmed down.

Han Yu quietly pulled out his left hand and looked at Yang Fang and said, "You still don't want me to see your true face?"

Yang Fang smiled slyly, and suddenly controlled Mo Yuanzhong to rush out towards Jietian Hall, leaving Han Yu in place.

"Brother Han, as long as you chase me, I will let you see my true face!"

Yang Fang's voice came slowly. It was no longer the male voice before, but a beautiful female voice, full of magnetism. Just this voice can fascinate thousands of passionate men.

However, Han Yu's complexion was calm. He had long known that Yang Fang was disguised as a man.

Soon, Yang Jianrong rushed into Jietian Temple and disappeared without a trace.

In the noisy Canghai Star Region, there were only a few corpses and three ships left soon, except for Han Yu, everyone entered the Jietian Temple.

Han Yu is not in a hurry, using his mind to heal his injuries quickly.

After the blood returned to calm, Han Yu took a step towards Jietian Temple.

Jietian Temple, which is like a giant crouching, floats on the surface of the sea, losing its previous power to overwhelm sentient beings, it seems that it has become an ordinary palace.

Han Yu came to the front of the palace, cast his eyes on the opened palace gate, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Before, Han Yu carefully observed the patterns, patterns, runes, etc. on the palace gate, and remembered everything on it. And now the patterns, patterns, runes, etc. above the palace gate are quite different from the previous ones.

"Is this the'Jietian One Hundred Eight Numbers'? Sure enough, there are some ways." Han Yu's eyes are piercing, at this time, he has already seen some ways.

"Does Jietian still have a descendant?" In Han Yu's mind, an uncertain voice sounded again.

Han Yu stepped into the gate, as if walking into a teleportation gate. Suddenly, there was a feeling of turbulence. When Han Yu regained his sight, he appeared in a vast starry sky.

For this, Han Yu is not surprised.

Smiting Heaven Hall is the dojo of Heaven Smiting God Venerable, and there must be a different heaven inside.

Within the vast starry sky, there was only Han Yu, and all those who had entered before had disappeared.

When Han Yu came in, he had discovered that the teleportation array above the gate of Jietian Divine Venerable was teleported separately, which meant that the location where everyone came in would be different.

Han Yu looked for a direction and was just about to move forward. The stars hanging around suddenly spun. The light emitted by each star began to increase sharply, and it didn't take long for it to increase more than tenfold. The light is like a sword, very dazzling.

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