Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2713: Promoted to inner disciple

After Han Yu returned to the residence of the outer door, he started to do his own things as if there was no problem.

The first thing is to practice "The Immeasurable Golden Body Jue".

"The Immeasurable Golden Body Jue" is the reward that Han Yu got through the "Tianhe Washing Body" in the Palace of Seeking Immortals, and has never had time to practice.

"The Immeasurable Golden Body Jue" is a high-level supernatural power, known as the strongest exercise technique, and Han Yu is very excited.

Opening the cheats, the densely packed introductions greeted Han Yu.

"The Immeasurable Golden Body Jue" is divided into three parts, the first is the unbreakable golden body, the second is the jade body without dust, and the third is the infinite. After Han Yu finished reading the whole secret book, he couldn't help but was excited and yearned.

"The Immeasurable Golden Body Art really deserves to be a high-level supernatural power!" Han Yu sighed. The first prerequisite for practicing "The Immeasurable Golden Body Art" is to have the body of a peak-level powerhouse of the gods. If the body fails to meet this requirement, it will explode and die. In other words, the cultivation base that does not reach the peak of the gods, let alone the cultivation of "The Immeasurable Golden Body Art", is the beginning of cultivation.

The requirements were not met.

However, Han Yu is an exception. Although his cultivation is now reduced to the mid-term Great Perfection of the Emperor of Heaven, his physical strength has not changed. It can already be comparable to the powerhouse at the peak of the gods, which means that Han Yu is already qualified for cultivation. The conditions of "Infinite Golden Body Art".

Han Yu took a closer look at the first practice method of "The Infinite Golden Body Jue". After reading it carefully, Han Yu already had a basic grasp of the first heavy golden body. Everyone's body is composed of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Among the five elements, the most defensive and toughest element is the gold element. The five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. Wood generates fire, fire generates soil, native gold, gold generates water, and water generates wood. In theory, any five element elements can interact with each other.


The essence of the first level of the practice of "The Immeasurable Golden Body Art" is to use the principle of intergrowth of the five elements to transform the four elements of "wood, water, fire and earth" in the human body into "gold" elements, so as to achieve the strongest and toughest defense of the body degree.

Although this is simple, it is actually a process of death.

Everyone's body must maintain the balance of the five elements in order to survive normally. Any deviations may cause serious problems. The so-called too rigid and easy to break, is also the reason.

This is why "The Immeasurable Golden Body Art" requires the physical body to reach the peak strength of the gods in order to practice. If the average person rashly transforms the five elements in his body, it is tantamount to suicide. Once the body reaches the level of the peak power of the gods, it will complete a huge sublimation, which can be said to have transcended some common sense in the world. For example, even if there is only one element in the body, it can still survive in a short period of time, so Han Yu can safely and boldly practice "Infinite

Golden Body Jue.

According to the practice method, Han Yu first controlled the earth element in his body to transform into gold element.

The pain was far beyond Han Yu's expectations. He just started to move, and his body was twitching with pain, as if a wire was slowly being pulled out in his body.

This is because Han Yu's body has reached the level of an ordinary Celestial Peak powerhouse, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Han Yu clenched his teeth and insisted.

Since this is a secret book left by Jietian God, there should be no fake. Although the process was painful, Han Yu still practiced methodically. After a dazzling half a month, Han Yu practiced to completely transform the earth element in his body into gold element. Han Yu looked a little weird at this time, his face was pale, but there was a faint gold in the pale, like

A very sick person was coated with a thin layer of gold powder.

After converting the earth element into the gold element, Han Yu controlled the conversion of the gold element into the water element, the water element into the wood element, the wood element into the fire element, and the fire element into the earth element, and he returned to normal.

"Infinite Golden Body Art" is a magical power, and only when it is used can its power be manifested. It is precisely because of this that "The Immeasurable Golden Body Jue" can exist reasonably. Otherwise, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible for the five elements in the body to be out of balance for a long time. Only one element exists.

In other words, Han Yu only needs to transform other elements into gold when he casts the "Infinite Golden Body Art".

Only by practicing the process of transformation to within a breath of time can it be used in the battle of masters like Han Yu.

Han Yu now only needs half a month to transform the earth element into the gold element, and there are still thousands of miles away from cultivation.

Moreover, it is the easiest to convert the earth element into the gold element, and the difficulty of the fire element, wood element, water element, etc., has increased geometrically.

After Han Yu restored the balance of the five elements in his body, he did not rush to continue practicing.

Practicing "The Immeasurable Golden Body Jue" is a painful and long process, and you have to take it step by step.

Two more days later, Li Diefeng came to find Han Yu in person. Tell Han Yu that the matter with the Five Elements Sect has come to an end. The implication is that their internal investigation has ended, why should Han Yu go? As for the negotiations with the Five Elements Sect, it was left to them.

For this, Han Yu is not surprised.

Doesn't it mean that he has Sword Nine Spirits as a backer? Originally, what Han Yu did was to win the glory for Ten Thousand Sword Sect. Naturally, they had no reason to punish Han Yu heavily.

Later, Li Diefeng told Han Yu that he had been promoted to the inner disciple by exception and had arranged a place for Han Yu to go to the inner door to complete the formalities as soon as possible.

In fact, this is just a process of identity authentication.

Han Yu is already a registered disciple of Jian Jiuling, and has already been automatically upgraded to an inner disciple.

"The disciples of the 18 disciples under the Sect Master can be unconditionally promoted to the inner disciple." This is the rule of Wan Jianzong. Even if Han Yu is only a named disciple, it is no exception.

On the second day, Han Yu moved to the inner door very low-key.

The fact that Han Yu was a disciple of Jian Jiuling had not been spread.

The people present on that day were all smart people, so naturally they wouldn't talk nonsense everywhere.

Han Yu was also happy, and he didn't want to be treated as a monster everywhere.

After handling the inner door matters, Han Yu set off for the Gate of Time and Space.

The woman and Caifeng never came back, and Han Yu always felt that something went wrong. The root of the problem is probably in the woman.

The woman was memorized by Han Yu from the past time and space to this time and space. The answer may be found in the past time and space at the Gate of Time and Space.

The gate of time and space was still guarded by the two old men, who had made Han Yu feel unpredictable at the beginning. At this time, in Han Yu's eyes, that was the case. Both of them are the cultivation bases stepping into the peak of the gods. Although the cultivation bases pressure Han Yu, it is already impossible for Han Yu to feel pressure.

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