Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2772: Get magic medicine

The magical medicine and psychic can go up to the earth, and have a keen sense of smell. It is very accurate in anticipating danger, and it is difficult to force it to catch. But Han Yu's shot speed was too fast, and it was unpredictable. Before Yulan could react, she was caught by Han Yu.

"From then on, follow me obediently, or I will refine you now without knowing it." Han Yu said solemnly.

"Ah? Boy, I am a magic drug, Tiandi orphan, you will hurt Tianhe if you do this, and you will be punished by the world and the world." Jue Xian Yulan panicked.

"Humph!" Han Yu hummed lightly, not caring.

"How on earth did Hongxia choose her successor? How could she be so cruel?" Jue Xian Yulan muttered.

"Did you think about it? Do you obediently surrender, or continue to resist?" Han Yu said calmly.

Jue Xian Magnolia has no choice, she said unwillingly: "Let me follow you, but we have three chapters."

Han Yu said lightly: "Say."

Jue Xian Yulan lost her temper in an instant, and it was found out, this one's temper was much bigger than it. "First, I will accompany you in your cultivation until the day you die. After you die, you will let me regain my free body; second, you must not hurt me, use the means of refining my body to help you Cultivation. If you agree to these two conditions, I will accompany you for life, otherwise you will be killed

Nor does it work. "Juxian Magnolia is very stubborn.

Han Yu couldn't help but meditate secretly, refining the celestial magnolia, although it can quickly repair his wounds, but once the magical medicine is consumed, he wants to recover, I don't know it will be the year of the monkey.

The benefits that can be obtained, certainly did not allow him to accompany him, has been helping the cultivation to come true.

This is why, since ancient times, after the supreme powerhouse got the magic medicine, he always let it accompany him instead of directly refining it.

Direct refining is a one-shot deal, but letting it accompany you for a lifetime is a lifetime benefit.

Seeing Han Yu thinking, Jue Xian Yulan continued to persuade Han Yu, saying, "My effect on you is nothing more than saving the dead, practicing and living a longer life. Let me stay by your side, and you will get these benefits."

Having been with the magical medicine for a long time, even if he didn't refine the magical medicine, he could still get all the benefits of the magical medicine. This Han Yu didn't doubt.

Han Yu said: "Let you be by your side, can you repair my injury?"

Jue Xian Magnolia was a little surprised and said: "Boy, you have a wound? I rely on, then you don’t have to finish playing without me? Don’t worry, if I can make you live for a lifetime, what’s the difficulty of repairing the little wound? of?"

Han Yu asked, "How long does it take?"

Jue Xian Yulan confidently said, "Give me a hundred years and return your peak."

Han Yu said: "A hundred years is too long!"

Jue Xian Yulan said: "That seventy years!"

Han Yu said: "My limit is one year!"

"Huh?" Jue Xian Magnolia was startled and said angrily: "Boy, you might as well refine me directly."

Jue Xian Magnolia regretted it after she said it.

Han Yu said, "In that case, I can only refine you!"

Jue Xian Yulan shuddered, it could feel that Han Yu was not joking. After thinking for a while, he said: "Thirty years, you give me thirty years, and I promise to repair your wounds."

Han Yu did not answer. Jue Xian Yulan was anxious to cry, and said, "Brother, is there really no room for negotiation? If you help you repair the wound within a year, even if you don't refine me, I will definitely turn from a magical medicine to a demi-magic medicine. , Even reduced to the holy medicine, then my value is almost zero. I want to restore the magic medicine

Level, even if you use Chaos Soil to absorb it every day, I won’t be able to recover without ten thousand years. In other words, within ten thousand years, you will not get any benefit from me. "But as long as you give me thirty years, I can not only help you repair the injury, I will not be downgraded, so that I can continue to benefit you until you die of old age." A cultivator of your level, still care about one year or thirty years? If you are smart, you will definitely listen to me.


Han Yu thought for a while and said, "Okay, then thirty years."

Thirty years is absolutely unacceptable to Han Yu, but he has a way.

Jue Xian Magnolia breathed a long sigh of relief, and said: "So from now on, we will be friends. In the future, we will respect each other and take care!"

Han Yu was speechless, never expecting Jue Xian Yulan to be such an old fritters.

"Since we are all friends, can you let me go? Don't worry, our magic medicine is proud and trustworthy. It is difficult to chase after a word." Jue Xian Yulan said proudly.

Han Yu let go.

Jue Xian Magnolia flew around Han Yu, a shower of light fell on Han Yu, and was quickly absorbed by Han Yu's pores.

After entering the body, it quickly dissolves.

Han Yu's fatigue disappeared instantly.

"It's a magical medicine!" Han Yu sighed secretly.

He is a person who has refined demi-magic medicine. Although demi-magic medicine also carries the word "God", it is really not worth mentioning compared with magic medicine.

"It's no wonder that even the supreme powerhouse is eager for magical medicine!"

Jue Xian Magnolia turned around and stopped in front of Han Yu, and said, "This is a meeting ceremony, are you satisfied?"

Han Yu nodded.

Jue Xian Yulan said: "You will get more benefits in the future."

Han Yu naturally wouldn't doubt, and said, "How do I get out of here?"

Now that he got the magic medicine, Han Yu had his wish. Now that the Alien Space is closed, less than a month later, he can no longer stay here.

"Follow me!" Jue Xian Yulan flew to the northwest, followed by Han Yu.


As the time for the closing of the alien space approached, everyone began to rush to the exit.

Han Yu surpassed all relevant levels, won the first place in all levels, and may get the legendary magic drug, which caused an uproar.

It is said that after the God Realm received this news, a supreme and powerful person appeared.

But after Han Yu passed the 108th checkpoint, he completely disappeared from everyone's sight. No one knew where he went.

Whether it is Han Yu's supporter, or the person who wants to win over Han Yu, or the person who has a ghost, finally had to leave with regret.

"Did you leave quietly again?"

Fang Yang felt bitter in her heart. Although she had been psychologically prepared, she was still a little sad because of the fact.

She didn't ask Han Yu to do anything, as long as she could be alone with her, she would be satisfied.

"There must be countless murderous opportunities hidden in those four exits, but I believe you can leave safely. I hope we meet next time, it won't be too long!"

Fang Yang glanced at the Alien Space for the last time, and set off on his return journey.

There are thirteen entrances to the alien space, nine of which are controlled by the nine martial sects, and the other four become the portals for casual practitioners to enter the alien space. Han Yu's identity is a casual repairer, and now many people are lying in ambush at the four entrances.

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