Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2793: Jiang's Abacus

The competition between Han Yu and Jiang Ruoxi made many people look forward to it, but the actual progress was very disappointing.

It didn't take long for Han Yu to win by an absolute advantage.

It's not that Jiang Ruoxi is not strong, but because her mentality has collapsed and her Dao heart is unstable, which is Han Yu's opponent.

For the people of their line, it can be said to be worse, but there is no alternative.

After the test, Jiang Ruoxi left sadly.

Seeing the shadow drifting away, many people can't help but sigh in secret, a bright pearl, perhaps just so sad.

Jian Shiqi looked at Jiang Mantian and said, "Clan Chief Jiang, I promised you that as long as Jiang Ruoxi can defeat Xiao Ping, I will accept her as a disciple. Since she has lost, we won't talk about it in the future."

Jiang Mantian barely showed a bitter smile on his face, and said, "It's because Ruoxi doesn't have this blessing!"

Jian Seventeen turned to look at Han Yu and said, "Xiao Ping, you let me lose a good disciple, how can you compensate me?"

Everyone was stunned!

Including Jiang Mantian!

Many people don't understand. It seems that Jian Shiqi doesn't want to accept Jiang Ruoxi as a disciple, so why now he blames Han Yu?

Han Yu finally realized what Tianhe said before.

The real trouble comes now.

Han Yu looked at Jian Seventeen with a helpless expression. He is really dumb now that he eats Huanglian and can't tell!

Sword Seventeen: "I will give you a year to help me find a good apprentice. If it fails, you will worship me as a teacher!"


Everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

Who is Xiao Ping? A named disciple of Jian Jiuling.

Sword Seventeen actually said such things in front of everyone. Isn't this openly challenging Jian Jiuling?

Han Yu smiled bitterly, and now he seemed to have nothing to do except for a bitter smile.

Sword Seventeen didn't give Han Yu any room at all, so he turned around and left!

Soon Han Yu became the focus of the scene, and everyone looked at him strangely.


The Jiang family affairs officially ended, and the guests from all sides began to return.

Han Yu was left behind by Jiang Woyun and his son, as if he was honoring his ancestors.

Not only gave Han Yu a large amount of property, but also personally accompanied Han Yu to browse the Jiang family library, making Han Yu a full harvest.

After staying in Jiang's house for three days, Han Yu left and went straight to the Sword Spirit Palace.

Jian Jiuling must be informed of what happened to the Jiang family.

Han Yu thought that Jian Jiuling would be furious, but to Han Yu's surprise, Jian Jiuling was very indifferent.

After learning about the Sword Seventeen, he said lightly: "You just follow your Seventeenth Uncle's will. If you can't find a good disciple for her within a year, then you can do it yourself!"

"It's up to you?" Han Yu was one of the first two adults.

Originally, it was the battle between Jian Shiqi and Jian Jiulin, but Han Yu was embarrassed at this time.

Jian Shiqi didn't even look at Jiang Ruoxi, where would Han Yu look for a disciple for her?

Han Yu thought for a while and let him go. Soldiers came to block, water came to cover the earth, and directly entered the gate of time and space and closed it.


The Jiang Clan Association, although it was determined that Jiang Ruoyu was the future patriarch's successor, still undercurrents.

After all, Jiang Ruoyu's line of influence is weak, and Jiang Ruoyu is not the strongest person among Jiang's peers, and it is difficult to convince the crowd.

A behemoth seems to be approaching division.

In the current situation, the clan Yangtze River was overwhelmingly uncontrollable, and had to enter the forbidden area to seek help from the most respected person in the Jiang family.

"Father, this is how things are going. The direction of the clan association has almost been reversed by Xiao Ping's own efforts. Now Jiang Ruoyu has become the heir. Many people are not convinced. The undercurrent is already surging. I am afraid that the time will change, so I came to seek my father. opinion."

Sitting across from Jiang Mantian was an old man with white hair and white robe.

This talent is the real helm of the Jiang family. The Jiang family's predecessor, Yangtze River Ruhai, is a person who can talk and laugh even with Jian Jiuling, Jian Shiqi and others.

Unlike Jiang Mantian, although he was comparable to those people, he was actually a bit shorter.

Jiang Ruhai didn't fluctuate much, and said lightly: "Since it's a foregone conclusion, then you have to support Jiang Ruoyu and train him into a qualified successor."

Jiang Mantian hesitated and said, "Yes, father!"

He came here because he actually hoped that Jiang Ruhai would come forward to change this fortune. Unexpectedly, Jiang Ruhai saw it so indifferently that he dared not say anything.

"It's just..." Jiang Mantian hesitated again.

"Don't hesitate, just say anything." Jiang Ruhai said.

"Yes, father." Jiang Mantian's expression was lifted, he cheered up, and said, "Father, I don't think it is easy for Xiao Ping to appear this time. Could it be the meaning of Jian Jiuling, or Wan Jianzong? Meaning." Jiang Ruhai's expression remained unwavering, and said: "As long as the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords stays in one day, our Jiang family is a family under Ten Thousand Swords Sect. We have to follow the rules set by Ten Thousand Swords Sect. Or the meaning of Wan Jianzong, that’s better, with their support, Jiang Ruoyu’s future success

It will be bigger, and our Jiang family will certainly receive more care. "

Jiang Mantian nodded. What he always thought was that the Jiang family's successors were not well intervened by outsiders, but they were not as comprehensive and thorough as Jiang Ruhai saw.

Jiang Ruhai paused for a while and then said: "That Xiao Ping, there must be something in the future. Our Jiang family can build a good relationship with him before he grows up."

Jiang Mantian said nothing, he hated Han Yu to death now. Upon seeing this, Jiang Ruhai frowned slightly, and reprimanded: "Don't be blinded by the current Xiaoli Xiaohui. Xiao Ping's disruption caused Ruo Xi to lose his successor status. It is a loss for our Jiang family. But it is also because of this. , Jiang Ruoyu and Xiao Ping have established a good relationship, for us Jiang Ruoyu

The future development of the home has many benefits. But this relationship is not enough. We must let Xiao Ping and our Jiang family advance and retreat together. "

Jiang Mantian said in surprise: "Father, although Xiao Ping has good potential and high status, it is too early to put the future of our Jiang family on him now?"

Jiang Ruhai snorted dissatisfiedly and said, "You think it's too early, but I think it's too late."

Jiang Mantian was speechless.

He did not agree with Jiang Ruhai's views, but he did not dare to object.

Jiang Ruhai thought for a while and said, "Let's go ahead and talk to Jian Jiuling personally to promote the marriage relationship."

Jiang Mantian's eyes widened in surprise, and asked, "Father, who do you want to marry Xiao Ping?"

Jian Jiuling was just a disciple, Xiao Ping, who talked about marriage with Jian Jiuling, so he wanted to recruit Xiao Ping as Jiang's son-in-law. Jiang Ruhai said, "Among the many girls in the Jiang family, only Ruoxi has this qualification!"

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