Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2828: Villain

This horse is not very practiced, but if it is exploded, generally a strong person who steps into the peak of the gods will be injured. However, in Han Yu's hands, it was as meek as a breath of breeze. Following Han Yu's play and Han Yu's thoughts, he directly inhaled the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd.

melted. Blood Tyrannosaurus looked stunned. This training was when he fought against the masters of the Six Dao Sects. The vitality left in his body by the opponent has tortured the Tyrannosaurus for thousands of years. It is like a tarsal maggot. The solution can’t be solved, I didn’t expect to be sucked out so easily by Han Yu, and

It is also directly inhaled into the body without causing any impact on the body.

Blood Tyrannosaurus was both shocked and touched, and fell directly to his knees, thanking him a lot.

With this training being taken away by Han Yu, his injuries will soon heal, and the dark ailments that have plagued him for thousands of years and have greatly reduced his lifespan will disappear.


A sound of wind sounded, and Blood Tyrant raised his head, Han Yu had already broken through the air.

"Who is he? Why do you want to help me?" Blood Tyrannosaurus was very puzzled.

Han Yu traversed the void all the way. Although the Fragmented Sky Star Region was full of void turbulence and void gaps, with Han Yu's control of the power of the void, he could walk on the ground even here.

A few days later, Han Yu "unintentionally" met Wang Miao and others in the periphery.

They had entered the inner area, but were fully blocked by the Void Tyrannosaurus family, and had to retreat to the outside.

Seeing Han Yu again, Wang Miao was very unwilling.

Wei Zhiqiang also showed hostility towards Han Yu, and Han Yu was naturally rude and treated them coldly.

However, no one said anything.

Soon, when the test was over, Han Yu's group met Yun Songyu's group at the exit.

Yun Songyu was very unwilling to see Han Yu jumping alive, but he did not show anything wrong.

The two sides are still peaceful, leaving the Fragmented Sky Star Territory.

The elders of the two major sects were slightly relieved to see that everyone was in peace.

The two sides began to count the number of monster cores obtained from the Void Tyrannosaurus clan.

In the end, Yun Songyu's team won with a small advantage.

The disciples of the Taoist Emperor couldn't help it anymore, and mocked Han Yu.

Because Han Yu did not provide a monster core, Han Yu obviously became a drag on their team.

Han Yu gained a great deal this time, and he didn't bother to be familiar with them.

After returning to Liudaozong, they went back to camp. Han Yu started his plan.

In a blink of an eye, more than a year passed. During this period, Yun Songyu wanted to trouble Han Yu more than once, but Han Yu ignored him and did not show up on Modao Mountain.

Although Modao Mountain was very decayed, even Yun Songyu did not dare to go to Modao Mountain.

In the bright face, Han Yu shrank in Modao Mountain and did not dare to show up. In fact, Han Yu secretly did not know how many times he went down the mountain and how many major things he did. With the assistance of Xu Huahui, Han Yu successively suppressed the geniuses of the four avenues of Guidao Mountain, Tiandao Mountain, Tunnel Mountain, and Xiandao Mountain, and obtained the "Six Paths of Reincarnation Dafa Ghost Path Chapter", "Six Paths of Reincarnation Dafa Heaven Path Chapter," "Six Paths of Reincarnation Dafa: Authentic Paths" and "Six Paths of Reincarnation Dafa and Immortal Paths"

"Although they are all fragments like the "Six Paths of Reincarnation Dafa Shendao" obtained from Xu Huahui, they are of great help to Han Yu.

Now, only the "Six Paths of Reincarnation Dafa Demon Dao Chapter", Xu Huahui told Han Yu that, except for a few direct disciples of the Six Dao Gods, only Wu Mozi knows the "Six Dao Reincarnation Dafa Demon Path Chapter", and grabbing is obviously impossible.

After obtaining those four mental methods, Han Yu combined the previously obtained "Six Paths of Reincarnation Dafa Shendao Chapter" and began to carefully ponder the power of the divine way, the power of the immortal way, the power of the heavens, the power of the tunnels, and the power of ghosts.

After several months of painstaking research, Han Yu has made extraordinary achievements in these five ways.

After that, Han Yu began to study the Demon Dao with great pains. There is no cultivation method related to the Demon Dao. Han Yu can only borrow the power of the Demon Dao Mountain to study for himself!

One day, the Taoist Crow found Han Yu, with a vigorous look, faintly exuding the early breath of the gods, and he looked at Han Yu with a slanting attitude.

That's just a face like a villain.

"It looks like this old guy has gained a lot in Guidao Mountain." Han Yu thought.

Taoist Crow exudes an aura of extreme cold, just like the Mei Chun that Han Yu encountered at the time, he has already embarked on the path of ghosts.

"Junior Brother Liu, I call you Junior Brother Liu now, don't you be surprised?" Taoist Crow looked condescending, showing off his might.

Having been a servant of Han Yu for a few years, he was really aggrieved.

Han Yu looked at Taoist Crow coldly.

Taoist Crow said with some ostentation: "I am already a disciple of Guidaoshan, and I have been in the same rank. Even if you are Master Modaoshan, but my cultivation base is above you, so you are still my junior, little brother! "

Han Yu said coldly: "Are you finished?"

Taoist Crow sneered: "Why, are you angry?"

Taoist Crow glanced at Han Yu sideways, and said sarcastically: "Liu Yi, Liu Yi, you are a villain and want to ride on my head. You would never dream of it. I immediately surpassed you and pressed You. I will settle the grievances between you and me one by one."

Han Yu said: "Then do it now!"

After speaking, Han Yu slapped Taoist Crow.


Taoist Crow curled his lips in disdain and grabbed Han Yu's wrist.

However, before his hand touched Han Yu’s wrist, he was hit by a powerful wave of air, and Han Yu’s palm was accurately drawn on Daoist Crow’s cheek, and Daoist Crow was drawn directly. The ground went round and round, and it was a little confused.

"How is it possible?" Taoist Crow looked at Han Yu in astonishment.

"Didn't you hear that I am a genius who leapfrogged!" Han Yu sneered.


Taoist Crow naturally heard that Han Yu repelled a tyrannosaurus in the Fragmented Sky Star Territory, which was comparable to the early days of the gods, but now he really realized that Han Yu was terrifying.

"You are now a disciple of Guidao Mountain, and you blatantly climbed Modao Mountain to provoke. You said that if I killed you, would Guidao Mountain stand up and speak for you?" Han Yu stared at Taoist Crow with cold eyes.

Taoist Crow gritted his teeth, and finally gave Han Yu a vicious look, and said: "The surnamed Liu, you will remember it to me, I will never let you go."

After speaking, Taoist Crow turned around and fled.

"This old fellow can really bear it!" Han Yu narrowed his eyes, watching Taoist Crow leave. Daoist Crow is now a strong man in the late stage of the Celestial God, but he was slapped and held back by Han Yu. The purpose of this person coming to Six Dao Sect is definitely not simple.

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