Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2848: The arrogant Tu Tianwei

"Before the war started, Yin Yang Sect had made a provocation. I don't know how Wan Jianzong would respond?" People started talking.

The people of Onmyoji Sect are full of vigor and momentum, and they are all looking forward to the performance of Wan Jianzong.

"Yin and Yang Sect is to do this with absolute confidence in Tu Tianwei. Will Wan Jianzong have such confidence in Xiao Ping? I am afraid that it may not be possible. If Wan Jianzong did the same, Xiao Ping would lose by then. Slap your face in public?" There was a wise light in one person's eyes.

"It's worthy of being one of the nine sects. This appearance will cover the world." Sun Dahou sighed among the crowd of Dongyang Star Territory.

"That's all for grandstanding, I'd like to see how they left dingy after Tu Tianwei loses!" Han Fengwu curled his lips.

Everyone laughed and said nothing.

However, in the hearts of several people, they are still very worried.

From the information they collected and the conversations of people around, we can see that Tu Tianwei is very strong!

Tu Tianwei was not among that group of people, so that many people who wanted to see his style as soon as possible were greatly regretted.

Time passed quietly, and in the eyes of everyone, the people of Wan Jianzong finally came.

It is very surprising.

Not only are the people of Wan Jianzong not as high-profile as the people of Yin and Yang Sect, but also surprisingly few people come.

An exquisite-looking scooter stopped thousands of miles to the east of Beauty Star, and five people walked out of it.

"Damn, the huge Wan Jianzong, only five people actually came?"

"This is because I have no confidence in Xiao Ping!"

"It is equivalent to only four people coming to watch the battle except Xiao Ping!"

Countless people were shocked.

Before fighting, the momentum was completely suppressed. In many people's minds, this is simply a taboo.

The people who came from Wan Jianzong were naturally Jian Jiuling, Jian Seventeen, Jian XVIII, Jiang Ruoxi and Han Yu.

"What does Wan Jianzong mean? Why are only four people here to help out? Is this too despising?" Han Fengwu said angrily.

Han Jiuyang and Han Xiaoxiao were also very angry.

"Shaoan, don't worry, although there are few people from Wan Jianzong, it is not easy." Han Zhan's eyes were burning, and he carefully looked at several people in Wan Jianzong.

Han Fengwu pouted, his face full of displeasure.

Jian Jiuling confessed a few words to Han Yu, and Han Yu walked towards the beauty star.

Take a stroll in the courtyard, chic and free.

"Is he Xiao Ping? Sure enough, there is a strong head, there is a dragon and a phoenix!"

At this time, many people recognize "Xiao Ping".

After the Battle of Alien Space, the name of "Xiao Ping" spread all over the world, and his reputation became even stronger after the war agreement with Tu Tianwei was made. However, few people have actually seen him.

"It's a pity, although Xiao Ping is a genius, he will definitely feel sad when he meets Tu Tianwei!" An elder of Liudaozong sighed.

Even Feng Shenxiao would be defeated by Tu Tianwei, he didn't think "Xiao Ping" would be Tu Tianwei's opponent.

Many people nodded in deep thought.

When the people of the Onmyoji Sect saw Han Yu, they all showed hatred. Han Yu killed the Onmyoji Sect disciples in a different dimension, and they had long been regarded as their big enemies.

But in addition to hatred, there is more disdain.

In their eyes, Han Yu was not Tu Tianwei's opponent at all.

Before Han Yu set foot on the beauty star, a cynic voice came from the direction of Onmyoji.

"Friends of the Nine Daoists, I didn't expect your lover to fight on behalf of Wan Jianzong and the genius of my Yin and Yang school. You Wan Jianzong only came to so few people. You have no confidence in Xiao Ping!" Yang Ruthlessly.

As soon as this remark came out, many disciples of Yin Yang Sect laughed, and even many of the others smiled.

"You come so many people, is it because you are afraid that Tu Tianwei is not an opponent, you want to bully the less with more?" Jian Jiuling responded strongly.

"Humph!" Yang ruthlessly choked, had nothing to say, and snorted heavily.

For a while, the two sides faced each other indifferently, implying killing intent.

This made many people secretly startled, and today one might not be able to directly start the battle between Yin Yang Sect and Wan Jian Sect, and the situation in the world will be shaken.

Han Yu fell to the top of a mountain on Beauty Star, and sat cross-legged directly, closing his eyes and resting.

In that way, it didn't seem to be a person who came to fight, but a person who came to enlighten the Tao.

Such a state of mind cannot help but admire many people.

"Xiao Ping is here, why hasn't Tu Tianwei here yet?" Many people are looking forward to Tu Tianwei's appearance.

Some even directly asked Yang Ruqing.

Yang Wuqing said very proudly: "Tianwei regards this duel as a cutscene, so naturally he is not in a hurry."

Countless people were in an uproar.

Although everyone has long been optimistic about Xiao Ping.

But saying this is another taste.

"Huh, arrogant!" Jian Jiuling said coldly in the distance.

"Whether you are arrogant, you will know after the battle!" Yang ruthlessly confronted each other.

Jian Jiuling took a cold look at Yang Ruthless, and did not respond.

In the eyes of others, this is an expression of lack of confidence.

Even Xiao Ping's master has no confidence in him, so what is the suspense in this battle?

Jian Shishi and Jian Shishi looked at each other, frowning, and a look of worry appeared on their faces.

Jiang Ruoxi looked at Han Yu in the distance and shook his head, and said, "Look, even your master doesn't have confidence in you. What else can you be proud of. If Han Yu is here, I am afraid that everyone is not optimistic. It's Tu Tianwei!"

On the way here, Jiang Ruoxi had already thought about it.

Xiao Ping is excellent, how can he compare to Han Yu?

In her life, Han Yu will not marry.

Therefore, Xiao Ping died in this battle, and that was the best result.

Time finally came to the point of the decisive battle.

Suddenly, in the dark void, a dazzling purple brilliance flashed, and then there was a bang, shaking countless people, and eardrum pain.

I saw a terrifying purple thunder and lightning from nine days away, tearing through the sky, and slashing directly at Han Yu, who was sitting on the top of the mountain with Beauty Star.

The lightning came too suddenly, and many people had no time to react.

When everyone reacted, the lightning had struck the top of the beauty star, the person's body, and now there was only thunder and lightning, and no one could be seen.

"Tu Tianwei is here? He actually shot Xiao Ping directly?"

Many people were shocked.

Generally, this kind of decisive battle would be the first to appear. The two sides would at least do some superficial work before fighting. No one thought that Tu Tianwei would be so direct and domineering, and he would kill before he arrived.

"Tu Tianwei wants to kill Xiao Ping in seconds with the power of thunder!"

"Tu Tianwei didn't treat Xiao Ping as an opponent at all, so he didn't meet him at all, and he did it!"

Sword Nine Spirits, Sword Seventeen and Sword Eighteen are furious.

"Tu Tianwei, what do you mean?" Jian Shishi roared, his voice shook the starry sky, and countless people's faces instantly turned pale.

"It's not interesting, I just want to prove to everyone that Xiao Ping, who is only a small amount, is not worthy of my opponent!" A proud voice came from the distant starry sky, and I saw a man with a tiger-backed waist and a hair cape, who looked unruly with his hands behind his back. Slowly stepped into the air.

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