Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2871: Infighting

Yaoxuan felt that Han Yu was paying attention to her, she couldn't help but turned her gaze to Han Yu, smiled lightly, and nodded slightly at Han Yu, which was considered a courtesy and impeccable.

Boundless walks in front, Yaoxuan walks behind, politely bowing to everyone she meets along the way.

When I walked in front of Han Yu, Boundless stopped and exchanged a few words with Dao Jian. Then he looked at Han Yu and said, "Brother Xiao, Wu Mou is already thunderous. When I saw him today, he was truly a peerless talent. The spirit of the world."

Han Yu responded politely and also said some compliments.

Then Wu Boundary looked at Jiang Ruoxi again, and there was no lack of praise.

After all polite exchanges, Wujing took Yaoxuan and Wang Jingshan to sit down. Along the way, it can be seen that Wujing is an exquisite generation. To everyone present, even Shui Muliu, was extremely polite.

After sitting down, Wu Boundary raised his wine glass and said politely: "It is a great blessing for no one to be with you Tianjiao, and no one to respect you a cup."

Everyone toasted, and after the three rounds of drinking, everyone's emotions were mobilized, and they were enthusiastic and talkative.

When the discussion was fierce, two terrible pressures suddenly surged towards Han Yu and the others from the left and right sides.

The disciples of Yin Yang Sect and Five Elements Sect suddenly attacked the people of Wan Jian Sect.

This came too suddenly, and if you were an ordinary person, you would have to turn your head and make a fool of yourself in public.

However, just as the powerful pressure of the two martial arts was about to knock the three of them over, two extremely powerful pressures rushed out of Han Yu and Dao Jian at the same time, and they resisted the terrible oppression on both sides. Not overturned.

The quick reaction of Han Yu and Dao Jianyi surprised the disciples of the Five Elements Sect and the Yin Yang Sect.

Especially Qin Hao and the cloudy sky, a look of surprise flashed in their eyes. But then it was more indifferent and cruel.

The people of the two sects did not withdraw the pressure of the gods, and continued to oppress. Even if Han Yu and Dao Jian are both powerful, it is impossible for the two to block the six.

Only then did Jiang Ruoxi react and release the mighty force of the gods to resist.

But three against six are not enough.

The pressure of the gods of the three of them was constantly shrinking, and they felt pressure for a while.

The cloudy sky showed a sneer, and the reason why he joined forces with the Five Elements Sect at this time was to make the Ten Thousand Sword Sect people embarrassed in front of everyone.

Seeing that Han Yu and the others were about to lose the battle, suddenly the Onmyoji Sect's disciple screamed and turned their backs.

One by one, the disciples of Dao Emperor Sect who looked to the left, almost dripped water with hatred.

The people of Daohuangzong took action.

Zhao Tianlu smiled at Han Yu.

The people of Onmyoji were defeated, Han Yu and the others quickly rebounded. Then there was another scream, and the disciples of the Five Elements Sect turned their backs on their horses.

The disciples of the other sects looked at the disciples of Yin Yang Sect and Five Elements Sect with a smile. The disciples of the two major sects were ashamed and angry, but they dare not say anything.

Especially the disciples of the Five Elements Sect, they turned their backs on their horses twice, wishing to find a place to sew down.

"You just framed me, haven't I been overturned now?" Shui Muliu looked at Mao Keng of the Five Elements Sect with a look of contempt.

People who came later did not know what Shui Muliu's words meant, but the people who came before were all like mirrors, many of them smiled, and the smiles made the disciples of the Five Elements School suddenly feel like sitting on pins and needles.

"Junior Sister Shui, you are enough!" Huang Yi of Time and Space Sect couldn't help but yelled.

They Time and Space Sect, they don't want to wade in this muddy water.

Shui Muliu narrowed his mouth and said nothing, but secretly gave Han Yu a voice message and smiled and congratulated Han Yu.

"Everyone is the top figure of the big sects. It's rare to meet together. It's normal to compare and compare, but I think if you want to ask each other for advice, why not open it, and let us feast our eyes." Suddenly sounded.

His proposal was quickly approved by many people.

"I am interested in discussing with Brother Xiao, don't know if Brother Xiao can enlighten me?" Suddenly, Feng Shenxiao said meaningfully. Many people couldn't help being surprised, he didn't ask for advice directly, but said these words, which really seemed meaningful.

"Today is a feast led by Wuxiong. You and I are competing against each other. If it disturbs everyone's interest, wouldn't it be too sorry for Wuxiong's kindness!" Han Yu said lightly.

"How can it disturb our interest? If Brother Xiao and Brother Feng fight, it will really feast our eyes."

Many people agreed and became anticipating.

Han Yu couldn't help but look towards Wujie, Wujie said: "Today's banquet has no limit on the form, no limit on the form, you can enjoy it!"

Fengshenxiao looked at Han Yu and said, "Since you don't have any opinions, Brother Xiao will shirk."

Han Yu couldn't help but sneered to himself, Feng Shenxiao challenged everyone in front of everyone. If he should not fight, wouldn't he be criticized? However, if Han Yu didn't want to fight, he would definitely not fight.

Han Yu looked towards Wujie and continued, "Wu brother is the host. How about Wu brother leading us?"

Many people agree, they look forward to Han Yu and Fengshenxiao's battle, but they want to see the depth of this person in Boundless.

Being able to become the young master of the Wushizong with the longest inheritance, the future master of the Wushizong, the attention of the people of the world to him can be said to surpass all the people present.

Boundless did not expect Han Yu to kick the ball to him.

If he didn't make a move, even if Han Yu didn't fight Fengshenxiao, others wouldn't be able to say anything.

After all, Han Yu didn't reject Fengshenxiao, but let Wujie take the lead, which made sense.

Han Yu's doing so was of ulterior motives, he didn't want to let Wu Boundary sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight.

Dao Jian understood for a moment, stood up and bowed his hand to Wu Boundary, saying: "Brother Wu, Dao Mou shows his ugliness, ask you for some tips."

Yaoxuan suddenly said, "Senior brother should not use force these days. How about letting me discuss and discuss with Dao brother on his behalf?"

Dao Jian smiled and said: "Friend Yao Xuan said and laughed, how can it be replaced by competition? Since Brother Wu cannot use force recently, we will make another appointment in the future."

Dao Jian arched his hand and sat down in place.

Wu Boundary cast a thankful look at Dao Jian.

Boundless will soon ascend the Young Master, but he can't use force indiscriminately. A little damage may cause a huge change in his destiny.

Fengshen Xiao said: "Since Brother Wu can't use force, we can't make others difficult. Today, Brother Xiao and I will come here to win the prize for everyone. Don't take it off.

Fengshenxiao stood up eagerly, as if Han Yu had already agreed to him.

Boundless naturally won't be offended, and he smiled and said, "You can have fun with both of you." Han Yu sat still, as if nothing to do with him.

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