Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2903: Disaster is coming

"You bastard, starting today, you can't see Xiao Seventeen again!"

After learning the whole story, Jian Jiuling almost exploded.

"You said, if I honestly confess, you won't be angry!" Han Yu said innocently.

"Huh!" Jian Jiuling snorted heavily, shaking his sleeves and leaving.

"Hey, women are really fickle animals." Han Yu shook his head.

The news that Jian Sanjue was sitting down soon spread, causing the world to shake. Wan Jianzong specially sent messengers to the other eight gates to send messages.

And on the grounds of "Sword Sanjue Last Will", he told the people of Wan Jianzong not to hold a funeral.

For this, many people expressed their understanding, after all, Wan Jianzong had just held a funeral.

However, all the big sects still sent people to mourn.

The news of Jian Sanjue's death, instead of attracting the covetous heart of others, made some people put their tails away.

Even the Onmyoji Sect has become more honest.

Wan Jianzong was able to generously announce the death of Jian Sanjue at this juncture, which also showed the fearlessness of Wan Jianzong from the side.

It can be said that unexpected results have been achieved.

However, Jian Jiuling, Jian Shishi and others hadn't been happy for long. A post made their mood drop to the bottom in an instant.

"Supreme event?"

In the lobby of Ten Thousand Swords Sect, the faces of the major disciples of Ten Thousand Swords God became extremely ugly.

"Yes, the supreme event. The Yin and Yang gods raised it." Jian Jiuling said, sitting on the throne of the sovereign.

"Why?" Jian Shishi asked.

"Did the previous trip to the God Ancestor Mountain Range caused a battle between the Nine Martial Arts and the God Ancestor Mountain? The Yin and Yang God Venerable wanted to solve this matter through the supreme event." Jian Jiuling said.

"Although it is not a small matter, there is no need to hold a supreme event?" Jian Shiba asked in astonishment.

The supreme event, as the name implies, is a meeting that only supreme can attend. This is the highest-end event in the God Realm, which has not been held in 50,000 years.

It was held 50,000 years ago because of the emergence of Emperor Tongtian.

"This time the Yin-Yang Sect has lost the top genius, the Yin-Yang **** is bound to be angry. It's not without reason to hold the supreme event." A disciple sighed.

"I think his main purpose is to test Master, right?" one person said angrily.

Everyone was silent.

The **** of Yin and Yang was furious because of the fall of his top disciple, and he wanted to hold a supreme event; and Wan Jianzong, also lost the top genius, if the **** of swords did not show up, wouldn't it be criticized by the world, then all the people in the world I'm afraid they will all guess that the whereabouts of the **** of ten thousand swords is missing.

"Look at the reactions of other sects first, and let's make a decision." Jian Qixian sighed.

Even if they are all half-step supreme-level powerhouses, they still don't have a clue when encountering such a major event, and there is deep fear in their hearts.

Soon, the big sects responded and agreed to hold a supreme event.

"What should I do, we have not yet responded to our Wan Jianzong?" In the Jian Ling Palace, Jian Jiuling was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, fidgeting.

"Agree." Han Yu said decisively.

"We agree, what should I do if the master cannot come forward?" Jian Jiuling asked eagerly.

At this time, Han Yu was simply her life-saving straw. I don't know when she started, and a consciousness gradually formed in her heart, a consciousness of relying on trusting Han Yu.

"Paper can't contain fire. If you don't agree, the big sects will immediately guess the situation of Wan Jianzong. If you agree, you can last a while!" Han Yu said firmly.

Jian Jiuling nodded, and said: "Okay, listen to you."

Afterwards, Jian Jiuling returned to Wan Jianzong and held a meeting.

The brothers and sisters argued for several days before finally reaching an agreement and agreeing to Jian Jiuling's choice.

With the agreement of Wan Jianzong, the Supreme Event was officially completed. The time is set for three years, three months and ten days, and the location will be in the Shenzu Mountain Range.

Suddenly, the world was in an uproar.

Everyone is looking forward to this grand event, which is definitely an unparalleled event that has attracted the attention of the world.

The supreme of the world sits together and talks about world affairs. Thinking about it makes people excited and looking forward to it.

However, from this day on, several disciples of the God of Ten Thousand Swords became ants on the hot pot.

Within a few days, Han Yu clearly felt that Jian Jiuling was a lot haggard.

Han Yu knew that Wan Jianzong was very important to Jian Nine Spirits, but he didn't expect Jian Nine Spirits to be so concerned that Han Yu was worried when he saw it. It was another night, Jian Jiuling was sitting by the pond, staring blankly at the fish in the pond, the stars reflected in the pond, or the darkness in her eyes. Qingfeng lifted her hair up, where she looked like a half-step supreme powerhouse at this time, where she looked like the woman who held the Great Seal of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect

Wang, like a lonely and helpless ordinary woman.

Han Yu walked to her and sat down, letting her head rest on his shoulder. Han Yu stretched out his arm and stopped Jian Jiuling's shoulder from behind.

Jian Jiuling's body is very cold, his whole person is like ice cubes.

Han Yu could feel her trembling, she was scared.

Han Yu quietly conveyed some vitality into Jian Jiuling's body, and Jian Jiuling's condition improved a little.

"Originally, I thought that Wan Jianzong was really destroyed. I'll take you to the Star Sea Fire Region. Let's stay incognito and practice secretly. When the time is right, we will return!" Han Yu sighed.

Jian Jiuling did not answer, just like a puppet.

"But now it seems that if that is the case, you will blame yourself for a lifetime." Han Yu continued.

"Wan Jianzong is the painstaking effort of Master's life, if it is destroyed in my hands, I will not be peaceful as a ghost." Jian Jiuling raised his head and looked at Han Yu, his eyes were bloodshot.

Han Yu hugged Jian Jiuling's shoulders, his strength couldn't help but increased a bit, and said: "Don't worry, no one can destroy Wan Jianzong with me."

Seeing Han Yu's firm eyes and confident look, Jian Jiuling suddenly felt at ease.

But soon, thinking that the Yin-Yang Sect was staring at him, and the Five Elements Sect might be robbed by fire, he became anxious again.

Both the Yin Yang Sect and the Five Elements Sect have the supreme. If the supreme takes the initiative, the Wanjian Sect is a land of bullets and is vulnerable.

Although Han Yu is strong, Han Yu's aptitude is good, but now he is still far from fighting the Supreme.

Jian Jiuling suddenly made up his mind and said: "You go back."

Han Yu was taken aback, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Jian Jiuling said: "Don't ask more, just listen to me."

Han Yu didn't speak, and kept staring into Jian Jiuling's eyes, those bright eyes, at this moment, they looked extremely confused and helpless. Facing Han Yu's not too sharp gaze, he also dodged.

Jian Jiuling finally couldn't bear Han Yu's invisible pressure, lowered his head and said: "I must live and die with Ten Thousand Sword Sect, and you, there is no need."

Han Yu said, "Do you think I will leave?"


A few days later, Han Yu left, leaving quietly. Jian Jiuling looked at the empty room and stood there for a long time.

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