Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2950: Wait

"Boy, what are you doing here, there is no hair here!"

Somewhere in the east of the Vientiane Canyon, Han Yu stood still when he came here, quietly looking at the direction of the Vientiane Canyon.

At first, Taoist Crow heard that Han Yu was going to make a big ticket, and was extremely excited.

But under many hours of observation, the Vientiane Canyon is an ordinary canyon, so that Taoist Crow is a little angry, thinking that Han Yu is playing him.

Han Yu pointed to the Vientiane Canyon and said, "There are huge treasures in there."

"Fart!" Taoist Crow curled his lips and said, "Why can't I see the signs of treasure?"

Han Yu glanced at the sky and said, "How about we make a bet?"

Taoist Crow blinked and asked, "What bet?"

Han Yu said: "We will bet whether there are treasures in the canyon. If not, I will compensate you for what you want. If there is, you go ahead."

Taoist Crow looked at Han Yu suspiciously, thought for a while and said: "Okay, deal."

He didn't believe that Han Yu would be so kind, but he didn't look at Vientiane Canyon like a place with treasures, so he still believed in his own judgment.


Suddenly, a golden pattern descended from above Han Yu's head, enveloping Han Yu and Taoist Crow.

Taoist Crow was about to ask Han Yu what he was doing, only to see a ray of light from far to near, and soon fell on a mountain not far away. It was a man with black hair and shawl and a serious face.

After falling on the top of the mountain, he looked at the Vientiane Canyon quietly like Han Yu, as if waiting for something.

"Am I wrong, there is really a treasure in the canyon?" Taoist Crow became suspicious.

"Is it him?" Han Yu's eyes lit up. This man is not someone else, but a magic power.

Because Han Yu used the invisible pattern to hide him and the Taoist Crow, Magic Electric did not find them.

Han Yu became looking forward to it. Magic Electric once ingested a corpse from the Vientiane Canyon and refined it into his own incarnation. His coming this time must have been the idea of ​​hitting the corpses in the Vientiane Canyon.

His successful experience is of great help to Han Yu.

Soon night fell, and the Motian Mountain Range became deeper and more depressed than the day.

A bright moon slowly rises, and when the moon shines into the Vientiane Canyon, earth-shaking changes have occurred in the Vientiane Canyon.

The original ordinary rock cliffs instantly became dazzling, like colored gems.


Taoist Crow looked stunned and couldn't help rubbing his eyes before he was sure that what he saw was true. And in the next scene, Taoist Crow took a breath. I saw corpses floating continuously from the Vientiane Canyon, whether it was humanoid creatures or creatures of other shapes, all exuding a terrifying breath, that breath made the black

The Avenidae felt horrified.

"How come there are so many corpses? And it looks like they are the corpses of half-step supreme-level powerhouses." Taoist Crow was frightened.

Han Yu paid attention to the magic power.

When those corpses floated up, the pupils of the magic electricity instantly released an extremely bright light.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed from the magic electricity body and fell beside him, transforming into a man, his incarnation.

Modian and his avatar sat cross-legged at the same time, quickly forming seals with both hands.

"Swallow Dafa!" As the Yin Jue was printed, the magic electricity and its incarnation formed a black treasure bottle, and the two black treasure bottles slowly rose up to a height of one hundred feet, and then aimed at Vientiane. A corpse above the gorge slowly burst out with devouring power

. When the devouring power reached a certain level, the golden dragon's corpse was attracted and slowly moved towards the direction of the bottle.

The golden dragon moves very slowly, but it is indeed moving.

"It turns out that he used this method to ingest the corpses in the Vientiane Canyon!" Han Yu's eyes lit up. Who can compare him with this method?

The Devouring Dafa displayed by the magic electricity is very similar to the magic bottle, but it is more sophisticated and powerful than the magic bottle.

"What is he doing to take the corpse?" Taoist Crow asked.

"The body of a half-step supreme powerhouse can do too many things." Han Yu's eyes were bright, staring at the incarnation of magic electricity.

Taoist Crow couldn't help but feel a chill on his back, thinking of the magic string, not the same half-step supreme body, under Han Yu's use, set off a boundless frenzy.

"If only by swallowing, there are many people in the Demon Race who have mastered this method, and it will not be done by Demon Electric alone."

Han Yu squinted his eyes and opened his eyes to watch carefully. He found that with the passage of time, the complexion of the magic electricity and his avatar were gradually turning white, and the magic lightning appeared on the surface of the magic electricity, wrapping it up. Holding him and the avatar.

According to common sense, using the power of magic electricity and its incarnation to perform Devouring Dafa should not be so difficult.

Han Yu decisively released the power of the soul, and a strange power was felt by Han Yu.

This force came from the Vientiane Canyon and landed straight on the body of the magic electricity and its incarnation.

This force is very similar to the force formed by Han Yu's rebellious fourth-style life and death, which can directly cut people's souls and kill people invisible.

It was the magic thunder of magic electricity, blocking this power.

"So that's the case. The rest of the people will be killed invisible by that power soon. Could it be that those strong people were also killed by this power?"

As the dragon's corpse continued to approach the magic electricity, that power continued to increase.

In the middle of the night, the golden dragon's body had already reached the edge of the canyon. But Han Yu didn't see the slightest joy on Magic Power's face, but was more solemn and worried.

"Ah, puff..."

Suddenly, the magic electricity yelled, vomited a mouthful of blood, and fell directly to the ground. The breath on his body instantly wilted, as if he was severely hit by a half-step supreme powerhouse, almost endangering his life.

"What's going on? Why is the power so much stronger than the previous time?" Magic Electric was uncertain, with a look of fear on his face.

Han Yu also changed color.

Demon Electric was seriously injured, and soon his incarnation ended in failure.

"It's a pity, Master Dao is still waiting to sit and harvest the fruits of victory." Daoist Crow said disappointedly.

Han Yu stared at the magic electricity.

Magic Electric's face was unwilling, suspicious, and fearful.

This shouldn't be his expression.

You must know that Magic Electric once successfully ingested corpses from Vientiane Canyon.

The only explanation is that the situation he encountered this time was different from the last time.

Magic electricity got up with difficulty, put away the avatar, and left unwillingly.

"Boy, are we going to do it now?" Taoist Crow was eager to try. Han Yu glanced at the bright moon, it was about to set, and faintly spit out a word: "Wait!"

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