Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2966: Under the castle

Within a few days, the sky in the great daylight suddenly dimmed, and a murderous intent filled the sky.

"Are you here?" Han Yu, who was meditating and adjusting his breath, opened his eyes abruptly and shot out a cold glow in his eyes, but Han Yu didn't move.

At the same time, figures flashed one after another above the sword tide **** star, falling into the void south of the sword tide **** star. Headed by Jian Jiuling, eight Half-Step Supremes were dispatched, and then the mighty army of Wan Jianzong drove out.

Before long, the south of Jianchao Shenxing was occupied by a dense cluster of masters, as many as a hundred people.

At this moment, ordinary people on the Sword Tide God Star also felt an unusual atmosphere, and the entire Sword Tide God Star became quieter than ever.

In the southern void, a loud rumbling sound resounded abruptly, like ten thousand horses galloping.

A black spot quickly magnified in everyone's sight and turned into an ancient chariot. Exuding a breath of vicissitudes of life, driving towards this side.

On the chariot, there are more than a hundred people, each with extraordinary momentum.

The weakest among them were all the masters of the late Celestial God.

Seeing such a battle, the people on Wan Jianzong's side frowned.

The chariot stopped a hundred miles away, and stared at the master of Wan Jianzong.

The ten people standing in front of the chariot, all of them overwhelming the world, are all half-step supreme-level powerhouses. Suddenly, an old man wearing a Taoist robe walked out of it and said loudly: "The Lord of Ten Thousand Swords has fallen to the altar. In the eyes of my Yin-Yang Sect, Ten Thousand Sword Sect is undoubtedly a place of bullets, and can be destroyed by raising his hand. Old man Nian'er, etc. Cultivation is not easy, if you now rely on my yin

Under the umbrella of Yangzong, not only can life be saved, it will be reused in the future. "

In the direction of Wan Jianzong, there was a sudden panic.

The news that the **** of ten thousand swords fell into the altar is no secret.

Now that the Onmyoji Sect has come with great fanfare, has it confirmed those speculations?

"Hmph, the demon words confuse the crowd. If the Yin and Yang gods expected my **** master to fall into the altar, why did you send you guys to take the lead? He doesn't show up, it's not afraid of my master!" Jian Jiuling coldly shouted.

"Kill the chicken with a sledge-knife!" The old man of the Yin Yang School sneered again and again.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, among the crowd of Wan Jianzong.

The half-step supreme powerhouses Jiang Ruhai, Zhao Xinglan and Luo Zhi of the three major families broke out and attacked the people around them respectively.

Jiang Ruhai attacked Sword Twelve beside him, Zhao Xinglan attacked Sword Fourteen beside him, Luo Zhi attacked Sword Fifteen beside him.

No one thought that the three of them would suddenly rebel. Sword Twelve, Sword Fourteen, and Sword Fifteen were all beaten up and coughed up blood, and they were seriously injured instantly.

After the three of them succeeded in one blow, they left quickly and rushed towards the Yin Yang Sect.

"You..." Jian Jiuling and Jian Qixian were shocked and furious.

"Hahaha...Jian Jiuling, what are you still fighting with us now?" The old man of Yin Yang Sect raised his head and laughed.

Jian Jiuling stared at the masters of the three major families, gritted his teeth and roared: "You have betrayed our Wan Jianzong, you will taste betrayal!"

Jiang Ruhai sneered: "Jian Jiuling, since we have decided to join the Yin Yang Sect, we are naturally prepared!"


At this moment, within the Sword Tide God Star, there was a loud shout to kill.

The master of Wan Jianzong trembled in his heart.

The three major families are the strongest forces under the jurisdiction of Wan Jianzong. Although they cannot be compared with Wan Jianzong, most masters have now come out to resist Yin and Yang Sect. The remaining power of Wan Jianzong may be difficult to suppress the three families. Rebels.

The most important thing is the Five Elements Sect.

Some masters were frightened and panicked. In this southern void, as the masters of the three major families rebelled, the half-step supreme powerhouse in the direction of the Yin Yang Sect reached thirteen in an instant. On the Wan Jianzong side, there were only five people left, and Sword Twelve, Sword Fourteen and Sword Fifteen were stolen.

The attack was seriously injured.

How can we fight this huge gap in numbers?


From the direction of Jianchao Shenxing, several figures rushed out.

Amazingly, they are sword ten round, sword eleven, sword sixteen, sword seventeen and sword eighteen. They had retained the masters of dealing with the Five Elements School, but now they have to show up.

"All the disciples of God of Ten Thousand Swords are all here, okay, there is another Han Yu?" The old man of Yin Yang Sect laughed.

In the direction of Wan Jianzong, everyone was calm and murderous.

However, although five half-step supreme powerhouses have been added, there is still a clear gap with Yin Yang Sect. "However, even with Han Yu, you can't change much. A person who relies on a corpse is somewhat capable. Sword Nine Spirits, Sword Seven Immortals, Sword Seventeen, I will give you one last chance, surrender immediately, and submit. In my yin and yang sect

dead! "The old man said proudly, with a condescending look, like a superior person.

Although Luo Zhi, Jiang Ruhai, and Zhao Xinglan had met Han Yu, Han Yu's cultivation level was not exposed.


Jian Jiuling gave a long roar, and the Heavenly Spirit Sword rushed out, turning into a cold light and went straight to the elder of the Yin and Yang Sect.

There is no one slack in the sword seven immortals, sword ten round, sword eleven, sword twelve, sword fourteen, sword fifteen, sword sixteen, sword seventeen, and sword eighteen.

"Huh, life and death!"

The old man of Yin Yang Sect sneered.

"Boom boom boom..."

The thirteen half-step supreme suddenly broke out and rushed over.

An earth-shattering battle unfolded.

Twenty-three half-step supreme strong men fought and destroyed the world.

Soon, the battlefield was scattered.

Luo Zhi, Jiang Ruhai and Zhao Xinglan faced Sword Twelve, Sword Fourteen and Sword Fifteen respectively.

Originally, the strength of Sword Twelve, Sword Fourteen and Sword Fifteen was higher than that of the three, but they were seriously injured by the attack. At this time, the three of them were not the opponents of Luo Zhi, Jiang Ruhai, and Zhao Xinglan.

The remaining seven members of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect faced the nine members of the Yin Yang Sect.

Both Jian Jiuling and Jian Qixian were double-teamed by the two, and their strength disappeared instantly.

In addition, there is a half-step supreme-level powerhouse in the Yin-Yang sect, ready to attack at any time.

As the half-step supreme level battlefield dispersed, the masters of the two factions of the remaining levels also collided together, starting a shocking battle.

The scope of the war is rapidly expanding. It didn't take long to involve tens of millions of miles away, and countless stars in the starry sky south of the sword tide **** star were wiped out in the battle.

The sword tide **** star was eternal, and was shocked by the air waves of countless strong people, and he did not move.

When the south side was in full swing, a group of five masters quietly landed in the stars on the north side. "The Sword Tide God Star has been refined by the Ten Thousand Sword God, and there are countless large formations enveloped, and only the Supreme Soldier can break it!" The five people stood in the void, looking at the Sword Tide God Star from a distance, with excitement and excitement on their faces .

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