Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2997: So-called righteousness

For a long period of time, there was no movement from the powerhouses of the God Realm, and Han Yu spent the time healed his Dao injuries in peace.

After the Dao injury was cured, Han Yu went to the Six Dao Gods as soon as possible.

"It seems that the Taoist injury of the little Taoist friend has been healed, which is really gratifying!" Six Dao Gods said.

Han Yu smiled faintly: "Tell me, what reason do I have to help you?

The six gods smiled slightly, no one has dared to talk to him like this for a long time, but he likes Han Yu's straightforwardness.

"In terms of personal grievances, you and I are enemies; starting from justice, you and I are enemies. However, compared with becoming immortals, what are these things?" Six Dao Gods respected.

"Become immortal?" Han Yu frowned, and said, "Is there really immortals in this world?" The six gods said: "Whether immortals exist, we won't discuss them for the time being. When we reach our level, we will have fame and status. Apart from becoming immortal, what else do we pursue? In order to become immortal, give up anything, I will not blink

Lower eye. The premise of becoming an immortal, I have to restore the peak, the only way to restore the peak is to ask you for help. So, if you can heal my injury, I can give up hatred. "

Han Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "I can accept it for my own purposes to give up personal hatred, but I can't agree with giving up righteousness!"

If Han Yu now agrees to some harsh conditions from the Protoss, Han Yu can sit back and relax in pursuing martial arts.

However, Han Yu would not do that.

The values ​​of the six gods made Han Yu cast aside.

The six gods replied, "What is righteousness?"

Han Yu said, "For me, breaking the shackles of the Protoss is righteousness."

The six gods respectfully said: "Is that in your eyes? To me, safeguarding the interests of the gods is righteous?"

Han Yu didn't answer, he thought so.

Because everyone’s starting point is different, their understanding of "great righteousness" is also different.

The six gods knew Han Yu’s thoughts and said with a wry smile: “One hundred thousand years ago, for the sake of the gods’ righteousness, I did not hesitate to fight the Heaven-swallowing Demon Ancestor seriously. But after 100,000 years of reflection, I found that the former so-called righteousness , A bit biased!"

Han Yu did not speak. The six gods continued: "The gods have overwhelmed the ten thousand races, not only for their own benefit, but also for the pursuit of a higher way. But after so many years, they still stay in the realm of supremacy and it is difficult to advance. For the legendary immortal, it has always been hopeful. Dusty

and. And in the past tens of thousands of years, the Protoss has been obviously going downhill. I think this situation must be broken after all. Wouldn’t it be better for you to break? "

Han Yu said in surprise: "The gods gather all the luck of all races, why are they still going downhill?" The six gods said: "The gods are indeed more and more suitable for cultivation, but if you want to create a super strong, the cultivation environment is only second. , The real driving force is competition! The Protoss is overwhelmingly superior to all races. It can be said that they have lost their competition and lost

There is no motivation for competition, and it is difficult to create superpowers. This is also the reason why the Protoss has always stayed in place in the exploration of martial arts. "

The theory of the six gods is very simple, and everyone knows the truth.

But standing at the position of the Protoss, standing at the height of the six gods, the reasons for this can be thought of, but it is incredible.

Even Han Yu has never thought about this.

Just because he has grown up under pressure and competition since birth, it is easier for him to ignore this factor.

The six gods said: "So, the so-called righteousness is to maintain the previous rule of the gods, or to break the existing situation, let all races compete and explore a deeper road together?"

Han Yu had to sigh inwardly that the six gods are worthy of being the six gods, and what he can see is far more than Han Yu.

From the perspective of the six gods, the gods will not benefit in a short period of time, but over time, as long as they explore higher martial arts, it will be beneficial to all races.

Han Yu's starting point is to subvert the rule of the gods; while the starting point of the six gods is to explore deeper martial arts.

The starting point of the two is completely different, but the final realization will be the same.

Han Yu's favor with the six gods could not help but increase, this is no ordinary person.

The six gods said: "So, you don't have to worry about helping me heal my injury, and I will become your enemy again!"

Han Yu smiled: "Even if you won't be my enemy in the future, what good will I help you?"

The six gods stretched out **** and said lightly: "Two points!"

Han Yu listened. The six gods said: "First, the swallowing devil qi in my body is your best cultivation material. If you refine and absorb all of it, you are likely to prove to the realm of the supreme Tao; second, you are now practicing the six reincarnations, and I am also Practice and practice reincarnation, my experience can

To provide you with a lot of help. "

Han Yu's eyes lit up and he said, "Let’s talk about the six ways of reincarnation first." The six gods smiled slightly and said: "The six ways of reincarnation I practice are gods, heavens, immortals, tunnels, demons, and ghosts; and the six ways you practice. Reincarnation is humanity, heaven, immortality, tunnel, demon and ghost; the six of us

Although Taoism is different, there is a fatal flaw in both. "

Han Yu asked: "What's the disadvantage?"

The six reincarnations created by Han Yu did have huge flaws. But what he didn't expect was that the Six Ways of Reincarnation Dafa also had defects.

The six gods respectfully said: "What we cultivate is the narrowly defined six ways of reincarnation, and it is still not the true six ways of reincarnation."

Han Yu's eyes gradually widened. He had thought of this before.

The six gods said: "If I guessed correctly, you should be in trouble in your cultivation right now?"

Han Yu nodded.

The six gods continued: "Is there not enough humanity?"

Han Yu's eyes burst open. Although he didn't say anything, the six gods already knew the answer.

He sighed and said: "So, what you are cultivating is not the true six-path reincarnation, or what you are cultivating is the narrowly defined six-path reincarnation, not the broad six-path reincarnation."

Han Yu asked eagerly: "Then what is the broad sense of reincarnation?"

Han Yu has a feeling that as long as he clarifies this truth and Wuchuang achieves the true six reincarnations, he will not have any problems breaking through the supreme realm.

The six gods laughed and said nothing.

Han Yu's heart is indeed an old treacherous and cunning, promised: "As long as you tell me what is the broad six ways of reincarnation, and vowed not to participate in any battle between us and the gods, I will help you **** away the devouring energy in your body."

The six gods said: "Okay, then it's settled!"

Han Yu couldn’t wait to say: "Continue to talk about the six reincarnations." The six gods suddenly made a bend, and said: "For the little daoists, it is not difficult to change from the narrow six reincarnations to the broad six reincarnations, but for For me, it is harder than climbing to the sky. In order to become a fairy, maybe I will abandon the six reincarnations!"

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