Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3027: Ask the fairy sword

This is a simple and crude looking sword, but it splits the light curtain in the sky.

"Ask Immortal Sword?"

Before Han Yu and the others had time to react, Shen Gongzhao and Shen Gongyuan yelled.

When Han Yu saw Black Sword, he was taken aback, and then overjoyed.

This black sword is no stranger to him, and once accompanied him.

It is the magic weapon of the Demon Ancestor-Asking Fairy Sword!

One sword asks the immortal, where does the road end?

"call out!"

Wen Xianjian flew around Han Yu and the others, all the surrounding attacks were instantly broken, and then Wen Xianjian flew towards the crack.

Han Yu followed Wenxianjian with the girls and Xiaojiao.

"Stop them!"

Shen Gongzhao and Shen Gongyuan shouted.


Terrorist attacks broke out on the ground and the sky of the sleepy dragon formation, and even the retreating supreme-level "battle corpse" was killed again.

I saw Wenxian Sword humming, turning, turning into endless sword energy to kill in all directions.

A beam of light was easily smashed by sword qi; a supreme-level "battle corpse" was directly cut in half by sword qi, and then exploded.

Asking the strength of the fairy sword is beyond imagination. Han Yu couldn't help but feel shocked, how terrifying would the Demon Ancestor himself be?

The cracks that had been broken were healing quickly, but asked Xianjian and Han Yu even faster.

Before he completely healed, Wen Xianjian and Han Yu rushed out of the crack like lightning.

Shen Gongzhao and Shen Gongyi were frightened.

Once out of the big formation, no matter how strong the trapped dragon formation is, it is useless.

Now that Han Yu is gone, he will return to the mountain. What frightened them the most was that the fairy sword actually appeared, is the Demon Ancestor still alive?

The Demon Ancestor of the Swallowing Sky was already invincible one hundred thousand years ago, and how strong it is now is simply unimaginable.

Even his magic weapon can break through the trapped dragon formation to save people. If the real body arrives, wouldn't even the trapped dragon formation help him?

Shen Gongzhao and Shen Gongyuan only felt a cool air from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads, and the souls trembled three times.

I thought that there was a large formation of sleepy dragons guarding him, so I could not fear anyone, but the current situation is not optimistic.

The only thing that made them feel a little at ease was that the Heaven-swallowing Demon Ancestor did not show up.

This has to make them wonder, is it possible that the Sky-Swallowing Demon Ancestor is also afraid of trapping the dragon formation, or is there other reasons?


Han Yu followed Wenxianjian, and soon flew out of the range of the God Ancestor Mountain Range and came to the western starry sky.

Asking Xianjian stopped suddenly, trembling slightly, spewing terrifying black energy, and the black energy fell, gathering under the sword, and it didn't take long before a man was transformed.

The black clothes are plain and solemn. It looks ordinary, but it gives people a feeling like a demon like a fairy. Anyone in front of him will feel insignificant.

This person looks exactly the same as the body of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Ancestor that Han Yu had seen at the first time, so you don't need to think about it to know that it is the Sky-Swallowing Demon Ancestor.

Han Yu, Xiao Jiao and the girls hurriedly saluted.

"Meet the Demon Ancestor!"

The demon ancestor of the swallowing sky is worthy of respect by anyone.

Heaven-swallowing Demon Ancestor nodded, cast his gaze on Liu Xuanyue first, and said, "Friend Huangquan, long time no see!"

Liu Xuanyue hurriedly bowed without saying much.

She knew that the Demon Ancestor of the Swallowing Heaven must be able to see that she was a combination of the ancestor of Huangquan and descendants.

Then, the ancestor of the swallowing sky cast his gaze to the small horn, and said: "You look a lot like him."

Xiaojiao grinned, much more relaxed than Liu Xuanyue.

After greeting Liu Xuanyue and Xiaojiao, the Demon Ancestor looked at Han Yu.

At this time, a complex expression appeared on Han Yu's face.

"Did you see it?" The Sky Swallowing Devil Ancestor asked suddenly.

The girls were all taken aback, what does this mean?

Han Yu nodded, and said, "You are not the Demon Ancestor himself, but a brand left by the Demon Ancestor in Wen Xianjian!"

It is not surprising that the Demon Ancestor of the Sky Swallowing, said: "Yes."

Han Yu asked, "Where is the real body of the Demon Ancestor?"

Heaven-swallowing Demon Ancestor said: "The true body has either died or has gone to other places."

Han Yu hurriedly asked, "Are there other places in the fairy world?"

He didn't believe that the real body of the Demon Ancestor would die.

Heaven-swallowing Demon Ancestor nodded, and said: "It can be called the immortal world."

Han Yu asked, "Is there really a fairy?"

Even if the Korean War, Zhao Yubing and Narcissus stepped into the fairy gate, Han Yu still had doubts about whether the fairy world existed.

Heaven-swallowing Demon Ancestor did not answer, but asked: "Do you know why the Heavenly Sculpture Monument can attract heavenly punishment?"

Han Yu shook his head, this was also his doubt.

Among the high-level extreme magical powers he knew, only the Heavenly Sculpture Monument could attract Heavenly Punishment when it was used, which was really strange.

Heaven-swallowing Demon Ancestor said: "Because it is a magical power that does not belong to this world."

Han Yu was a little surprised and took it for granted.

Only the magical powers that do not belong to this world can cause heavenly punishment every time they use them.

In the Feixian Mountain Range, the Feixian Mountain Range is filled with the breath of the "fairy world", so the use of the Zhentian Monument did not attract the punishment.

The Zhenshentian monument is probably from the "Xianjie".

Then there is no doubt about the existence of "Xianjie".

Heaven-swallowing Demon Ancestor said: "Once this mark is opened, it cannot last long. I have a few things to tell you."

Han Yu said attentively: "Mozu, please say."

Heaven-swallowing Demon Ancestor said: "I have left you some things here, you can go and fetch them; the Taoist platform is less than three feet away, unable to defeat the trapped dragon formation; life is endless, and the road is endless."

Han Yu chewed carefully the words of the Devouring Devil Ancestor.

The supreme cast a platform in the holy palace, and now Han Yu's platform is only one foot tall. The height of the Taoist platform should be the standard for measuring the supreme realm.

The so-called "life does not end, the road does not end", this is to inspire Han Yu to make progress.

Supreme, although he is the overlord of the world, Han Yu's combat power is even more invincible. But there are signs that there are higher and stronger Taos waiting to be explored.

Even Han Yu cannot be complacent with the status quo.

Han Yu solemnly said: "The younger generation will keep it in mind."

Heaven-swallowing Demon Ancestor nodded, suddenly turned into a ray of light and rushed into Han Yu's body.

Han Yu can be said to be unprepared, but he is not worried that the Sky-Swallowing Demon Ancestor will not harm him.

After the gas entered the body, it instantly turned into incomparable terrifying energy, helping Han Yu repair his injuries.

Han Yu's terrifying injury is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Before long, Han Yu's injury was healed.

Asked the fairy sword to make a long cry, and left.

"Is it going to find its own master?" Han Yu looked towards Wen Xianjian's departure direction, somewhat yearning.

This time I couldn't see the real body of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Ancestor, which was very regrettable.

But what made Han Yu feel relieved was that the Heaven-swallowing Demon Ancestor should still be alive.

Maybe when he goes to the "Fairy World" in the future, there will be a chance to see it.

Han Yu retracted his gaze and looked at Xiaojiao and the women and said, "When you can fully attack Wu Shizong, let Shenzu Mountain be isolated and helpless!" Everyone was overjoyed.

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