Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3063: Dandao Conference

If Han Yu and Yu Zhan have any close relationship, he still has some fears, but Han Yu is just an old disciple of Yu Zhan, so there is no need to be so afraid.

Time passed quietly, and big shots arrived one after another.

However, no matter where it is, the palace masters of Huanghai Academy are not brilliant.

In addition to Yu Zhan, the master of the martial arts palace, the palace masters of the Misty Palace and Dou Zhan Palace also came.

Huanghai Academy also attached great importance to this alchemy conference.

After all, this time, Dan Chen, the lord of the Alchemy Palace of the Huanghai Academy, personally led the disciples, and fought against the alchemist from Xianyan Palace.

The victory of this station is related to the glory of Huanghai Mansion and Huanghai Academy.

The atmosphere on the scene is getting more and more enthusiastic, but Zhou Sen has been fidgeting.

"Are you worried about Sister Xiao?" Han Yu Chuanyin asked.

Zhou Sen paled and nodded.

Han Yu was actually worried about Xiao Xiao in his heart, but never thought of a suitable solution.

"Boss Han, you have friendship with Palace Master Yu. Would you like to ask Palace Master Yu for help?" Zhou Sen gritted his teeth.

From the words of Yu Zhan before, he heard that Han Yu and Yu Zhan should not have much contact, but now, Yu Zhan is the only life-saving straw.

Han Yu thought for a while, looked at Yu Zhan and said, "Palace Master Yu, the junior would like to ask you a favor."

Yu Zhan looked at Han Yu and asked faintly: "What do you do?"

Han Yu simply said what happened before.

With the experience of Yu Zhan, it is natural to understand that Ma Pengfei deliberately embarrassed Han Yu.

Yu Zhan said: "This is a trivial matter, I just let Qinghuan solve it."

After speaking, Yu Zhan looked at Mu Qinghuan and said: "Qinghuan, you go and say hello to Ma Pengfei, and let him let the girl named Xiao Xiao go."

Mu Qinghuan glanced at Han Yu, rather unhappy, but still stood up and walked towards Ma Pengfei.

Zhou Sen glanced at Han Yu gratefully, Yu Zhan came forward, Xiao Xiao should be fine.

Not long after, Mu Qinghuan walked back and said, "Palace Master, Young Palace Master has already agreed to let Xiao Xiao go, but this matter has a bad effect. I'm afraid she won't have the opportunity to work in the City Lord's Mansion again."

Yu Zhan nodded and looked at Han Yu.

Han Yu said, "As long as she is fine."

After speaking, Han Yu looked at Zhou Sen, and Zhou Sen nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

Near the start of the conference, the arrival of Huanghai Palace Chief Ma Xiangru and Huanghai Academy Chief Wen Boyuan instantly ignited everyone's emotions.

Wen Boyuan and Ma Xiangru took the stage one after another to speak. After speaking, the alchemist representing the Huanghai Mansion and the alchemist from Xianyan Mansion entered the arena from the east and west sides, winning applause.

In the direction of Huanghai Mansion, the leader was a red-faced old man wearing a robe of an alchemy master and a sect of immortal wind. He was the palace owner of the Alchemy Palace of Huanghai Academy and the only fairy alchemist Danchen in the territory.

Behind him, followed by seven alchemists wearing white robes, each of them was full of vigor and energy.

In the direction of Xianyan Mansion, the leader was also an old man wearing a robe of a alchemist, with a large figure, a full-faced beard, and a pair of piercing eyes. He was not angry and mighty.

Behind him, he also followed seven alchemists in white robes.

The two teams of men and horses entered the field like two teams of white swans and instantly became the focus of much attention.

"Have you seen the first handsome and high spirited man behind Palace Master Dan? He is Situ Miao." Suddenly, Liu Qingqing's voice sounded in Han Yu's ears.

Han Yu naturally saw that person, who was as rich as jade and graceful in white clothes. He was really a rare beautiful man, and under the background of the alchemist's robe, he was even more beautiful.

Except for the leaders in the direction of Dan Chen and Xianyan Mansion, he was radiant.

"Are you feeling stressed?" Liu Qingqing asked with a smile.

Han Yu directly gave her a big eye.

Liu Qingqing made a grimace at Han Yu, and then said: "So, you have to work harder, otherwise the goddess will fly away!"

After a courtesy between the two sides, the competition began directly.

Dispatch one disciple to make alchemy according to the topic given by the chief examiner.

The first topic is no-pot alchemy.

The so-called no-pot alchemy is to refine pill medicine without alchemy-pot.

You should know that the alchemist's utensils for alchemy are the alchemy cauldrons, which is a very difficult task without the alchemy cauldron.

But the disciples sent by both sides were calm.

Turn the fire with vitality, condense into a tripod, and begin to refine the pill.

The techniques of the two were very superb. Not only were the onlookers applauded, but the leaders of both sides expressed admiration.

Before long, a burst of fragrance floated from the two fire cauldrons, making everyone fascinated.

"This is the aroma of the eight-level pill. There is no pot for pill refining, and the eight-level pill is refined. If you use the cauldron, can you refine the nine-level pill?"

Countless people sighed.

The nine-pin pill is the most advanced pill under the elixir.

The eight-level pill can be refined, and it is still in the absence of a cauldron, it can be seen that the two people have superb alchemy skills.

It didn't take long for the two fire cauldrons to dissolve almost at the same time, and two fluorescent pills appeared in everyone's realization.

The alchemist on the side of Huanghai Palace, the elixir refined by them exudes a dark blue light; the alchemist on the side of Xianyan Palace, the elixir refining exudes a goose-yellow light.

The radiance of the two pills is very pure and the aroma is compelling.

Soon, the referee team made a fair judgment.

The alchemist in Huanghai Mansion refined the Eight-Rank Pill Taiqing Shen Pill, and the refining process was more complicated than the Eight-Rank Pill Dahuangxian Pill refined by the alchemist in Xianyan Mansion.

However, the time spent by the two is similar, and the quality of the pill is similar, so the alchemist of Huanghai Palace wins.

There is no dispute over this verdict in Xianyan Mansion.

The two retired, and each side picked one to start the second match.

The second match was even more exciting than the first, and everyone was dazzled.

Because the subject of the second competition is to use the most alchemy techniques to make alchemy.

In the end, the alchemist from Xianyan Mansion won.

Time is passing quietly, and the competitions are in full swing.

After the single-player competition is over, a two-person alchemy competition will be conducted.

The single player tests the individual's abilities, and the double alchemy tests the tacit understanding.

Double alchemy is much more difficult than single alchemy, the first match ended in failure of both sides.

However, this does not affect the continuation of the competition.

In the end, the two players competed, and both sides won one game and the game was even.

When everyone is paying attention to the battle, they are also paying attention to the pill they refined.

After a series of trials, hundreds of pills have been refined, and some of them are nine grade pills. Let the big figures of every big family be enthusiastic.

And the competition is still going on, and there is still a steady stream of pill production.

Many people's pockets have already begun to move. Even Han Yu looked forward to it.

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