Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3162: To Miss Yu

Except for Han Yu, everyone else looked at Yu Ningshuang in admiration, and effortlessly killed the eight-headed Nine-Rank White Tiger in the virtual fairyland. Even the proud Qi Junchu had to admire this technique.

Yu Ningshuang was originally amazingly beautiful and gave a natural goodwill, but at this time he showed his amazing hand, which is even more popular.

There is no doubt that if Yu Ningshuang shows that he wants to become the leader of this team, I am afraid that most people will choose Yu Ningshuang without hesitation.

The eight fairy beast cores had just started, and suddenly Han Yu next to him flew into Han Yu's hands.

"What are you doing?" Yu Ningshuang looked at Han Yu badly, her eyes flickering coldly.

"I am the leader, so I will take care of it naturally." Han Yu said as expected.

Yu Ningshuang looked at Han Yu coldly for a while before closing his gaze back.

It seems that Han Yu regards her as a thug, which makes Yu Ningshuang very unhappy.

Han Yu happily put away the eight fairy beast cores, and said: "Since this is the site of the White Tiger Immortal King, then we will meet it."

Without Han Yu, they took the initiative to find the White Tiger Immortal King, and soon the White Tiger Immortal King led the White Tiger army to kill.

The White Tiger Immortal King is majestic and majestic, like a hill, in front of it, Zhu Shuo and Qi Junchu are both feeling pressure.

What's more, there are hundreds of white tigers, among them there are two tiger kings of the real fairyland.

This is a difficult team.

"Zhu Shuo and Qi Junchu, the two Tiger Kings in the fairyland will be handed over to you; as for the White Tiger Immortal King, hand it to Miss Yu; the rest of the white tigers will be handed over to the remaining five of us, are you okay?"

Zhu Shuo, Qi Junchu and others had no objection, but Yu Ningshuang gave Han Yu a cold look and took the lead to kill.

The White Tiger Immortal King is very strong, but Yu Ningshuang is even stronger. He actually killed the White Tiger Immortal King in a single encounter, sealing the core of the fairy beast.

So that everyone saw it in a daze.

Nima, this is too scary, everyone hasn't done it yet.

Seeing that the White Tiger Immortal King was killed by a second, the White Tiger army was in chaos instantly, some angrily rushed towards Yu Ningshuang, some turned around and fled.

"You don't need to do it, Miss Yu is so powerful, she can do it alone." Everyone wanted to do it, but was stopped by Han Yu.

Everyone looked at Han Yu strangely.

Does Han Yu and Yu Ningshuang have hatred?

Yu Ningshuang didn't live up to Han Yu's high hopes, and single-handedly defeated the White Tiger army.

It’s just that the whole person’s complexion becomes as ugly as it becomes, especially when she returns, Han Yu also naturally stretched out his hand to ask her for the core of the fairy beast, so that Yu Ningshuang had a kind of eating a handful of flies. Uncomfortable.

However, this is just the beginning.

As long as he encounters a monster, Han Yu will smile and say, "You don't need to do it, hand it to Miss Yu!"

So far, everyone got used to it. No matter what fairy beasts you encounter, they hold their hands and wait for them, watching Yu Ningshuang perform.

Three days later, Han Yu and the others harvested thousands of fairy beast cores, and encountered thirteen waves of fairy beasts back and forth. There is no doubt that Yu Ningshuang is alone in the effort every time.

Because the monster beast encountered was only the first-rank fairy beast level, it was easy to kill. Although Yu Ningshuang was a bit dissatisfied at the beginning, he didn't care too much, but as time passed, it gradually reached an explosion. edge.

Han Yu didn't seem to be aware of Yu Ningshuang's emotional changes. Every time Yu Ningshuang killed the fairy beast, he would naturally ask for the core of the fairy beast, which was righteous and reasonable.

After three days, all the fairy beasts were killed by Yu Ningshuang, but all the cores of the fairy beasts were treasured by Han Yu.

The night is another restless night.

The night in the Fairy Beast Mountain Range was extremely lively.

There was a sirius roaring the moon, and a goshawk pierced the sky, it was very spectacular.

At night, Han Yu and the others also chose to die.

In the cave, everyone meditated and adjusted their breath. Han Yu took out all the cores of the fairy beast and divided them into categories.

There are seven cores of a true fairyland fairy beast for the first-grade, 130 cores for a ninth-grade imaginary fairy beast, and 323 cores for an eighth-grade imaginary fairyland fairy beast; The remaining fairy beast cores are more than two hundred.

"More than a thousand fairy beast cores, this is all the credit of Miss Yu." After Han Yu arranged it, he looked at Yu Ningshuang with a smile.

Yu Ningshuang looked at Han Yu coldly, how annoying Han Yu's smile was.

The others didn't speak, everyone could see that Han Yu and Yu Ningshuang were not dealing with each other, so naturally they didn't want to join in the fun.

Han Yu didn't want to let them go. He looked at Zhu Shuo, Qi Junchu and others, and said angrily: "Are you all wood? Miss Yu has worked so hard, don't you even have a word of thanks?"

"Thank you Sister Yu!" Everyone thanked each other one after another.

It's okay if you don't thank you, the more you thank Yu Ningshuang, the more you feel uncomfortable. Especially seeing Han Yu's spring breeze smile, Yu Ningshuang felt sick.

Yu Ningshuang simply closed her eyes and left her eyes alone.

Zhu Shuo, Qi Junchu and others are a little embarrassed, but they are used to this iceberg beauty.


Suddenly, Han Yu furrowed his brows and shot two cold lights in his eyes, looking out of the cave.

At the same time, Yu Ningshuang also opened his eyes.

Zhu Shuo, Qi Junchu, and others have come to know later.


Immediately afterwards, the mountain shook for a while, like an iron rod slamming heavily on the mountain.

Cracks appeared on the roof of the cave and countless rocks fell.

"Foreign race, get out of me!"

An angry roar came from outside the cave.

"Here is a big guy!" Han Yu's eyes lit up.

When a few people flashed, they turned into rays of light and went out of the cave. They saw that in the night sky outside, there was a huge giant tens of thousands of feet high, and their eyes were blood red. The light was brighter than the moon in the sky, and the body exuded a killing Angrily makes people shudder.

"The Demon Winged Snake King of the Erpin Fairyland?" Zhu Shuo exclaimed.

Demon Winged Snake King, covered in black scales like armor, invulnerable to swords and guns, with eight pairs of fleshy wings on his back, which can go into the sky and the earth. Of course, this is not its most terrifying place, its most terrifying is the venom of the Devil Wing Snake King.

Even the powerhouse of the Third Stage True Wonderland, if he was contaminated with the poison of this Devil Wing Snake King, he could be instantly poisoned to death.

"Don't move everyone, leave it to Miss Yu!"

At this moment, the familiar voice sounded again.

Zhu Shuo, Qi Junchu and others were so dumbfounded that the fear caused by the Devil Wing Snake King disappeared instantly.

But Yu Ningshuang sounded extremely harsh.

"Why me again, you are the leader of this team, don't you set an example for everyone?" Yu Ningshuang couldn't bear it, and finally broke out.

Han Yu said helplessly: "The Winged Snake King is so powerful, I think only Miss Yu in our team can kill it. Since Miss Yu is not its opponent, then I can only fight to the death."

This bastard!

Yu Ningshuang was so angry that she was grinning her silver teeth. On the surface, she was complimenting her, but in fact she was saying that she couldn't do it.

Yu Ningshuang let out a cold snort and slew towards the Demon Wing Snake King.

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