Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3164: Dismissed

A strong man in the Four-Princess Realm of Wonderland, who came to Tengchao Academy to study, said that it had no purpose, and no one would believe it.

Yu Ningshuang is working to cure the poison, and the rest protect her.

After about an hour, Yu Ningshuang suddenly spit out black blood. The black blood fell on the ground, instantly corroding a huge pit on the ground.

Yu Ningshuang exhaled a long breath, retracted the light shrouded on the body's surface, and stood up.

But the scene she saw immediately made her almost crazy.

I saw Han Yu dug out the core of the fairy beast of the Demon Wing Snake King very skillfully and put it away.

"You are positive." Yu Ningshuang said uncomfortably.

"This little thing naturally doesn't bother Miss Yu." Han Yu smiled.

Yu Ningshuang's face paled with anger, but in the end he held it back.

Han Yu's gaze swept across the crowd and said, "Miss Yu is poisoned, I think we should not go further."

Han Yu naturally could see that although Yu Ningshuang had removed some venom, there was still surplus poison in his body.

Yu Ningshuang snorted: "I'm fine, you don't need to worry about it."

Han Yu looked at the others, and the others also said it was okay.

They are naturally fine, and Yu Ningshuang has been charging forward all the way.

A group of people hit the road again.

As we go deep into the Fairy Beast Mountain Range, the fairy beasts we encounter are getting stronger and stronger. The first-grade real fairy beasts that are relatively rare in the fringe area will encounter several of them every day.

And every time he wants to fight the fairy beast, Han Yu will tell everyone to stay still and hand it to Miss Yu.

"Han Yu, what do you mean? Are you deliberately embarrassing me?" Finally, after killing another Second-Rank True Fairy Beast, Yu Ningshuang went crazy.

"You can do more, Miss Yu is so good, so naturally you have to do more." Han Yu said in a normal tone, as if to say something more normal.

"You fart!" Yu Ningshuang was so angry that the three corpse gods violently jumped into smoke within the seven orifices.

No matter how stupid people are, they will no longer believe Han Yu's nonsense.

At first, Yu Ningshuang was too lazy to care about it, so she endured it, but now she couldn't bear it.

Is it tolerable or unbearable?

"You let everyone comment and see if I'm right." Han Yu said brazenly.

Yu Ningshuang's expression was completely gloomy, and she looked at Zhu Shuo, Qi Junchu and others.

Qi Junchu took the lead and said: "Senior Han, I think your approach is indeed inappropriate. Even if you and Senior Sister Yu have any personal feuds, we are now a team and cannot avenge private revenge."

"Senior Han, we respect you, but it is unfair to Senior Sister Yu to do so!"

Everyone looked at me and spoke for Yu Ningshuang. Although Zhu Shuo didn't say anything, the meaning was obvious.

Han Yu said angrily: "So, are you dissatisfied with me?"

Qi Junchu looked at Han Yu without fear, obviously dissatisfied.

Although the others avoided Han Yu's gaze, they didn't say anything, the meaning was obvious.

Han Yu sneered and said: "Okay, very good. Since you are not convinced, then choose a new leader."

Qi Junchu was the first to jump out and said, "I choose Senior Sister Yu as the leader."


In an instant, Han Yu's position as the leader was taken away, and Yu Ningshuang became the new leader of the team.

Yu Ningshuang looked at Han Yu proudly and said, "Han Yu, now I am the leader of this team. Whatever I say, you can do what you want."

At first, Yu Ningshuang scoffed at the position of the leader, but only after suffering a big loss did he realize that this position was still quite good.

Han Yu shrugged and said: "I'm sorry, since you have already taken my position as the leader, then I have the right to leave this team. From now on, I am no longer a member of your team."

"Huh?" Yu Ningshuang was taken aback, especially when he saw the cunning color in Han Yu's eyes, he suddenly felt like he was caught in a trick.

The rest of the people didn't think there was anything. After all, anyone who was dismissed in this way would have trouble making life.

"Everyone, good luck to you, goodbye!" Han Yu arched his hands at the crowd, turned and left.

There seemed to be a sense of relief.

In fact, Han Yu had long wanted to act alone, but couldn't find the opportunity.

So I came up with a plan to abuse Yu Ningshuang.

In this way, you can avenge your previous revenge and leave the team openly, so why not do it.

"Stop." Yu Ningshuang said coldly.

"Is there anything else?" Han Yu asked.

"Since you have left our team, shouldn't the previous fairy beast core be handed over?" Qi Junchu was speaking.

He thought that Han Yu wanted to leave so impatiently that he wanted to swallow the core of the fairy beast.

"That, give it to you." Han Yu generously took out all the fairy beast cores and returned them.

Before Han Yu took it all on himself, he wanted to disgust Yu Ningshuang.

"I don't want to tell you this." Yu Ningshuang stared at Han Yu straightly.

Like Han Yu, she didn't care about these fairy beast cores at all, she only cared about them.

"Then what do you want to tell me?" Han Yu said.

"Did you set the rules before, whoever is the leader, and the rest must listen to the leader's arrangements?" A sly color flashed in Yu Ningshuang's eyes.

"So what?" Han Yu said calmly.

"In that case, you have to listen to me now." Yu Ningshuang said strongly.

"I also said that if you are disobedient, you can leave the team. I don't want to listen to you, so I take the initiative to leave the team. There is nothing wrong with it?" Han Yu asked back.

Yu Ningshuang gritted her teeth with anger, wishing to bite Han Yu.

From childhood to adulthood, she has never been so angry like these days.

"Goodbye." Han Yu squeezed his eyes at Yu Ningshuang, and flew away into the sky.

"You stop me!" Yu Ningshuang was furious and turned into a ray of light to chase Han Yu.

The two went one after the other, very fast.

Zhu Shuo, Qi Junchu and others chased after a while, but they couldn't catch up at all.

Several people looked at each other from face to face, and these two people were too irresponsible, so they just left them behind.

"I blame you, I have to change the leader, now it's alright, Senior Han is angry and left, Senior Yu is a person with no sense of responsibility again." He Yanqing looked at Qi Junchu angrily.

"You can also blame me for how much Han Yu is too much, you didn't miss it." Qi Junchu hummed.

"Senior Yu is angry and wants to seek justice from Han Yu, she will definitely not leave us!" a man said confidently.

Several people continued to chase.

Seven days later, they were desperate.

They did not catch Yu Ningshuang, nor did Yu Ningshuang come back.

Not only that, they also encountered a second-stage true celestial beast. Six people were seriously injured and dying before they made a way to survive. They didn't dare to go further, and could only retreat to the outside.

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