Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3198: Improve cultivation

"Star Banquet?" Han Yu looked at Situ Miao suspiciously. This was the first time he had heard of these three words.

"The Stars Banquet is a huge event held once every ten years in the Xuanfeng Kingdom. All talents and talents in the kingdom can participate. The top ten at the Xuanfeng Banquet can not only receive the emperor’s gifts and rewards, but also represent the Xuanfeng Kingdom to participate in Heyun The Tianjiao list jointly organized by the three countries of the Kingdom of Yu and the Kingdom of Xiayang is an extremely glorious thing for the people of the three countries." Situ Miao explained.

Situ Miao paused for a while and said again: "Moreover, this time the Stars Banquet is different. At this time the Stars Banquet, the engagement ceremony of Prince Ji Tianhao and Hua Zhiyu will be held. It can be said to be the most important in the history of the Profound Wind Kingdom. , The most solemn star banquet."

Han Yu was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that Ji Tianhao and Hua Zhiyu were going to get engaged.

Yunman said bitterly: "Why, jealous?"

Han Yu smiled faintly, not being jealous.

It's just that at the Prince's banquet, Han Yu and Hua Zhiyu had a sword and mingling with Hua Zhiyu before. Han Yu and Hua Zhiyu were a little bit close to each other. Han Yu can conclude that Hua Zhiyu would never marry Ji Tianhao.

This engagement banquet was held suddenly, and it was obvious that Ji Tianhao felt threatened.

His life in the Profound Wind Kingdom will probably not be too easy.

Han Yu asked, "What are the rewards?"

Situ Miao said: "According to the previous rules, those who have won the top ten at the Star Banquet are all eligible to go to the Royal Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to select a cheat book, and the first three can ask the emperor to make a request, and the emperor must meet it."

Han Yu secretly wondered whether he should attend the Stars Banquet.

His best choice now is to die and grow up silently.

But obviously, the news of the engagement banquet sounded the alarm for Han Yu, and Han Yu might not be able to grow up silently.

After understanding about the Qunxing Banquet, Han Yu actually wanted to see Hua Zhiyu.

But to his surprise, when he went to Hua Zhiyu's residence, he was told that Hua Zhiyu had left.

Although Han Yu is a little disappointed, it is understandable that the engagement ceremony will be held soon, and Hua Zhiyu also needs preparation.

In the following days, Han Yu began to concentrate on the six reincarnation fists, and no one was seen. Princess Yuluo has been here several times, but she was turned away and was very angry.

One day, Ji Tianhao suddenly sent someone to solicit Han Yu's opinion and asked him whether he would attend the Stars Banquet.

Although it is a solicitation, it is actually an order plus temptation.

Han Yu had no choice but to agree to participate in the Stars Banquet.

In a blink of an eye, it was only two months before the Banquet of the Stars. After Han Yu’s painstaking research, the six reincarnation fists finally rose a step, reaching the level of the yellow-level low-grade immortality, and completely out of the "six reincarnation" mentality. Even if Han Yu practiced other mental techniques, he could still display the full power of the six reincarnation fists.

After that, Han Yu stopped hesitating and began to practice a new mental method, a low-level mental method of immortality.

Immortal order heart method, seamless flaws.

With the movement of the fairy-level mental method, the power of the six realms in Han Yu's body began to transform frantically. In less than three days, the power of the five realms of heaven, humanity, tunnel, demon and ghost were all transformed into the power of the realm.

Han Yu's cultivation has also reached the pinnacle of the Fourth Stage True Wonderland.

Although his cultivation hasn't increased much, his strength has been greatly improved, and the hegemony of the immortal-level heart method made Han Yu amazed.

Then Han Yu stopped practicing by himself, and began to concentrate on helping Situ Miao and Shi Zhongyu improve their cultivation.

After such a long time of comprehension, the two of them have also completely entered the cultivation stage of the Xianxian mental method.

In the secret room, the two sat cross-legged in front of Han Yu. Han Yu stretched out his hands and pressed one hand on one person's back. The terrifying energy spread from Han Yu's body to the two of them madly, and both of them were running immortal steps. Low-level mentality, crazy refining.

During this time, Situ Miao prepared many first-grade elixir to improve their cultivation.

The first-class elixir was originally a treasured medicine to aid cultivation, but if they took too much of the first-class elixir, it would leave many side effects.

But after the first-grade elixir was refined by Han Yu, all the side effects were eliminated by Han Yu, and the purest energy was injected into the two people, which was much better than the effect of directly swallowing the first-grade elixir.

So that when the banquet of stars came, the two of them broke through to the realm of the third stage true immortal one after another. Such a fast cultivation speed made them dreamlike.

However, even if Han Yu helped them, their realm seemed very frivolous and extremely unstable.

The side effects of forcibly upgrading the cultivation base are still obvious.

But neither Han Yu, Situ Miao, and Shi Zhongyu are in a hurry, they have a lot of time to stabilize their cultivation.

Shi Zhongyu and Situ Miao can also continue to fight to hone their strengths.

Seven days before the banquet of the stars, Princess Yuluo led the Huo Fengwei to surround Han Yu's mansion and vowed not to stop without seeing Han Yu.

Han Yu was free and went out to see her.

"Han Yu, you are not respectful of the decree. I have already informed the Emperor Ming that a large army will come and arrest you." Princess Yuluo said angrily.

"How can I resist the decree?" Han Yu said innocently.

For the intimidation of Princess Yuluo, no fear. If the emperor really wanted to arrest Han Yu, it might not be the turn of Princess Yuluo to bring Huo Fengwei to surround him.

"Huh, why did my father and your master arrange you to enter Ziding Immortal Mansion to study? It is for you and me to get along with each other more, so that you can behave in front of this princess and change the princess's view of you. And what about you? You have been in Ziding Xianfu for more than a year, and you have been hiding from this princess. Aren’t you resisting decree and disrespectful?” Princess Yuluo scolded.

"This princess is wronging me, just because I want to behave in front of the princess and win the princess's favor, so I have to retreat and practice. Otherwise, how can I make the princess look down on me?" Han Yu is not flushed. Panting Road.

"Really?" Princess Yuluo looked at Han Yu suspiciously.

"Of course it's true, I have decided to shine at the Stars Banquet, so that the princess will look differently." Han Yu said solemnly.

"The ghost believes what you say. This princess is very responsible to tell you that my father is very angry and the consequences are serious. If this princess hadn't said good things for you, the Imperial Forest Army would have arrested you in the jail long ago. My father The emperor said, if you are still avoiding me from now on, then I can catch you at any time, cut first and play later, even if your master comes, it won’t be useful.” Princess Yuluo curled her lips, and after speaking, she was proud Looking at Han Yu.

"Well, what do you want me to do, just give it to you." Han Yu is fine now, and it doesn't matter to play with Princess Yuluo.

"Come with me!" Princess Yuluo was overjoyed.

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