Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3226: Two great elixirs

Ziding Xianfu, the central martial arts field.

At this time, a large number of people gathered here, watching the clash on the ring with relish.

In the arena, it was a duel of two Danxians.

Danxian duel, alchemy will determine the outcome. Although not as thrilling as the battle looks, it is also touching.

"Situ Miao is really amazing. As far as I know, he has only been promoted from the first level alchemy to the second level alchemy in just three or four years. In terms of alchemy qualifications, he can be said to be unprecedented!"

"Yes, Danxian wants to advance, not only requires cultivation as a foundation, but also needs to refine countless pill refining techniques and alchemy. In just three or four years, how did he do it?"

"As we all know, alchemy will form pill scale, and pill scale will have a huge impact when you experience it. Generally, alchemists pay attention to step by step in alchemy and do not dare to advance. And Situ Miao is simply an alchemy madman. Since coming to the Ziding Immortal Mansion, It seems that he has never rested, I really don’t know how he solved the Dan Go problem!"


While everyone was talking about it, Situ Miao, who was concentrating on refining the pill, suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, his face instantly turned purple and blue, and his body became shaky.

As a result, Dan Ding became extremely irritable and might give up halfway.

"Hahaha, Situ Miao, you are eager for quick success and quick gains, Dan grime is in your body, and piles up into illness. Today's alchemy is the last straw that crushes you." Situ Miao's opponent, Jin Fu, the deputy leader of the Qin-Jin Alliance, mocked.

Jin Fu, the only female alchemist in Ziding Immortal Mansion, and a second-level alchemy, has a long-standing reputation throughout the Profound Wind Kingdom.

Recently, Situ Miao has been madly making alchemy and countless elixir has flowed out, which has greatly affected the business of the Qin-Jin Alliance.

Because of Han Yu, they didn't dare to directly suppress, so there was today's showdown.

The loser shall no longer trade in elixirs in Ziding Xianfu.

"Just now all of us were still surprised how Situ Miao overcome Dan Gou, but we didn't expect to be very sick!"

"Yes, Situ Miao has just been promoted to the second-level Danxian not long ago, even in his heyday, it is difficult to win Jin Fu, let alone now!"

Many people sighed, wondering why Situ Miao wanted to make such a self-harming alchemy.

Situ Miao forcibly stabilized the alchemy and continued to refine the alchemy without letting the half-way misfortune happen.

Jin Fu curled his lips in disdain. Although Situ Miao insisted on it, it is still unclear whether he can persist in the end.

Moreover, with Situ Miao's current situation, even if he persisted to the end, I am afraid that he would be a ruin and would not pose any threat to them.

Jin Fu was waiting to receive the fruits of victory, and suddenly only heard a sigh, an air current rushed out of Situ Miao's body and floated out of the field.

"How is this going?"

Everyone was shocked. Following the airflow, they saw a man who stretched out his hand to **** in the gas, which he had sucked out of Situ Miao's body.

"Han Yu?"

The scene exploded instantly.

Han Yu, that is definitely the most popular king in Xuanfeng Kingdom.

"Isn't Situ Miao his little brother? Why did he absorb Situ Miao's energy at this time?" Everyone was surprised.

Situ Miao's situation is not optimistic anymore, and his energy has been absorbed, which is simply worse.

Jin Fu on the ring was shocked and his eyes widened. Because she had already seen that what Han Yu was absorbing was not Situ Miao's energy, but the Dan Scale in Situ Miao's body.

"Isn't he afraid that Danmu will enter his body and pile up into illness?"

Jin Fu looked at Han Yu, shocked.

Danshou is a big trouble for alchemists, but for ordinary people, it is simply deadly poison.

If you inhale it rashly, you will definitely lose it.

However, Jin Fu was shocked in the back, only to see Han Yu continuously sucking the Danshou from Situ Miao's body, but he was not threatened or troubled.

"How is it possible?" Jin Fu couldn't believe what he saw.

You must know that the more you are an alchemist, the more you know the horror of Dangou.

"Could it be that Situ Miao dared to make alchemy crazily all the time because Han Yu cleared the pill grime for him?"

Jin Fu's heart trembled three times.

According to their previous speculation, Situ Miao should have been pill in his body long ago, piled up and collapsed.

But it has been fine till now.

I thought Situ Miao was forcibly suppressed.

It seems not, he has a solid backing.

It was precisely because of this backing that he dared to make unscrupulous alchemy.

And this backing is Han Yu.

Jin Fu suddenly felt envy and hatred towards Situ Miao, the alchemist was most afraid of Danmu. Without Danmu's troubles, I couldn't imagine how smooth the way in Dandao would go.

And Situ Miao had such a chance.

This is an unforgettable encounter.

Others gradually saw Han Yu's intentions, and their eyes widened in surprise. Among them, there were several alchemists who were unbelievable.

As Dan Gu was quickly sucked away by Han Yu, Situ Miao's state gradually recovered, and his face became ruddy.

The reason why he dared to refine the pill without restraint was naturally because of Han Yu.

It was only because Han Yu hadn't shown up in the palace for a long time recently, and the Danmu in his body had not been cleared, which caused the situation today.

And what surprised Situ Miao was that as Han Yu's cultivation level improved, the speed of sucking away Danmu was too fast.

As a result, within half a day, Situ Miao's body was enough to make him unrecoverable Danmu was completely sucked away by Han Yu, and Situ Miao returned to his peak!


Jin Fu was stunned.

It's nothing more than to be able to absorb Danmu, the speed is so fast, should you be so perverted?

Han Yu's abnormality has been known to the whole world, and today, he has demonstrated an ability against the sky.

It can be said that Han Yu's ability will drive alchemists all over the world crazy.

The alchemist is the most noble profession in the world, and it responds to a hundred responses. And Han Yu can make countless alchemists crazy, and it feels terrible to think about it.


Suddenly, there was an explosion in Jin Fu's alchemy cauldron, and the alchemy cauldron shook violently.


Countless people exclaimed.

Jin Fu was even more eclipsed, because she was so shocked that she forgot that she was doing alchemy, and there was a huge change in an instant.


Suddenly, many cracks appeared on Jin Fu's Danding.

Fried tripe?

The souls of all the dead are threatened.

The situation that the alchemist fears most is undoubtedly the bombing of the tripod.

The alchemist refines the pill and explodes the cauldron, which is undoubtedly the same as practice.

Once in a lifetime, it may be directly scrapped and fall into a dead end.

That's it!

Jin Fu tried his best to control the alchemy cauldron and found that he could not control it at all.

The mood suddenly sank to the bottom, and his face instantly turned dead gray.

Danding is the magic weapon of Danxian's life. Exploding the tripod, you can’t even run!

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