Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3281: Wait for me to return

This incident had a great impact on the Taoxian Mansion. A new disciple who was about to enter the gate killed another new disciple who was about to enter the gate. It was an event that had never happened before in the history of the Taoxian Mansion, so that it caused Asked the extreme attention of the senior officials of Xianfu.

For several days, Wang Xin, Wang Wei, and Wang Ling stayed here with Wang Chao, but the news they received was worse than one.

The only thing that gave them some comfort was that Hua Zhiyu was released three days later. Asking Dao Xianfu did not punish her, but Hua Zhiyu was not happy at all, because Han Yu's punishment result has not yet come out. .

Hua Zhiyu also stayed with Wang Chaoyue and waited for the result. Until the seventh day, Wang Chaoyue came back to tell everyone that the result of Han Yu's punishment had come out.

Seeing Wang Chaoyue's solemn expression, a few people knew that the punishment might not be light.

"Senior, how are they going to punish Han Yu?" Hua Zhiyu asked with restraint and anger in her heart.

If she had the ability, she would have asked Dao Xianfu a long time ago.

It is a pity that she, who is a first-class Golden Wonderland, is just a drop in the ocean in front of Asking Immortal Mansion, unable to overcome any storms.

Wang Chaoyue paused and said, "Punish Han Yu to go infernal affairs!"

Wang Xin, Wang Wei and Wang Ling were all taken aback. Is this punishment? Doesn't it sound like a big deal?

But Wang Chaoyue's face told them that it was definitely not as simple as they thought.

Wang Chaoyue said: "The Infernal Affairs, also known as the Infernal Purgatory and the Tao of Immortality."

Everyone took a breath.

They are all immortals, and Infernal Affairs is also called Zhuxian Dao, you can imagine how terrible it would be.

Wang Chaoyue said: "Infernal Affairs is a special passage in the Zhuxian Peak in the Houshan Mountain of Asking Immortal Mansion. Since ancient times, no one has come back alive for anyone who walks on Infernal Affairs."


Several people changed their colors.

"Isn't this sentenced to death for Brother Han? How could they do this? Even if Brother Han breaks the law, it still has a reason!" Wang Xin said angrily.

"If it is the death penalty, it is even more terrifying than the death penalty." Wang Chaoyue said with a look of horror.

"What do you mean?" Hua Zhiyu asked in a low voice, her voice so cold that she would freeze the void to pieces.

"Anyone who enters Infernal Affairs will be punished by various forces without interruption, so that people can't survive and die!" Wang Chaoyue said in a trembling voice.

Although he has never entered Infernal Affairs, he has heard countless legends about Infernal Affairs, and every legend will make him creepy.

"This is too cruel! Why? Why are they?" The Wang family refused.


Hua Zhiyu broke out in an instant, and then turned into a light and shadow and rushed out.

Everyone knows what she is going to do.

"Little friend Hua, don't be impulsive!" Wang Chaochao stopped Hua Zhiyu.

"Get out!" Hua Zhiyu was murderous.

"Xiaoyou Hua, I know that you are dissatisfied, and you feel uncomfortable. But the punishment has been issued and it is impossible to change. If you rush to it, not only will you not be able to save Xiaoyou Han, you will also be severely punished." Wang Chaoyue persuaded.

"Even if I die, I will die with him!" Hua Zhiyu said every word, his eyes firmly unshakable.

Wang Xin, Wang Wei, and Wang Ling all shook.

How deep is your relationship with Han Yu to be like this?

Ordinary couples may not be like this.

"Xiaoyou Hua, before the punishment is executed, we have an opportunity to meet Xiaoyou Han. How about making a decision after seeing Xiaoyou Han?" Wang Chaochao cautiously persuaded.

"Yes, Fellow Daoist Hua, after we meet Brother Han, how about thinking of a way?" Wang Xin also came to persuade.

After Han Yu's punishment was announced, it caused an uproar in Wendao Xianfu.

Infernal Affairs is undoubtedly the most terrifying place in Asking Immortal Mansion.

Being punished by Infernal Affairs is undoubtedly the most terrifying punishment for Wendao Immortal Mansion.

Many people who are severely punished for breaking the law would rather die than go to Infernal Affairs.

People realize that asking Dao Xianfu is probably trying to kill chickens and monkeys, in order to behave like others.

So that for a while, Han Yu, a disciple who had just started, spread his name in Wendao Immortal Mansion. He also created an alternative history, becoming the first person in Wendao Xianfu's history to be arrested before he stepped into the gate of Wendao Xianfu, and then punished with Infernal Affairs.

The day before the punishment was executed, Hua Zhiyu, Wang Xin and others met Han Yu in the Wendao Xianfu Dungeon.

Han Yu was very desolate, not only was his cultivation base sealed, but his body was also ripped apart.

"Who did it?" Wang Chaoyue was furious.

Han Yu's punishment has come down, who still abuses lynching?

There is no doubt that the Wei family did it.

Even if Han Yu was punished for Infernal Affairs, they couldn't swallow that breath and used their relationship to come in and beat Han Yu severely.

Wang Xin and Wang Wei wanted to cry.

Wang Ling had already cried into tears.

Hua Zhiyu, two lines of clear tears quietly crossed her cheeks, without saying anything, silently healing Han Yu.

"You go out first, I have something to tell Zhiyu." Han Yu looked at the few people.

Several people nodded, and the moment Wang Xin turned around, he couldn't help but tell Han Yu through a voice message that Hua Zhiyu wanted to die with Han Yu.

For this, Han Yu is not surprised.

After a few people left, only Han Yu and Hua Zhiyu were left in the eerie dungeon.

"Zhiyu, I think Situ Miao and Shi Zhongyu may not be dead yet, you must help me find them!" Han Yu said.

He has to let Hua Zhiyu live.

Hua Zhiyu did not answer, silently healed Han Yu.

"This time I asked Dao Xianfu to impose unfair punishment on me. I am not satisfied, but now I am unable to vindicate. If I die, please be fair to me. In this way I can die and scorn!"

Hua Zhiyu started sobbing, but did not answer Han Yu.

Han Yu is well aware of Hua Zhiyu's character, how sad is she to be so?

Han Yu couldn't help sighing secretly.

"There is one more thing, I have to ask you to help me do it, you must promise me." Han Yu said very seriously.

"What's the matter?" Hua Zhiyu asked, her voice extremely gentle and extremely low.

"You promise me first." Han Yu strengthened his tone.

Hua Zhiyu's body trembled abruptly. Seeing Han Yu's pleading and extremely tough gaze, her determination finally wavered, and finally nodded seriously.

Han Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You know, my biggest goal is to find my wife and parents. If I don't come back, you will help me find them."

After Hua Zhiyu paused, Zheng nodded.

Han Yu was completely relieved, suddenly smiled, and said, "Of course, there is one more important thing I want to tell you."

Hua Zhiyu didn't know why Han Yu could still laugh now, and asked: "Just tell me, no matter what, I will help you do it."

Han Yu said, "You don't need to do this. You just have to wait and wait for my return!"

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