Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3318: Mighty power

"It's a bit of mighty power, but after all, it's only half a step!" Huang Yi said lightly.

Everyone was stunned, the terrifying killer move that made everyone fearful, Huang Yi actually commented so calmly.

Could it be that the terrifying killer moves of the two great law protectors are not enough in his eyes?

The terrifying behemoth was a thousand feet away from Huang Yi, and Huang Yi suddenly raised his right hand and flicked twice.


Two rays of light flew out, hitting the two giant beasts that came.

Pointing to the lower-rank celestial art of the earth-step, it is still the lower-rank celestial art of the two half-step great powers!

Whether it is a strong person from all directions, or a strong person who asks Dao Xianfu, it feels incredible.

Although Huang Yi is a powerful person, it is a bit too big to do so, right?

Two rays of light hit the two giant beasts straight, and hit the heads of the two giant beasts directly.


Two terrible explosions sounded, and the two frightening giant beasts burst into pieces.

"how is this possible?"

Asked the countless strong people in Xianfu exclaimed, can't believe this scene.

Everyone has sensed the power of the ultimate move displayed by the left and right guardians, and it can be said to have the power to destroy the world.

No matter how powerful it is, it will not be destroyed by a finger?

The masters from all directions began to cheer after being shocked.

A snap to destroy the two most powerful kills with a half-step, asked how the Immortal Mansion could resist Huang Yi?

"Huang Yi is great!"

"Huang Yi is great!"

The masters from all directions cheered and were in awe of Huang Yi.

Especially the people of the five major forces, some have already knelt down and regard Huang Yi as a benefactor.

Two muffled hums sounded, and the left and right guardians fell out of the energy storm.

When they saw their injuries, everyone was even more frightened.

I saw a blood hole on both of their chests.

Huang Yi snapped his fingers, not only destroyed their fairy skills, but also pierced their chests.

The power of Huang Yi's finger is unimaginable.

"This is great power, it will destroy the world with a single finger!"

Countless people sighed.

I was deeply impressed by the powerful means.

As Huang Yi rolled his sleeves, the terrifying energy storm shrank rapidly, and finally condensed into a small sphere before disappearing.

He once again demonstrated the powerful means to travel through the sky and the earth.

Huang Yi glanced faintly at the left and right guardian, looked towards Tao Wuchang and said, "Do you still want to be a man with a mantle arm and be ruined?"


The audience was shaking.

This is great power, one person looks down on the entire Wendao Immortal Palace.

Countless masters in the east feel sad.

Wendao Immortal Mansion is a giant in the east, and was despised by a person from the south. This is not only the sorrow of Wendao Immortal Mansion, but also the sorrow of the entire east.

However, this is also an indisputable fact.

The east, south, west, north and Zhongzhou of Xianjue Continent are the weakest in the east.

Everyone looked at Tao impermanence.

Da Neng raises his hand to wipe out Wendao Xianfu, and the life and death of Wendao Xianfu is only between his thoughts.


The four great geniuses in Yunshang Jiuzhong days did not know what happened to Wendao Xianfu. All four of them were trying their best to break through the barrier, hoping to reach the ninth level and get the horror mind left by the founder of Wendao Xianfu.

Now, Han Yu has overcome all obstacles and made it to the sixth world.

The sixth world is called the extremely heavy world.

The gravity of this world is extremely terrifying, as if the body is backed by billions of stars, every step of the way out will shake the ground, like a giant coming.

Han Yu has been walking in the extremely heavy world for more than 20 days. He is carrying a heavy load every day, as strong as his body. At this time, he also sweats and his whole body aches.

But the extremely heavy world seems boundless and can't go far.

This is the world that Han Yu has encountered the most trouble along the way.

But Han Yu is not in a hurry, because he still has his cards that have not been revealed.

After walking for a few days, a large black mountain suddenly appeared on the barren ground. The black mountain stands on the horizon, like the horizon.

Han Yu dragged his heavy body and walked to the mountain. The mountain was very high. Standing in front of it, Han Yu felt as small as an ant.

A stone tablet was erected in front of the mountain, and the stone tablet recorded the way to pass this level.

Han Yu couldn't help but smile again and again after reading it.

Asking the patriarch of Xianfu is really "sinister" enough, how many people can pass such a test?

The way to clear the level is very simple, that is, jump to the top of the mountain.

Yes, I did not read it wrong, I jumped to the top of the mountain.

If it were in other places, although the huge mountain of Wanzhang was high, it was also a step for Han Yu and others of this level.

But here, wanting to jump up is simply as difficult as climbing.

"Although it's difficult, I can't help it!" A confident smile appeared on Han Yu's face.

Suddenly, there were five acupuncture points on Han Yu's body, and each of them was as bright as a star. From these five acupuncture points, a steady stream of energy gushes out, making Han Yu's body instantly full of inexhaustible power.

Han Yu looked at the top of the mountain, his feet bent, and then suddenly bounced.

"call out!"

In an instant, Han Yu shot up like a cannonball and shot towards the top of the mountain.

The extremely heavy power here seems to have no effect on him at all.


Han Yu drew a perfect arc and landed right on the top of the mountain. The mountain was swayed by foot and almost collapsed.

After Han Yu stabilized, a light gate appeared beside him.

He passed the examination smoothly.

Han Yu entered the Light Gate without hesitation, and appeared in the seventh world in the next moment.

The seventh world is called the Seven-Star World, and a terrifying Seven-Star Sword Array is arranged here, and the trajectory of the Seven-Star Sword Array is moving at any time.

The trespassers not only have to resist the attacks of the Seven-Star Sword Array, but also have to get out of the Seven-Star Sword Array to complete the pass.

Han Yu just appeared, surrounded by turmoil, and the Seven Star Sword Array appeared.

Huh huh!

Endless sword energy came through the air, carrying a terrifying killing intent.

This seven-star sword formation was born in response to the cultivation of the passer.

Han Yu is the cultivation base of the Fifth-Rank Golden Wonderland, and the power of the Seven-Star Sword Array is equivalent to the strongest attack in the fifth-Rank Golden Wonderland.

To break through the Seven-Star Sword Formation, one must possess invincible strength in the same realm.

And Han Yu not only possesses the invincible strength of the same realm, but also possesses the strength of leapfrog battle.

If he wants to, he can break the Seven Star Sword Array with one punch and get out.

But Han Yu didn't. While resisting the attack of Jian Qi, he studied the essence of the Seven Star Sword Array.

A few days later, Han Yu was surprised to find that the so-called Seven-Star Sword Array was actually a kind of sword magic.

This kind of sword magic evolves from the void somewhere in this world, evolving sword energy, forming a sword formation.

Han Yu couldn't help but be overjoyed, he didn't need to think to know that this kind of swordsmanship was definitely not weak.

He is now in need of powerful swordsmanship. If it can be obtained, it will be his great help.

Han Yu no longer kept it, and the Heaven-Swallowing Sword appeared, displaying the Shenlong Sword Dao, with a fierce blow.

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