Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3337: Raise your hand to suppress

Situ Miao and Shi Zhongyu looked dumbfounded. They were about to watch Han Yu slaughter the Quartet. They didn't expect a tornado to suddenly drop from the sky and take them away.

"Boss, what's going on?" Both of them looked at Han Yu in surprise.

Hua Zhiyu also looked at Han Yu.

Who would have thought that there would be someone here to save them.

Is it because the road sees injustice and draws a knife to help, or is it someone you know?

"A kind person." Han Yu said lightly, not seemingly surprised.

"Cough cough cough..."

Suddenly, a violent cough sounded.

Situ Miao and Shi Zhongyu's eyes widened in surprise.

The tornado dissipated, and they fell into an alley, and a very weak old man with a cane appeared in the sight of several people.

"Senior, why are you?" Situ Miao asked in surprise.

This old man is Fang Xiyu's master Gu Wanzhong.

Situ Miao, Shi Zhongyu, and Hua Zhiyu were all very surprised. Before Gu Wanzhong killed two first-grade golden fairyland powerhouses, they all felt that they had spent half their lives. I didn't expect that today there would be eight 8th-grade golden fairyland powerhouses. Rescue them under your nose.

No one thought that this old man who looked like a dying year turned out to be a hidden master.

"Four little friends, it's too late to explain, you guys go!" Gu Wanzhong looked solemnly in the direction of the pill trade fair, and the elder Duan and others were already approaching quickly.

Huh huh!

There was a rush of breaking through the sky, and the eight masters turned into eight rays of light, like lightning across the sky.

"You guys go!" Gu Wanzhong saw Han Yu and others slack off and urged again.

Han Yu said lightly: "Senior, don't worry, they can't kill us."

Han Yu's voice is very relaxed, showing strong confidence.

Gu Wanzhong couldn't help but stunned. A kid from the seventh-level golden fairyland was chased and killed by eight eighth-level golden fairyland masters. He even said that he didn't need to worry. Where did he get his confidence?

But now it is too late to say anything, Han Yu and others have already missed the best time to escape.

Gu Wanzhong looked solemn, and the hand holding the crutch couldn't help but increase his strength.

Soon, Elder Duan and several others chased up, and Elder Duan's eyes locked Gu Wanzhong for the first time: "Who are you? Dare to ruin the old man?"

Gu Wanzhong gave a cold snort without answering.


Elder Duan used a color, and the other seven quickly took control of the battlefield. The three of them stared at Han Yu, Hua Zhiyu, Situ Miao, and Shi Zhongyu respectively, while the others stared at Gu Wanzhong.

Obviously, Gu Wanzhong's performance just now made them attach great importance to it.

"Four little friends, the old man can hold on for a while, you find a chance to break through." Gu Wanzhong spoke to Han Yu and the other four.

Suddenly, Han Yu walked to Gu Wanzhong and said calmly: "Senior, thank you for your help, but this is our own business, so we can handle it by ourselves."

Gu Wanzhong looked at Han Yu in shock. It was this time, and he didn't expect that he could say this.

Gu Wanzhong couldn't help but sigh secretly. After the morning exchanges, he was more optimistic about Han Yu. He felt that this kid was calm and sophisticated. He didn't expect to be so frivolous.

No matter what you think, just give it to Han Yu first, he can't stand it before going on.

Also frustrated his prestige.

Han Yu stepped forward and looked at Elder Duan and said, "The Milky Way Xiansha is on my body. Come to me to get it if you have the ability."

Elder Duan snorted coldly: "Boy, you are too arrogant. Do you think I don't know who you are? If you really think that you have a bad aptitude, you can not put anyone in your eyes? Huh, it's not here. Ask the fairy house!"

Although the name of "Liu Yi" is not as loud as "Blood Demon Disciple Hua Zhiyu", the battle between Dao Xian Mansion and the Rising Sun Alliance still shocked the entire east. The name Liu Yi is remembered by many people.

It is not surprising that Elder Duan recognized "Liu Yi".

"Do it! Don't kill him." Elder Duan ordered.

He did not dare to touch Hua Zhiyu, nor did he dare to kill Han Yu.

"Liu Yi" is a disciple of great power and impermanence.

"Boy, I really don't cry without seeing the coffin. I have to suffer from this flesh!" A master slowly walked towards Han Yu.

Although Elder Duan had told them that Han Yu had the power against the sky, they didn't care at all, so only one person stood up, and more people were wary of Gu Wanzhong.


Han Yu was too lazy to talk nonsense, and took a step forward with six reincarnation punches.

With a punch, six whirlpools lined up and rushed out of the fist, blasting at the man.

The man disagreed, and the same punch was blasted out, with a terrifying fist mark, carrying an unparalleled momentum.


The first black hole collided with the fist print, and the two burst into pieces. The remaining five vortexes reopened the energy storm and blasted on the man.

Bang bang bang...

After suffering five heavy punches, the man spit out blood, his body exploded, leaving only Xiangen to retreat.


Elder Duan and others were frightened, and Gu Wanzhong's eyes widened in shock.

A move that severely injured the powerhouse of the Eighth-Rank Golden Wonderland, this combat power? Is it too bad?

"No wonder he has been so calm!" Gu Wanzhong was ashamed of his prejudice against Han Yu just now.

With such combat power, if it is still not calm, then there is really a problem.

"Even people from the Alchemist Guild can't be so unscrupulous!"

Han Yu's figure moved, and immediately rushed to Elder Duan.

"Huh?" Elder Duan was so scared that he was so scared that he quickly retreated.

Although Elder Duan was also a powerhouse in the Eighth-Rank Golden Wonderland, the alchemist's combat power was not strong by nature, and his strength was not as good as that of the fighter just now. Even the man just now was not Han Yu's enemy, let alone him.

However, Elder Duan had no chance to retreat.

Han Yu's shot was lightning fast.

Han Yu's palm pressed towards Elder Duan, and the terrifying pressure caused Elder Duan to collapse instantly and fell to the ground.

It seems that he is the cultivation base of the Seventh-Rank Golden Wonderland, and Han Yu is the cultivation base of the 8-Rank Golden Wonderland.

The remaining six masters were too late to react. When they reacted, Elder Duan had already been restrained by Han Yu and did not dare to act rashly.

Aggression is like fire, and its speed is like wind!

Han Yu showed it vividly.

"You...what do you want to do? I am the elder of the Alchemist Guild. If you dare to kill me, you will be hunted down by the Alchemist Guild all over the world!"

Seeing Han Yu's big hand pinched his neck, Elder Duan's soul trembled three times.

He would never dream that he would still have today in Danding City.

"Little friend, this person can't be killed." Gu Wanzhong recovered from the shock and hurriedly transmitted a message to Han Yu.

As Elder Duan said, if Han Yu killed him, he would be hunted down by the Alchemist Guild all over the world.

Alchemy Guild's sub-rudders are all over the world, and no one can escape the pursuit of Alchemy Guild.

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