Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 405: Yin Soldier

Chapter 405

"This is the real world, not an illusion!" The old man said affirmatively, paused and then continued: "The most terrifying thing here is not the illusion itself, but that you think you have come out, but you are still in the illusion; When you come out completely, you will think you are in an illusion again! The true and the false are difficult to distinguish, and the false and the true are unknown. In the end, you drive yourself crazy!"

Han Yu nodded, and slowly flew over the bridge in a white dragon. Now that he has already arrived here, he naturally wants to see what the other side of the bridge looks like.

This suspension bridge seems to have an endless length. Han Yu flew over from above and experienced nine environments.

Fire seas, glaciers, poisonous fog, snake nests, ant nests, ghost forests, magic caves, corpse mountains, blood seas, every environment is extremely terrifying, and can scare people to death.

Han Yu kept his heart and was not affected by the surrounding environment, and finally crossed the suspension bridge and set foot on the other side.

The black mist on the other side is rolling, the cool breeze is whistling, and the range of sight is only three feet away, that is, even the power of the soul is extremely oppressed. Walking in the black mist will give people a kind of eyes on all sides. Feeling like myself, goose bumps all over my body.

Not far, a looming building appeared in Han Yu's sight. It was like the head of a demon king, it was pitch black and huge, with a big mouth open. There was a huge stone gate in the mouth, and the road was blocked by the stone gate. If you want to move on, you have to open the stone gate and enter the mouth of the devil sculpture.

The invisible coolness is even more crippling, as strong as Han Yu has to urge Qi Tianjia to resist.

On the stone gate, there are carved patterns and spells that Han Yu can't understand. In front of the stone gate, there is a stone stele. On the stone stele is carved three large characters and two characters one size smaller. And the proverbs on the bronze gate are a kind of font, both belong to the ancient red text, Han Yu can't understand.

"Ghost gate!" Tian Lao muttered to himself.

Han Yu was taken aback, could it be that this really leads to the underworld? Legend has it that the underworld is a place where ghosts transformed into dead people live. It is the opposite of yin and yang from the outside world, and it is a forbidden place for living people.

However, Han Yu always remained skeptical about the ghosts.

The cultivators below the Earth Martial Realm will have their souls annihilated and nothing will be left; the cultivators above the Earth Martial Realm will have undead resentments after death, not ghosts.

"My God, what are the other two vertical characters?" Han Yu asked.

"As soon as you enter the gate of a ghost, your mind will die, heaven, earth and humanity will not reincarnate!" Tian Lao said in a deep voice, causing Han Yu to shiver involuntarily. Everything shows that this is the road to the underworld.

"Go back!" Tian Lao said suddenly.

"My God, do you see something?" Han Yu asked. With the old eyesight of the sky, if there is no gain, some can't justify.

"This place is full of weirdness, it is an ominous place!" Tian Lao said.

"Tian Lao, our Qi Tian Master has robbed countless tombs. Where would we dare not go? It is still ominous?" Han Yu was taken aback, and Tian Lao, who was fearless and fearless, surprised him a bit.

"I'm afraid this is more than just a cemetery!" The old man said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Han Yu hurriedly asked, he really wanted to know more.

"Leave here first!" Tianlao urged.

"Okay!" Han Yu nodded, and drove the white dragon to turn back. He had just walked on the suspension bridge, and suddenly the suspension bridge was shaking, as if someone was walking over.

The jitter of the suspension bridge is very regular, and judging the amplitude of the jitter, there are many people coming.

"Oh damn, won't you encounter that kind of thing?" Tian Lao suddenly surprised.

"What is it?" Han Yu asked.

"Stand aside, wait a minute, no matter what you see or hear, don't talk!" Tian Lao said anxiously.

According to what Tian Lao said, Han Yu stood aside and took the white dragon into his body in order not to attract attention.

Not long after, two figures entered Han Yu's eyes. These are two men wearing black armor and holding spears. They are generally tall, short and thin, with stiff complexions, closed eyes, and their walking movements are neat and uniform, like walking dead.

Behind these two men, there are many soldiers wearing the same clothes as them, all with stiff faces and closed eyes.

Everyone walked in exactly the same way, and the steps they took were all of the same size. They slowly walked out of the black fog of the suspension bridge. What surprised Han Yu was that so many people came over without any footsteps.

"What is this?" Han Yu suddenly felt that he had some difficulty breathing.

"Yin soldiers borrowed!" Tian Lao said.

Han Yu's body trembled suddenly, and he was referring to the ghost generals of the underworld. Now Han Yu actually encountered the Yin Soldier here, and once again proved that the ghost gate was connected to the underworld.

Even the old man was amazed, and what he saw today was unacceptable for a while.

It didn't take long for those Yin soldiers to set foot on the land and pass in front of Han Yu without even looking at Han Yu. Han Yu held his breath, not even daring to breathe.

The Yin Soldier's way has always existed only in the legends of ghosts and monsters, although when encountered, as long as they don't **** the way, there will be no danger. But the ghost knows if those are real.

Han Yu only hoped that they left quickly.


The Ghost Gate was opened, and a more terrifying black mist emerged from it, and the Yin Soldiers walked in neatly.

The black mist drifted past Han Yu with an incomparable chill, instantly freezing Han Yu, and suddenly only the eyelids could move all over his body.

"Tian Lao, you didn't mean that even if there was an underworld in this world, it wouldn't be here. What do you say now?" Han Yu rarely caught Tian Lao's mistake and couldn't help but run a few words.

"Your kid is still talking cool words, be careful they take you away." Tianlao scared.

Han Yu was relieved now. These Yin soldiers were completely walking dead. They passed by Han Yu and didn't find Han Yu, as long as they didn't block their way.

"Boy, look at the back?" Tian Lao said.

Han Yu turned his head and looked behind. Among the Yin Soldiers, a sarcophagus appeared, which was carried by four Yin Soldiers.

"Where did they bring the coffin? Who is in the coffin? So many Yin soldiers will be used to greet them?" Han Yu asked in surprise. There were thousands of Yin Soldiers who passed by in front of him just now, and the tails were not visible from behind. One can imagine that in this sarcophagus, there are definitely not ordinary people.

"You ask me, who am I asking?" Tian Lao said in an angry voice.

When the sarcophagus came to the land, the lid of the coffin was suddenly and slowly removed, and a biting sense of murder was exuded from the inside. When the sarcophagus came to Han Yu, a hand covered with black hair and long nails Stretched out from the coffin, reaching out to Han Yu.

Suddenly, Han Yu's body became very itchy and uncomfortable. It seemed that countless strange things had grown out of the bone marrow, which seemed to grow out of his body.

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