Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 457: Approachable

Chapter 457

This golden griffin is a powerful monster at the level of a Tier 8 soul beast. Although it looks unusual when it runs, it is as fast as a violent wind, and it is still several tens of meters away. The strong wind that forms is blowing into the crowd. In the middle, some of the weaker people were directly lifted up.

The boy on his back laughed loudly, pointing to Han Yu and urging the golden griffon.

Han Yu's face couldn't help but sink. Others didn't know that the boy was coming to him, but he knew it very well and quietly ran to the stocking square beside him. It looks flustered, but in fact it is methodical.

"Little Griffin, chase it!"

The eyes of the golden griffin showed excitement, just like the boy on his back, watching the flying sand and walking stones around him, he turned his back on his horse, as if watching a play, with great joy, twisting his big **** and chasing Han Yu in the square.

It didn't take long before everyone was scattered, and only the golden griffon was chasing Han Yu.

"Why is the Hunshi Demon only chasing that kid?" People were taken aback. Every time the Hunshi Demon appeared, they wanted to make the wharf chickens and dogs restless, but they had never targeted anyone, like they have been chasing someone today This is the first time.

"Who knows, maybe that kid said something that shouldn't be said to offend him!" Just now in the chaos, everyone just tried to run for their lives, and who had the mind to pay attention to other people.

"That kid is really unlucky now, he is stared at by the Demon King, and he has to peel off his skin if he doesn't die!"

As long as the piled goods were swept by the wings of the golden griffin, they all flew up and exploded, just like fireworks.

Some merchants saw blood dripping from their hearts. Most of the goods stacked on the square waiting to be transported were medicinal materials, but they were all valuable things. It was a pity that it was so spoiled.

But the young man on the back of the Golden Griffon didn't even give him a second look. In his eyes, these medicinal materials were no different from garbage.

A quarter of an hour later, the Golden Griffon hadn't even treated Han Yu, but was taken by Han Yu around the square. The young man on his back yelled and cursed his mother.

"Boy, don't run away, stand up and let my little griffin hit you!" The boy looked at Han Yu angrily. I didn't take Han Yu down for such a long time. I just felt it was too shameful.

Han Yu has long seen that this young man has an unusual status in the Mauma Guild. Although he is not afraid of things, he does not want to be enemies with Ma Ma Guild at this juncture. He said indifferently: "Let me stand and hit you. But I am afraid that your golden griffin will be killed!"

The boy's eyes widened, and after a moment he laughed loudly: "Arrogant and arrogant, then stand and try to bump it to see who died."

Han Yu said, "What if the golden griffin dies?"

The juvenile said: "How can the little Griffin die? You don't speak big words."

Han Yu said, "I said what if."

The boy said: "If you are so strong, I will not blame you, I will apologize to you."

Han Yu stopped and said, "Well, let's hit it."

Han Yu had already seen that although this boy was domineering, it was entirely due to his naughty nature. Although he was making troubles along the way, no one was injured. And the reason why such a person is so troubled is completely happy. If it was in other places, Han Yu had to teach him a lesson, but who said this was the site of the Morma Guild.

Han Yu hasn't let the Golden Griffon hit him. The young man has already regarded it as an insult. If he continues to entangle him, it will easily cause even greater conflicts. It doesn't matter if Han Yu fulfills his temperamental desire to win.

Seeing Han Yu really stopped, the boy couldn't help flashing a hint of surprise in his eyes, but it was more of a surprise, urging the Golden Griffon to aim at Han Yu, and then speeding up the collision.

With a thought of Han Yu, his vitality swiftly revolved, directly propping up a vitality shield. Under Han Yu's intentional actions, this vitality shield reached a height of two feet and a width of one foot, which looked like an elliptical giant. egg.

"Soul Martial Fifth Level?" The young man curled his lips in disdain, and said, "I thought you were so powerful, so you can stand up and hit the little griffin? I don't know how to be fearless. Tell you, I The little griffin is an eighth-order soul beast, you kid wait to die."

"What nonsense, come on!" Han Yu looked like a newborn calf was not afraid of tigers.

Just now Han Yu said that he killed the golden griffin, and it was just giving someone a smoke bomb. With Han Yu's ability, it is not difficult to kill the golden griffin, but after the collision, Han Yu probably won’t get off. Up. The most important thing is that Han Yu has found an acquaintance standing not far away, he doesn't want to expose it in advance.


The golden griffin slammed into Han Yu's body, and Han Yu's body flew backwards like a cannonball, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. It flew a long way before hitting the ground, looking so miserable.

"Hmph, dare to be right with Ben Shao, this is your end!" The boy patted his palms and said proudly.

He ignored Han Yu and drove the Golden Griffon to turn his head towards the pier, but just after turning around, he saw a young girl in a brocade suit looking at him angrily in the distance. The teenager suddenly felt a cold back from his back. Drive the golden griffin to run away.

"Chong'er, come over here!" The girl's eyes were filled with fire.

This girl is noble and majestic. Although she is not too old, she has a kind of arrogance and domineering that is unique to a superior. This person is not someone else, it is Masu.

The young man suddenly walked towards Ma Su reluctantly, like a wilted flower. The reason why this young man was able to show off his power here was that he was the son of the contemporary Patriarch of the Ma family and Ma Su's younger brother, so no matter what he did, no one dared to stop him.

Although Ma Chong is the Demon King, he is not afraid of heaven and earth. But in the entire Moma guild, there are two people, one is his father, and the other is naturally his sister Masu.

A middle-aged man rushed to Han Yu's side, took a pill for Han Yu to swallow, and quickly apologized to Han Yu.

Although Han Yu had nothing to do, he pretended to be seriously injured and dying in order to perform a full set. He swallowed the pill and adjusted his breath for a while, and then slowly walked towards Ma Su with the help of the middle-aged man.

After half a year, Ma Su was even more beautiful and beautiful, and the aura of the superior who scorned everything naturally became stronger. Compared with Lu Chenyi and Lu Chenhao, they are all inferior.

Seeing Han Yu and the two approaching, Ma Su stopped yelling at Ma Chong and glanced at Han Yu's face. A strange color flashed deep under his eyes, but it was only a fleeting moment. He leaned slightly towards Han Yu. : "This young hero, I really can't help it. My brother is young and ignorant. Please forgive me for the offense."

After Ma Su finished speaking, she winked at a maid next to her. The maid took out a universe bag and handed it to Han Yu. "This young man, this is compensation from my lady, please accept it."

Had Han Yu not been familiar with Ma Su's temperament, he would really have thought that Ma Su would be approachable.

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