Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 470: Spirit Swallowing Gourd

Chapter 470 Spirit Swallowing Gourd

Han Yu's brows wrinkled tightly, which is difficult to do. After thinking for a while, he said, "Although Dan Chenzi is dead, if you find his burial place, you may be able to find a way to heal Yudie. Senior Sister Chu, has your master told you where is Dan Chenzi's burial place?"

Han Yu regarded Liu Xuanyue as his wife, and Chu Xuehan was Liu Xuanyue's senior sister, so he also called her senior sister.

Chu Xuehan didn't feel weird. She shook her head regretfully and said, "My master does not know where Dan Chenzi's cemetery is." After finishing speaking, she looked at Yudie, revealing a deep self-reproach. .

Although Chu Xuehan was cold and ruthless on her face, she was an extremely weak person in her heart. She had always regarded Yudie as her own sister, but now she can only watch Yudie’s vitality disappear day by day. She feels more uncomfortable than anyone else. .

Han Yu comforted: "Don't blame yourself too much, don't you still have more than forty days? You haven't reached the end of the road. During this time, you should be able to find Dan Chenzi's cemetery."

With Han Yu's strength, it is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack to find a cemetery in the huge Jingzhou in such a short time. But Han Yu can ask Ma Su to help, and it is not impossible with the power of the Mouma Guild.

"What you are talking about is that a thousand years ago, the name moved Jingzhou, known as the most talented alchemist in Jingzhou history, Dan Chenzi, known as the king of pill?"

At this time, a weak voice came, and Qin Tianyuan woke up and tried to sit up.

Han Yu's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and a stride passed Qin Tianyuan up and leaned against the wall. Although Qin Tianyuan was awake at this time, his injuries were still abnormally serious. His face was pale as paper, and his mouth was half dry.

Hu Tu, Liu Qingfeng, and Chu Xuehan all gathered around, and Chu Xuehan asked anxiously: "Sect Master Qin knows where Dan Chenzi's grave is?"

Qin Tianyuan said: "Dan Chenzi is a senior expert a thousand years ago, and we have made friends with Liuyunzi, the founder of the Liuyun Sect!"

Several people were overjoyed upon hearing this. Since Dan Chenzi is Liuyunzi's best friend, he should know everything about Dan Chenzi. Everyone didn't bother Qin Tianyuan and waited for the following.

Qin Tianyuan paused, took a breath and said: "The ancestor left a handwritten note, and it is now in the Xiayun Ancient Cave. It is just because it is about the ancestors' life, and later generations show respect to the ancestors. As a last resort, I won’t open it. I haven’t touched the code for eighteen years since I inherited the lordship. Han Yu, go back and fetch the code. There may be information about the burial place of Dan Chenzi in it."

Han Yu and Chu Xuehan were overjoyed. After Qin Tianyuan told Han Yu the appearance of the code, Han Yu arranged a magical formation and a maze in their hiding place, so that even if the people in the Valley of Sword God find here, they will never be able to enter and hurt them. .

After doing this, Han Yu was about to go to Liuyunzong, when Xiao Zhang woke up and said that he wanted to see Han Yu.

Xiao Zhang's injury was heavier than Qin Tianyuan's. Although Han Yu exchanged medicinal materials to treat internal injuries to help him protect his five internal organs, the level of the medicinal materials was always too low. I am afraid that he could not get out of bed for three to five months. At this time, he just opened his eyes, was able to speak, and couldn't even move his limbs.

Han Yu did not hesitate and entered the cave for the first time. For Xiao Zhang, Han Yu has always respected him.

"Master Xiao, you are awake." Han Yu walked to Xiao Zhang's bed.

Xiao Zhang nodded slightly, and glanced at the purple gourd tied around his waist. Han Yu knew, helped Xiao Zhang pick the purple gourd and handed it to Xiao Zhang.

Xiao Zhang said, "Han Yu, this spirit swallowing gourd is given to you!"

Han Yu said in astonishment: "Master Xiao Clan, I can't collect such a precious treasure."

Xiao Zhang said, "This spirit swallowing gourd was given to me by Grandpa Sun Dahou. It is a soldier of the venerable. It stays in my hand. At best, it will be a cosmic bag. It can't display its brilliance. , Let Mingzhu be covered in dust."

Having said that, Xiao Zhang couldn't help but smiled bitterly before continuing: "Although this spirit swallowing gourd has no attack power, it has the ability to swallow mountains and seas, and can also contain living creatures in it. You keep your little horn on your back. It’s not a matter of going up, sooner or later, your identity will be revealed. This spirit swallowing gourd is just right for you now, and you can put the little horn in it. You won’t expose your identity because of this, and the little horn is comfortable inside."

Han Yu held the Spirit Swallowing Gourd tightly with both hands, even if he is now the master of the Soul Wu Ninth Layer and the Second Ring Unloading Master, this is still an invaluable treasure to him.

Xiao Zhang smiled slightly and said: "Go, I heard that you are still in a hurry to find a cure for Yudie, don't delay the time."

Han Yu nodded, bowed deeply to Xiao Zhang, and said, "Thank you, the master!"

Han Yu wiped off the mark on the swallowing gourd, and then dropped a drop of his own blood on it. After the swallowing gourd had completely absorbed the blood, Han Yu planted the mark, and the swallowing gourd had a wonderful connection with him. Han Yu could see everything in the Spirit Swallowing Gourd with a thought.

In the Spirit Swallowing Gourd, there is an extremely vast space, not much wider than the Qiankun Bag. What Xiao Zhang said was not an exaggeration. The most important thing is that within the spirit swallowing gourd, there is a strong spiritual aura of heaven and earth, not only can it be filled with living things, but it can also be cultivated by itself.

Although Han Yu had seen the Venerable Soldier, it was the first time he saw this magic weapon, and he couldn't help but boil over. After taking out all of Xiao Zhang's things and stacking them next to Xiao Zhang, Han Yu said goodbye to Xiao Zhang and left.

Han Yu was holding the Spirit Swallowing Gourd in both hands, and walking outside the cave could not help his urgency. He quickly took the little horn out of his backpack, Han Yu pointed his right hand to the sword, and hit the Spirit Swallowing Gourd with vitality. Seeing a mysterious light spouting from the spirit swallowing gourd, wrapping the little horns.

Then, under the curiosity of Xiaojiao's eyes, he put it into the spirit swallowing gourd.

Little Horn went inside, looked at the foggy surroundings, was surprised and happy, screamed inside, rushed and rushed over, seeming to announce to the world that it is the master of that world.

Han Yu smiled slightly and looked at the Spirit Swallowing Gourd with joy before he tied it to his waist. The Spirit Swallowing Gourd is not big or small, and it doesn't feel disagreeable when it is tied to Han Yu's waist.

Now that he had the spirit swallowing gourd, the backpack was no longer needed, and Han Yu took it off and threw it aside.

Liu Qingfeng and Hu Tu walked over and looked at the Spirit Swallowing Gourd tied around Han Yu's waist with a little greedy. They have only seen this magic weapon that can put living things in.

"Old man Xiao is willing to give away the spirit swallowing gourd that he cherishes life, it is really rare!" Hu Tu sighed.

"Xiaoyu's charm is amazing!" Liu Qingfeng said with a smile, happy for Han Yu to get such a huge treasure.

Han Yu arched his hands at everyone and said goodbye one after another, and then rode the Six-winged Sky Mouse towards Liuyunzong.

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