Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 477: Return to Xiayun Ancient Cave

Chapter 477 Returning to Xiayun Ancient Cave

The person sending the letter was a middle-aged man who Han Yu didn't know. He came by a Tier 1 Earth Beast. It was obvious that Ma Su was quite attentive to what Han Yu confessed to her, which made Han Yu very satisfied.

The man gave the letter to Han Yu and then backed away. Han Yu held the letter and suddenly became nervous. After taking a slight breath, he opened the envelope and took out the letter.

The letter was written with a few dozen words. After reading it, Han Yu's hanging heart finally let go.

The letter said that Narcissus did worship Huangshan's door (Old Huang’s real name is Huangshan). In that power, only Narcissus was in retreat when Ma Su left and could not meet. Let Han Yu rest assured that Narcissus is all well. At the end of the letter, he mentioned the three-year auction of the Morama Association and asked Han Yu if he would attend.

Han Yu read it again and confirmed that Narcissus was okay, and then took the letter. Now I can finally practice wholeheartedly to find a cure for Yudie. After helping Yudie through his death, it will not be too late for Han Yu to find Narcissus.

The three-year auction of the Moroccan Association is held at the general rudder of the Moroccan Association. It is the largest auction of the Moroccan Association every three years, and it will take a month later. Looking at Jingzhou, very few people can participate in this auction. The people invited are either princes or nobles or masters of first-class sects.

In the past, even the Sword God Valley, Qifeng Valley, Rising Cloud Sect and other sects only had one invitation quota each time. As for other second-rate forces, they don't have this qualification at all.

One month was enough time for Han Yu to finish the affairs in the south. He was going to find Narcissus, so naturally he wanted to see what the largest auction of the Moroccan Society was like.

Now, what makes Han Yu more puzzled is, why did Huhuo induce him? She ran all the way to Qinzhou, not just to make a joke with Han Yu, there must be secrets in the meantime. And these, only Huhuo knew about it.

Han Yu confessed to the middle-aged man, saying that he would go to the auction, and then asked for some medicinal materials, left Xuanyue City, and rushed to Liuyun Sect.

Now Han Yu has the cultivation base of the Ninth Layer of Soul Wu, and the blessing of the red dragon's combat power has been fully developed. According to previous experience, Han Yu wants to break through this time, and the aura he needs will probably be more than ten times the aura consumed when he breaks through from the eighth layer of the soul martial to the nineth layer of the soul martial. He has reached an incredible level, even if it is all refined. The seven major drugs are all available in units of ten plants. The little treasure of Han Yu's body is not enough to cram between his teeth. Han Yu can only pay attention to the Xiayun Ancient Cave.

After thousands of years of accumulation in Xiayun Ancient Cave, the spiritual energy contained in it has reached the point where it has almost turned into substance, and it should be enough for the black hole in Han Yu's body to swallow it for a while.

When he arrived at the Xiayun Ancient Cave, Han Yu asked the Six-Winged Sky Mouse to wait outside. When he entered, he sat cross-legged, circling the Dragon Lord Bible crazily, opening the pores of his body, and starting to absorb the spirit of the surrounding world like a whale sucking a cow.

It can be seen that a trace of white mist turned into a thin line from Han Yu's pores into the body, and the aura absorbed by the thousands of pores finally merged together and turned into a big river into the black hole.

The Dragon Lord Bible is moving faster and faster, and more and more spiritual energy is inhaled in the body. Gradually, Han Yu felt a pain like a steel needle piercing his pores all over his body.

The aura between heaven and earth is the most difficult to absorb and refine, even if the aura of Xiayun Ancient Cave is so strong that it is almost substantive, but it is not easy for ordinary people to use it. There is no such thing as refining medicinal materials and spiritual jade. Po is convenient.

However, the Dragon Lord Bible is a low-level mental method, coupled with the swallowing power of the black hole in Han Yu's body, and soon the aura of the entire Xiayun Ancient Cave is disturbed, all surging towards Han Yu, and gradually around Han Yu It formed a white whirlpool, buzzing straight, with great momentum.

Han Yu's unhealed injuries are being healed quickly under the nourishment of terrifying spiritual energy.

Time passed quietly like quicksand at the fingertips, and ten days passed. The fog of Xiayun Ancient Cave has long since disappeared, and the aura of heaven and earth is thinner than it is outside.

However, the aura that Xiayun ancient cave had nurtured for thousands of years had not yet filled Han Yu's black hole.

Han Yu sighed secretly, as the cultivation base increased, the consumption of spiritual energy by black holes became more and more terrifying. Even if the consumption of spiritual energy like Han Yu's level was used for his cultivation, he might not be able to reach the top.

However, the advantages and disadvantages are always proportional. Every time Han Yu breaks through the horror of aura, the strength of each increase is naturally horrible. Therefore, Han Yu can always have the ability to leapfrog. Otherwise, as the cultivation base gets higher, the gap between each level becomes larger, and it is undoubtedly a idiotic dream to want to compete against each other.

Han Yu didn't know how much spiritual energy he needed to fill the black hole. He simply took out all the treasures on his body, holding a fourth-grade medicine in one hand, and began to refining frantically.

When the fourth-rank medicine in his hand was half refined, the black hole suddenly stopped devouring the aura, and the aura that Han Yu was refined into the body began to overflow.

"Finally filled up!" Han Yu was overjoyed, putting aside the two remnants of medicine, calming his mind, and beginning to understand the way of the earth.

If it is a breakthrough in other small realms, then the black hole must have fed back the aura, helping Han Yu to make continuous breakthroughs. But the breakthrough of the nineth soul martial arts to the first martial arts of the earth involved not only the growth of vitality, but also the understanding of Tao. And this way is the way of the earth.

Experts in the realm of earth martial arts can turn the earth into their own use. Before that, they must master the laws of the earth's movement. Only by knowing the way can they use their strength.

As soon as Han Yu returned to Jingzhou, when he was in Chaoyang City, he briefly entered the state of being integrated with the earth, which was regarded as knocking on the door to the realm of Earth Martial Arts.

Han Yu watched his nose, his nose watched his mind, calming his mind, allowing himself to merge with the earth, unconsciously, Han Yu entered a state of selflessness, felt the pulse of the earth, his flesh and blood seemed to really blend in In general.

Tian Lao nodded secretly, the realm of martial arts is the first watershed for cultivators, and many people who have been regarded as geniuses early will stop here. Understanding the way of the earth and using the power of the earth for your own use is simple, but it is not easy to do.

The power of transforming the earth is different from the realm of the soul martial realm. In the final analysis, the domain is dominated by its own power, while the power of transforming the earth is completely driven by external forces and let the power in the earth drive itself. There is an essential difference between the two.

Some people will not be able to understand the way of the earth in their entire lives, let alone use the power of the earth for their own use. Of course, Han Yu was able to enter the state of enlightenment so quickly, thanks to the chance that Chaoyang City knocked on the door of the Earth Martial Realm, otherwise it would not be so easy.

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