Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 810: Invincible existence

Chapter 810: Invincible Existence

"Swish swish..."

The Admiralty Cult quickly settled down, forming a semi-circular arc outside the Phoenix Mountain to block Han Yu's path.

Seeing Han Yu standing still, the master of Jin Zhongjiao frowned slightly. What does this mean? Are you here to demonstrate for Jin Zhongjiao?

Han Yu’s combat power, Jin Zhongjiao people have also learned that even the existence of Dong Xuanwu can kill, under King Wu, it can be said to be invincible, especially under the special conditions of Phoenix Mountain, it can break through the magic. The suppression of power, the attack that surpassed the peak power of Wu Zun, is definitely a terrifying existence. As long as it is within the range of Phoenix Mountain, even the master of the Golden Bell Sect is quite jealous.

But jealousy returns to jealousy. Although Han Yu is incomparable in personal combat, Jin Zhong teaches many people and is not afraid of him.

The middle-aged man stepped forward, staring at Han Yu murderously, and shouted in a deep voice: "Evil thief, I didn't expect you to show your face and you would not get out and surrender?"

Han Yu's sullen and hoarse voice sounded: "Since I have already appeared here, am I still afraid of you? I am here just to remind you that those who don't want to die will leave Lao Tzu away!"

Han Yu's words are domineering and ruthless.

The middle-aged man laughed, his voice shook so that the earth trembled, and he snorted coldly: "I don't know what to say, don't think that there is the power of Phoenix Mountain, no one can help you, let I come to meet you!"

After the man finished speaking, he strode towards Han Yu. He is the third level of cultivation of King Wu. Among the middle-aged generation, he was in the ranks of the top masters. When he was at the peak of his martial arts, he was almost invincible under King Wu. Even if he entered the Phoenix Mountain domain, the cultivation base Being suppressed to the peak of Wu Zun, he was not at all shocked, and had the confidence to suppress Han Yu.

The rest of Jin Zhong taught did not act, they all wanted to see how much Han Yu had. For middle-aged men, they also have absolute confidence.

"Does this evil thief think we can't do anything about him if we hide in Phoenix Mountain? Senior Brother Yuan is invincible at the same realm, even if his cultivation is suppressed, but his martial king's triple physical body can be compared to ordinary martial arts peak people. Yes? In Phoenix Mountain, it is even more invincible!" A man, ready to be prepared.


As they spoke, the two had already hit each other heavily, fist-to-fist, head-to-head.

The picture immediately afterwards caused the face of Jin Zhongjiao's person to change suddenly, especially the man who was not ashamed just now, it was as if his neck was pinched by an invisible big hand, and he felt that he was about to suffocate.

The middle-aged man flew more than ten feet away, smashing seven or eight giant trees along the way, while Han Yu stood motionless.

"How is it possible, how can he have such a strong combat power? Isn't it possible that even in the outside world, the masters of King Wu's first heavy, are not his opponents?"

The people of Jin Zhongjiao and Ziyu Palace were shocked. Han Yu's strength completely exceeded their expectations. What is the concept of defeating the strong who can exert the peak strength of Wu Zun? Even the people in the distance were stunned.


A scream came out, and the middle-aged man's head was cut off by Han Yu and died on the spot.

From the middle-aged man's shot to his death, in less than three breaths, Han Yu's shots were quick, accurate, and ruthless. Even the old man of Wuwang Qizhong felt his scalp numb.

Only now did they really realize what is invincible under King Wu. To be invincible under the real King Wu, not only must he have the strength to crush anyone under King Wu, even if he faces the masters of King Wu, he has the power to fight.

Who is his opponent in Phoenix Mountain?

"Give me in and kill him!" the old man roared.

"Swish swish..."

More than seventy Golden Bell Masters rushed towards Han Yu like rainstorm meteors, each with a murderous aura. The weakest was Wu Zun Jiuzhong's cultivation base, and there were not a few of Wu Wang's first and second cultivation bases.

Han Yu turned around decisively and fled. With so many people killed, if he is besieged, he will definitely not be able to win. The best way is to use guerrilla warfare to defeat them individually.

Han Yu used his ethereal and ethereal steps, and no one was as fast as his. Soon Han Yu disappeared in front of everyone.

"Damn it!" Jin Zhong taught a master of Wu Wang's second layer furious.

"Brother, do we have to continue chasing, if we go deeper, it will be difficult for the Phoenix Mountain Monster Beast to attack." A man said.

The people of Jin Zhong Sect suddenly hesitated. The monster beasts of Phoenix Mountain were not suppressed by their cultivation base here, but they could not deal with it.


Suddenly, two screams sounded. Everyone cast their eyes to see that Jin Zhong taught the two disciples to fall to the ground and were killed. I saw a figure who left quickly like a ghost, it was Han Yu.

"Damn it, chase me!"

A group of people hurriedly chased them down, and now they can't even take care of the monster beasts of Phoenix Mountain, and they will never stop without breaking Han Yu's body. But after a while, Han Yu was nowhere to be seen.

"Everyone spread out and look for it, and the distance between every two people should not exceed one hundred feet." The strongest man ordered, and the people of Jin Zhongjiao dispersed and followed Han Yu's trail.


There were several screams after the separation, and when the other disciples arrived, the Jin Zhongjiao was dead, and Han Yu had long since disappeared.

"Damn, mysterious man, if you have the ability, don't hide, come out and fight us to the death!" The Jin Zhongjiao was furious. If it continues like this, there is no way at all. Their advantage is that there are many people. Now Han Yu leads them in circles, sometimes launching fierce attacks, no one can resist, and the advantage is gone.

Soon after more than an hour passed, the people of the Admiralty Sect gathered together to find that there were only 33 left, and they didn't even know when and how some people died.

"Can't stay any longer, let's retreat first!"

"The mysterious man is too cunning, we can't kill him!"

The Admiralty Sect's army was turbulent and finally retreated.

Han Yu didn’t give them a chance to leave. He still followed them to assassinate them. The disciples of Jin Zhongjiao fell one by one, and they didn’t even touch Han Yu’s clothes, especially when the leader of King Wu's triple layer was taken by Han Yu. Killing everyone's face with one move, and then drove away, Jin Zhong taught the rest of the people, their hearts collapsed, and like a bereaved dog, they rushed out of Phoenix Mountain, hoping to leave this damned place as soon as possible.

In the end, only seventeen of the people taught by Jin Zhong left Phoenix Mountain alive, which really made the outsiders dumbfounded.

"What's going on?" Elder Mo stared, and lifted a person directly.

"I killed them all!" At this moment, a gloomy voice sounded, and Han Yu appeared in everyone's sight again.

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