Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 815: Powerful bloodline

Chapter 815: Powerful Bloodline

As a result, Han Yu got up leisurely and started grilling delicious food. From the Phoenix Mountain, Han Yu brought out a lot of monster corpses, all of them were at the peak of the monster generals. Barbecuing it was absolutely delicious in the world. The only thing that made him a little pity was that the body of the Black Snake King could not be brought out, otherwise the blood and flesh of the monster beast of the Tier 3 Demon King level would definitely be a great tonic.

The demon beast at the peak level of the demon general is not weak, and the aroma of the barbecue is overflowing, and the spirit is like a glow. A string of barbecued meat was swallowed by Han Yu, turned into a powerful energy flowing around the limbs and a hundred skeletons, entered the dantian, and was swallowed by the black hole.

The Monster Beast Barbecue at the peak of the Demon General not only tastes delicious, has a sea-like energy, but also has a powerful healing effect. The terrifying energy fills Han Yu's limbs and his limbs. It is contending with the power of lightning on the wound and gradually wiped out. The power of thunder and lightning. Although the effect was not obvious, Han Yu could still feel the wound was improving.

Han Yu ate a pile of elk meat for more than six hours before eating. After that, he sat cross-legged, refining the aura that came out of the black hole.

So day after day, Han Yu grilled a monster beast meat every day. Seven days later, Han Yu brought only the last monster beast, which he made into kebabs and was grilling on the fire. When the time is golden, the aroma is attractive.

Suddenly, from within the big golden egg, there were a series of rapid calls. After listening carefully, Han Yu couldn't help laughing.

Originally, he was worried that Xiaojiao was in danger. It turned out that Xiaojiao smelled the aroma of barbecue after waking up. He couldn't wait to communicate with Han Yu and asked Han Yu to keep it for him.

"Don't worry, if you practice slowly, I will leave the best for you!" Han Yu smiled. The scene of eating barbecue with the little horns flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help smiling.


Suddenly, a crack broke open on the golden eggshell, and thousands of golden light spurted out of it, dyeing the entire cave magnificently.

"Tier 3 Demon General!" Han Yu's eyes widened, surprise and joy. Now he can accurately perceive Xiaojiao's breath and has reached the level of Tier 3 Demon General.

Han Yu quickly stood up and walked over. He couldn't wait to see how much Xiaojiao's bloodline strength had recovered. Han Yu didn't take a few steps, and suddenly there was a bang, and the golden egg exploded directly, with a strong breath. The waves slapped Han Yu's body, making Han Yu a few steps backwards.

Now Han Yu has not healed from his injuries, and his strength is less than 10%.


A little beast jumped out, raising his head and shouting. The voice was so deep and vast, there was no slightest immature aura, like a monster overlord with a mighty side.


The golden light was restrained, and the little beast revealed the appearance of the deity. The hair on the entire head turned golden yellow, the feathers seemed to be poured out of gold, and a small horn was completely golden, radiant and sacred.

His eyes split diagonally, his domineering side exposed, and his chest proudly stood out, making him look incredible. However, when I saw the kebabs, my mouth was involuntarily drooling, and my breath of king disappeared instantly.

This little beast is naturally a little horn.


Little Horn jumped up and rushed towards Han Yu, looking extremely excited.

Han Yu caught the little horn, patted its little head, and scolded angrily: "You are a foodie, your realm is not stable yet, you ran out in a hurry, didn't you say that it would be left to you?"

At this time, the aura on Xiaojiao's body was still fluctuating, obviously just not long after breaking through to the level of Tier 3 Demon General.

"Oh oh oh..."

Little Horn whispered a few times, as if to say that it didn't believe Han Yu. Make Han Yu dumbfounded.

Han Yu secretly used the power of the soul to explore the body of the little horn, only to touch the body of the little horn, he was bounced back by a magical force, which is the power of the little horn's bloodline.

Han Yu cried out magic, the strength of the bloodline of the little horn was incredible. Even Lu Chenhao, who had fully recovered the blood of the flame body, was far inferior. You know, Xiaojiao's bloodline power has not yet fully recovered.

"It deserves to be the blood of a sacred animal!" Han Yu sighed.

Although the power of his soul cannot enter the body of the little horn, but in close contact with the little horn, he can clearly feel the vigorous essence in the little horn, and the blood rushes through the blood vessels, like a big river in the Yangtze River, with a terrible aura.

"The little guy should have only recovered about one-third of his bloodline power now. It is already so strong. When it is fully recovered, it will be fine?" Han Yu has a feeling that the little horn at this time has invincible in the same realm. Even if Han Yu is in Wu Zun San Zhong, it is difficult to beat Xiao Jiao.

"Oh oh oh..."

Xiao Jiao raised his head, stretched out his tongue, licked Han Yu's chin, yelled twice, let Han Yu lie down, and it helped Han Yu heal.

Han Yu took off his clothes first, and then lay on the rock, the little horn began to lick Han Yu's wound.


Suddenly, a flash of lightning burst from Han Yu's wound and hit Xiaojiao's tongue.


The little horn was so frightened that people stood up, spitting out, only felt that his tongue was tingling. It is considered that the lightning power remaining on Han Yu's wound is not strong, otherwise the little horn will be injured.

Xiaojiao spit for a while, looked at Han Yu's wound after his tongue healed, snorted, and a thick disdain appeared in his eyes. He stretched out his small paw and pressed it against Han Yu's wound, with golden light on the paw. Now, soon, the power of thunder and lightning on this wound was resolved by the little horn.

It did not rush to heal Han Yu, and continued to help Han Yu dissolve the lightning power on the rest of the wounds. After all the lightning power on the wounds were resolved by it, it was relieved to stretch out its tongue to help Han Yu heal.

Xiaojiao’s saliva flowed into Han Yu’s wound like a jade syrup, making Han Yu’s body cool and whizzing, and the pain on the wound disappeared instantly, indescribably refreshing.

Xiaojiao's saliva has strong activity. Although it does not have the magic of the deadly flesh and bones of the holy medicine, it has a very good healing effect. Han Yu can clearly feel that the injury is improving.

After a few hours, Xiao Jiao refilled all the wounds on Han Yu's body, patted the small paw with satisfaction, and called out a few times, and said to Han Yu, don't move while lying down, otherwise Will affect the degree of recovery of the injury.

After speaking, Xiaojiao turned to look at the kebabs, with a humane smile, and ran over with joy and took the kebabs off. After this period of baking, the kebabs have reached the extreme, golden and oily, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

After Xiaojiao took down all the kebabs, he began to gobble it up. The wind was blowing, and he was eating happily. Someone who didn't know thought it was hungry for how long.

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