Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 828: Forced again

Chapter 828

An Yifei waved his hand and told the middle-aged man to step back.

The middle-aged man suddenly said: "Sao Fei, I heard that An Jun sent someone outside to inquire about a person named Han Yu these past two days. It seems that he is very anxious..."

An Yifei frowned tightly. He knew that An Jun would not give up so easily, but he didn't expect that Han Yu's idea was raised.

Although Han Yu's real name was not leaked in front of An Jun, it was not difficult to find out Han Yu's real name with An Jun's ability.

After thinking for a while, he said: "I know, you go back first, this trip has been hard for you."

The middle-aged man resigned.

"Brother Han, I didn't expect the **** An Jun to start thinking of you, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble, I will send you down the mountain tonight, so you may as soon as possible to investigate the whereabouts of Sun Dahou." An Yifei Tao. He was a little worried in his heart, he was afraid that after Han Yu left Thunder Palace, the people who settled the house would be disadvantageous to Han Yu.

"Wait a few more days, I will leave when you go to participate in the secret training." Han Yu said.

Although he desperately wanted to know the whereabouts of Grand Monkey, but that happened a year ago, and Han Yu was not in a hurry at this moment.

In the next three days, there will be no peace, An Jun will inevitably come to take revenge on An Yifei, how can Han Yu leave at this time.

An Yifei is not stupid, knowing the purpose of Han Yu staying, I am deeply moved, but things have already developed in the worst direction.

An Jun is investigating Han Yu's background, and he is ready to kill Han Yu. An Yifei is very worried that Han Yu has injured so many people in the family, whether the elders of the family will show up. If those people come forward, the situation is even more bleak. Said: "Brother Han, you have to listen to me this time, I will send you away."

Han Yu pressed An Yifei to sit down and said, "The people who settle down here take care of face. Except for the younger generation, no one else will come to trouble me. Don't worry, I can handle it. As for leaving Thunder Palace. Later, if the settlers are still entangled, then I will not be polite."

An Yifei saw that Han Yu had made up his mind, knowing that it would be useless to persuade him, and said a little guilty: "Brother Han, I blame me this time, and you are tired."

Han Yu smiled faintly and didn't say much. He naturally didn't want to be innocent and enmity with Anjia, but if the Anjia people came to trouble Han Yu indiscriminately, Han Yu would not suggest playing with them either.

The next morning, An Yi Feitian went out before dawn, rushed back at dawn, and ran to Han Yu's residence, with a relaxed expression on his face, and no worries from last night.

"What good things have you encountered?" Han Yu asked.

"Brother Han, I'll ask my senior brother for help. He has promised me that he will take you away after I go to participate in the secret trial. You will come with me, and I will introduce you to my senior brother." An Yifei is happy. The way.

Han Yu was a little speechless, and An Yifei was quite thoughtful.

An Yifei's master is an elder-level figure in Thunder Palace, but he belongs to the kind of person who doesn't care about things. His master sat down with three disciples, An Yifei ranked third, and there were two seniors above him.

His big brother named Shen You is now the protector of Thunder Palace, second only to the elders, and already has a certain amount of power in Thunder Palace. The second brother Jiang Shen has the same character as their master. He belongs to Xianyun Yehe and spends most of his time traveling outside.

Although An Yifei and Shen You are brothers, because of the difference in status and age in the Thunder Palace, they don't have much friendship, and they hardly communicate in normal time.

From the tone of An Yifei mentioning Shen You, Han Yu can also tell that An Yifei doesn't like this big brother very much. It is really rare for him to ask someone who doesn't like normal time for Han Yu.

Han Yu did not refuse, after all, this was An Yifei's kindness.

Han Yu tidied up and left with An Yi Fei. Just out of the door of An Yi Fei's house, he encountered a group of people rushing up from the ladder like wolves and surrounded Han Yu and An Yi Fei in a group, with more than 30 people. .

"All the elites of Anjia!" An Yifei sighed quietly. Although he didn't want to be an enemy of the whole Anjia, he had expected this situation a long time ago.

An Jun is An Ting's younger brother, and An Ting is like a **** in the hearts of the younger generation of An Family. God's younger brother has been bullied. How can these people who support An Ting give up?

Of course, the most important thing is the origin of An Yifei. If he comes from An family’s direct disciple, although there will be many people in order to show the Anjun brothers to draw a clear line with An Yifei, but it will not be able to make peace with the An family now. The traitor in general.

In the final analysis, the sudden emergence of An Yifei has already caused some self-proclaimed people in Anjia to hold grudges, and this time they turned their faces directly.

This is a struggle between the direct line and the side branch, the inevitable trend of history, but it came earlier. An Yifei is a sensible person and faces it calmly.

Everyone who settled down looked towards An Yifei, as if they had encountered a world feud, the anger and indifference on their faces did not show any affection for the people of the clan.

"What do you mean? No matter how unsuccessful I can fly, I still haven't fallen to the point where anyone can come to surround my palace gate. I advise you to leave as soon as possible. My Thunder Palace rules and regulations are no joke! "An Yifei glanced over everyone coldly.

At this moment, he has been pushed to the opposite side of the An family's direct line. If he wants to gain a foothold, he should not compromise, but face the challenge.

An Yifei took a sigh of relief in her heart. If one day he comes to take charge of An's family, this trend of despising side-by-side members must be rectified.

"An Yifei, besides you use rules and regulations to scare us, what else do you have? Everyone is an Anjia child. If you are an Anjia man, then use our Anjia rules to settle our affairs." A twenty-five The six-year-old young man looked like he was very reasonable. He was the strongest person among this group of people. He was Wu Zun Qizhong's cultivation base and also the leader of this group.

An Yifei took a deep breath and said, "Okay, then we will settle it according to Anjia's rules!"

"Count you acquaintance!" The man glanced at Han Yu indifferently, and continued: "An Jun and your match, An Jun loses to you, because his strength is not good, no one will say anything. However, you join outsiders to fight To hurt my brother, this thing cannot be done by an Anjia disciple. Today, if you do not give us a satisfactory explanation, from now on, not only will the Anjia younger generation be ashamed of you, we will also jointly write to the patriarch, Abolish your An surname, and you will no longer be my An family!"

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