Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 848: Yin Chang frustrated

Chapter 848

Han Yu has seen many permanent lights, most of them look like this, but this is the first time I have seen the black oil. The lamp oil of the permanent lamp is generally the corpse oil refined from the body of the high-level monsters. A small drop can guarantee the permanent lamp will not be extinguished for hundreds of years. The color is similar to ordinary lamp oil, like this black lamp oil, Han Yu has not even heard But I don’t know what it was made from.

Han Yu walked to the front of the lantern. The flame on the lantern was burning very vigorously, but he could not feel the temperature. He picked up a branch from the ground and slowly stretched it to the eternal lamp.

As soon as the branch touched the flame, it suddenly ignited with a "chick", and a flame rushed onto the branch and rushed towards Han Yu. The speed is extremely fast, like lightning.

Han Yu was taken aback, and hurriedly threw away the branch and backed away quickly. In the process of falling, the branches burned to ashes in an instant.

"What a terrifying flame!" Han Yu exclaimed. He has a feeling that if he is burned by this flame, he will probably be turned into fly ash instantly. The power of this flame is not comparable to that of an ordinary lamp.

Chang Yin had been paying attention to Han Yu, and was shocked by the sudden change just now, and he was full of curiosity about the Everlight.

He also pointed to a sword, and a length of sword light spouted from his fingertips, slowly approaching the Changming Lantern.


The sword light just touched the flame, and it burned instantly. A flame rushed towards Yin Chang as quickly as lightning.

Yin Chang was so frightened that he quickly cut off the sword light, and quickly retreated. In an instant, the sword light was burned into nothingness.

Han Yu also saw this scene, and couldn't help taking a breath, and stepped away from the lantern. The flame on the lantern was too strange to touch.

Han Yu used the power of the soul to explore the Everlight, but couldn't find anything strange.

Han Yu began to wander around, exploring the cemetery with the power of his soul. Yin Chang didn't care, his soul power locked Han Yu at any time, not afraid that Han Yu would escape.

After a long time, the four masters of the Wuwang Second Layer came back and reported their gains to Yin Chang.

They went far away and passed by tens of thousands of tombs, but they didn't reach the end of the cemetery. The cemetery seemed endless. Except for the countless grave heads, there is nothing else.

After Yin Chang listened, he relaxed and decided to dig a grave to have a look.

Yin Chang walked to the side of the nearest tomb and began to carve the mountain shifting pattern. He wanted to use the shifting mountain pattern to move the head of the grave directly. Yin Chang's speed in engraving the formation patterns is extremely fast, even faster than Han Yu.

"Swish swish..."

A series of patterns gushed out from Yin Chang's fingertips like flowing water and fell to the grave. The moment he touched the grave, he was suddenly bounced back.

"Huh?" Yin Chang was surprised, and he continued to carve patterns. But as soon as the formation touches the grave, it will be bounced away.

The mountain-moving formation pattern can only exert its due strength when it enters the body of the object being moved. If it is bounced, the mountain-moving formation pattern cannot be used.

Yin Chang stopped carving the pattern, and a sword light burst out from his fingertips and pierced the grave.


When the finger sword touched the stone wall, there was a sound like a metal transfer, and Yin Chang tried his best to shake the grave.

Han Yu and the four masters of King Wu's second layer were stunned. The seventh layer of King Wu's Yin Chang was so powerful that he couldn't shake the tomb. How hard is the stone of this tomb?

Yin Chang ran his vitality and hit a rock with his palm.


There was a loud noise, Yin Chang was stunned, and Deng Deng stared back a few steps, but the grave was unscathed.

Yin Chang's face suddenly turned a little red, and he felt very shameless. Especially seeing Han Yu holding his hands and watching a play, even more unable to swallow this breath.

After standing firm, he quickly mobilized his vitality, screamed, and hit the grave with a punch.

"Wanjun Lei Jin!"

What Yin Chang displayed was a yellow-level high-level magical power, which was displayed by the masters of King Wu Qizhong, possessing the power to destroy the world.

However, Han Yu and the others did not see the horrible magical powers, Yin Chang suddenly snorted, his face instantly became extremely pale, he thumped back and almost fell.

"Huh?" Han Yu's eyes widened, and Yin Chang was hit back.

Yin Chang himself was also inexplicably shocked, Wan Jun Lei Jin, he had already cultivated great achievements, and he was credible with his hands. This time, he failed to perform and was beaten back.

Yin Chang didn't understand why, and wondered if he was too impatient, and what went wrong?

He calmed down, allowed himself to reach a stable state, and once again used his Ten Thousand Jun Lei Jin.

Yin Chang hit the tomb with a fist in the air. He still didn't display any magical powers. He was still beaten back. His face turned pale with shock, and he almost couldn't help but spout a mouthful of blood.

"Is it because of the environment here?" Han Yu scanned the surroundings. It was unusual for Yin Chang to fail to display his magical powers twice.

Yin Chang also discovered an oddity, where the use of supernatural powers was restricted.

"I understand, the use of magical powers requires mobilizing the shards of the avenue, where even the power of the void is suppressed and cannot be used. The shards of the avenue should also be suppressed and cannot be used, so the magical powers cannot be displayed."

Han Yu sneered in his heart. Not only could he not fly, but he couldn't even use his magical powers, so he couldn't make long-range attacks. It was simply his best place to escape.

However, Han Yu was not in a hurry, now it was no longer a problem to escape, so he stayed to see if Yin Chang could use any more methods.

Yin Chang's face turned blue and white, and today his face is simply ashamed. I was brazenly trying to dig a tomb to have a look, but now I can't even pry a stone.

Yin Chang didn't hesitate to take out his own magic weapon, which was a silver sword. His sword was a sword made of thunderfire gu steel, cutting iron like mud. If it can't even use a tomb, then it can only be defeated.

Yin Chang urged the sword with all his strength, and a dazzling silver light was emitted from the sword, and a terrifying coercion was immediately released, forcing Han Yu and the four Martial Kings to retreat quickly.

As long as they are within a hundred meters, none of them can stop the terrifying coercion, and will be crushed into flesh.

Han Yu withdrew straight for three hundred feet before stopping, unknowingly, cold sweat was flowing out of his forehead. The power of King Wu Qizhong is definitely not something Han Yu can contend. And this is obviously not Yin Chang's strongest state.

Yin Chang raised his treasured sword aloft, slammed down with a loud shout.


With a loud noise, he wore gold and cracked stones, even if Han Yu was far away, he felt pain in his eardrums.

Yin Chang's knife was bounced high, and his arms were numb.

Yin sighed for a long time, the treasure knife dropped, and turned to leave. Even his destiny magic weapon can't break this stone, he has no other way.

"Kacha!" Yin Chang took a few steps, and suddenly there was a soft noise behind him, causing his blood to boil instantly.

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