Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 859: Come and go

Chapter 859

Han Yu left the village for a while, then walked across the mountains and plains, glanced at Qin Kong's package, couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly. Qin Kong was still too naive, thinking that the things he found in the wild mountains were treasures, he didn't know that these were waste products.

Han Yu didn't want to make him sad, so he accepted it, but Han Yu couldn't really take it with him.

Han Yu opened the package and held the copper lamp in his hand. With vitality in his hand, he quickly turned the copper lamp into debris. He could not throw these things in the mountains at will, otherwise Qin Kong would see it and hurt his self-esteem.

The bronze lamp turned into debris and drifted away, and Han Yu turned the broken sword again. Finally, I picked up the wooden barrel, which still contained things.

Han Yu opened the stopper and pulled out a roll of animal skins. With Han Yu's left hand, the barrel turned into fly ash.

Han Yu opened the animal skin scroll with curiosity, but after seeing the stuff on the animal skin scroll, he could no longer look away.

This animal skin roll was engraved with dense array patterns, which turned out to be a pattern. The words written on the top of the animal skin scroll are all ancient red. This ancient scroll is really old enough.

Han Yu's gaze quickly swept over the ancient red paper, and his heart moved suddenly.

This formation is called the "Beiming Xuansha Great Formation", which is a terrifying killing formation, which can only be arranged by the Eryuan Discharger. Han Yu's breathing suddenly became hurried, and for Qi Tianshi, this array of pictures was simply invaluable.

Han Yu hurriedly summoned the white dragon and carried him quickly to the northwest. The cave that Qin Kong found was incredible.

Not long after, Han Yu rushed to the cliff, the power of the soul was released, and the cave was soon found.

The ancient vines are densely covered on the cliff, but there are obvious traces of man-made damage beside this cave. You don't need to think that Qin Kong did it.

Han Yu admired Qin Kong a bit, he found such a hidden place.

Han Yu's soul power shot into the cave first, and he quickly understood the scene in the cave.

This cave is not big, but it is a very clean stone cave. In the innermost part of the cave, there is a small stone grave, which seems to have just been built, and some bones are neatly placed in the small grave. This small grave should have been built by Qin Kong.

In addition, there are some daily necessities like pots and pans in the cave, which are all outdated.

It can be seen that the strength of the deceased was not too strong before his death, and this Beiming Xuansha array should have been obtained by coincidence.

Han Yu slapped the top of the cave, and the rock collapsed and smashed down, burying the cave entrance. Han Yu turned and left.

The Beiming Xuansha formation is of great use to Han Yu, and will be his major weapon in the next contest with Tianchan. Han Yu put away the formation, sat cross-legged on the back of the white dragon, and let the white dragon fly to the west, he began to refine the medicinal materials to heal his injuries.

In the afternoon of the next day, Han Yu stopped outside a mountain range, which was no stranger to him, it was the Demon Emperor Mountain. When Han Yu first came to Wuzhou, he entered from the southwest of Yaohuangling. The entire Demon Emperor Ridge occupies hundreds of millions of miles and is extremely vast.

"Could it be that Brother Monkey entered the Demon Emperor Ridge?" Han Yu felt that this was a great possibility. The blood of the beast was flowing in Sun Dahou's body, and Demon Emperor Ridge would be more cordial to him.

Han Yu headed to the northeast. Now that he knew where Sun Dahou was staying, he temporarily relieved his heart and decided to rescue Xiaojiao before coming to look for him.

Tian Chan Sect is located at the junction of the west and north of Xiling, Han Yu wants to find it easily. Arriving thousands of miles to the southwest of Tianchan Sect, Han Yu first stopped to heal his injuries, and then he continued on his way after the injuries healed.

As one of the top existences in Xiling's first-class school, Tianchan Sect is on the same scale as Thunder Palace. The outside of Tianchan Buddhism are ordinary people, which are the talent base of Tianchan Buddhism. In the middle are some cultivating families under Tianchan Buddhism. The core area is the base camp of Tianchan Buddhism.

Han Yu sneaked all the way, and the gods came to the base camp of Tianchan Sect without knowing it, and sneaked into the core area of ​​Tianchan Sect.

Han Yu first caught a few disciples to find out some basic information about Tianchan Sect, and then began to search the whereabouts of Xiaojiao and Yin Yimeng. The core area of ​​Tianchan is very large, and there are eyes everywhere. In order to successfully explore the entire area, Han Yu pretended to be a disciple of Tian Chan Sect.

There are hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Tianchan Sect, Han Yu, a stranger, walked in the crowd swaggeringly, but no one could recognize it.

It took Han Yu two days to search all the places that should be explored. To his disappointment, Xiaojiao was not found, and Yin Yimeng was not there.

Han Yu was faintly worried. If the people of the Tianchan sect discovered the value of the little horn, they would hide the little horn in all likelihood. It was not easy for Han Yu to find it.

He didn't rush away and began to explore the guardian formation of Tianchan. Han Yu has already learned that there are three Qitian masters in the Tianchan Sect, the strongest is Yin Chang, and the other two are the disciples of Yin Chang. The guardian formation of Tianchan Sect was arranged by Yin Chang.

Within the mountain gate of Tianchan religion, like the entire jurisdiction of Tianchan religion, it is divided into three areas, the core area, the central area and the peripheral area.

The three areas are shrouded in a huge maze. This maze is composed of ninety-nine-eighty-one formations. It is the largest maze Han Yu has seen so far.

The core area has a separate trapped array, and the central area and the outer area have a separate kill array.

The kill formation in the outer area is based on Yin and Yang. Han Yu can roughly guess the power of this kill formation through the formation. Once activated, the masters of Wu Wang's third layer can easily kill. Han Yu remembered the position of the formation base in his heart, he could transform this formation.

The killing array in the central area is arranged in the position of the nine palaces, and all the masters of the Wuwang fifth layer can easily kill. Han Yu can also be transformed, but it will take a lot of time.

Han Yu was already planning for the worst. Once he had a head-to-head encounter with Tian Chan Sect, these formations of Tian Chan Sect could bring him a lot of help.

After Han Yu figured out a few formations, he quietly left Tianchan. No one found his trace from the beginning to the end.

If it is an ordinary person, let alone walk in for a few days, it would be impossible to step into the gate of Tianchan. But Han Yu's soul is powerful, and his concealment technique is also good, doing things that ordinary people can't do.

Han Yu didn't rush to leave when he left the gate of Tianchan Sect. He began to observe the terrain before the gate of Tianchan Sect. Only after he had a general understanding of the distance of several hundred kilometers, Han Yu ran away and hurried to Qiyao Gate.

Yin Yimeng was not at the Tianchan base camp, but at the Qiyao Gate in all likelihood. To find the little horn, Yin Yimeng is very important.

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