Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 861: Swept away

Chapter 861

Han Yu is always paying attention to the changes in Yin Yimeng’s expression. From the crazy color in Yin Yimeng’s eyes, Han Yu knows what she is going to do. With lightning speed, he points to Yin Yimeng’s At the Dantian point, a powerful force rushed Yin Yimeng's Dantian away. Suddenly, Yin Yimeng's Dantian was stabbed with a ball, and he began to breathe continuously.

Yin Yimeng was so painful that he kept rolling on the ground. Her dantian was broken, and even the gods could not save her. From then on, she would become a useless person and blew herself up and declared defeat.

Yin Yimeng’s screams were sharp and ear-piercing. At this time, there was no such thing as a goddess. Han Yu looked at him coldly. It was not that he was ruthless, but that a woman like Yin Yimeng could fall into himself. In a place of danger.

After a long time, Yin Yimeng did not appear to be so painful. He looked at Han Yu spitefully and shouted: "Han Yu, you are so cruel. If you have the ability, you will kill me. I will turn into a ghost and will not forgive me. you."

Han Yu coldly snorted: "Don't want to say yes? Do you want to experience the feeling of being sold to a brothel? Tian Zen elite Yin Yimeng has been reduced to a brothel firework girl, I think many people will be very interested ."


Yin Yimeng's face was blue and white, and a deep look of fear appeared in his eyes. In the end, everything was said.

Yin Yimeng discovered the extraordinaryness of the small horns, and took the small horns back to Tian Chan Sect to show it to the leader Yin Shou. Yin Shouyi guessed that the small horns might be the bloodline of the sacred beasts, so he took them to the forbidden area of ​​the Tian Chan Sect to raise them and observe carefully.

Han Yu breathed a sigh of relief. In this case, Xiaojiao wouldn't be in any danger for the time being. Maybe the people of the Zen Buddhism were still serving delicious food.

"Han Yu, I beg you, kill me!" Yin Yimeng's biggest wish now is to die happily.

"Hmph, make your own way, die, commit suicide!" Han Yu left and carved a trapped formation to seal off the cave. Yin Yimeng is still useful to him, he doesn't want to kill yet. Of course, if she commits suicide, Han Yu does not care.

Han Yu stood outside the cave, thinking carefully about the countermeasures.

Xiao Jiao has been imprisoned in the forbidden area of ​​Tian Zen Buddhism, and is under the personal care of Yin Shouyi. Yin Shouyi is a master of Wu Wang Jiuzhong. Han Yu wants to rescue Xiao Jiao secretly, which is undoubtedly more difficult than reaching the sky. The only way is to let the people of Tian Chan teach actively to hand over the little horns.

Take Yin Yimeng to exchange, maybe you can exchange to Xiaojiao. But Han Yu must be fully prepared, otherwise it is very likely that Xiaojiao will not be able to save him, and instead will get him in.

Han Yu jumped up and flew in the direction of Tianchan.

One of the preparations he has to do is to make the formations and bases of the Beiming Xuansha Great Formation. In addition to the conventional materials, two kinds of treasures are needed to make these two things. One is the Beiming Qimu. , One is the blood of the evil spirits, these two things are treasures of the world, things that can be encountered but not sought.

Han Yu will be hard to find for a while, he cast his sights on the treasure house of Tian Chan Sect. As the first-class school of Xiling, Tianchan Sect has countless natural treasures in its treasure house. Even without these two things, it will be of great benefit to Han Yu to obtain the remaining treasures.

As for stealing other people's treasury, Han Yu has long been handy.

Han Yu entered the core area of ​​Tian Chan Sect and found one of the most important treasure houses of Tian Chan Sect, Dibao Pavilion.

There are three most important treasure treasure pavilions in Tianchan. One is Tiancai Temple, which is located in the forbidden area of ​​Tianchan. Han Yu does not want to take risks. The other is Lingzhen Pagoda, which is open to disciples. People come to exchange for things at all times. , Not suitable for stealing; the third is the Dibao Pavilion, which is the Reserve Treasure Pavilion, which is neither in the forbidden area nor open to the outside world.

Around Dibao Pavilion, there was no one person. But Han Yu's soul power swept through and found that there was a trapped formation hidden in the dark. Once blindly entered, it would activate the trapped formation, trapped inside and could not escape.

This troubled formation should also come from Yin Chang's hands, but it still has a deterrent against ordinary people and Shi Lingshi. In the eyes of a two-yuan earth-shielding master like Han Yu, it is pediatrics. It didn't take long for Han Yu to find the right path and came to the gate of Dibao Pavilion.

Dibao Pavilion is a huge palace, you must open the palace gate to enter. The palace gate is controlled by organs, and the entire Tianchan sect can open this palace gate without more than ten fingers. In addition, the palace gate also has the effect of blocking the soul, and it is impossible to explore the structure of the palace gate.

Han Yu observed carefully, and found a way to open the mechanism from the friction marks on the wheel that opened the mechanism. Han Yu held the wheel and turned it counterclockwise twice, and then turned it clockwise for three and a half times. Suddenly there was a loud click from the door, and the harem door opened suddenly.

The opening of the palace gate was louder, and Han Yu looked around vigilantly, for fear of disturbing the people around him.

The people of Tianchan were very confident in the defense of the Dibao Pavilion, and did not arrange expert guards around it. It was late at night, and there was no one around, which did not cause concern.

People of Tianchan would never dream that a master like Han Yu (Eryuan Discharger) would even stare at the Dibao Pavilion.

After the palace gate opened, Han Yu flashed in. The power of the soul rushed out like flowing water, and Han Yu quickly understood the layout of the entire Dibao Pavilion.

There are seven rooms in the Dibao Pavilion, and the treasures in the Dibao Pavilion are divided into seven levels. Han Yu rushed to the innermost room.

The door of the room was closed tightly, but the door inside did not have the effect of blocking the power of the soul. Soon Han Yu opened the door and walked in.

Everything in this room is sealed with boxes. Han Yu didn't have time to see what was inside, so he didn't stop doing it and put it all into the Qiankun bag.

After this room was cleaned up, the next room was cleaned up. Not long after, the treasures in the seven rooms were all taken into Han Yu's bag, filled with two bags full of universe. After putting everything away, Han Yu carefully inspected the Dibao Pavilion again, and stopped staying quietly without finding any omissions.

Han Yu left Tianchan Sect that night, and by the beginning of the next morning, no one found that Dibao Pavilion had been looted.

Han Yu found a place to take a temporary rest after leaving Tianchan, and began to organize the gains from this trip to Tianchan. Following Han Yu's thoughts, the things in Qiankun's bag began to be divided into different categories.

Most of the treasures in the Dibao Pavilion are medicinal materials, and they are all big medicines, even Han Yu can see it brightly.

After dividing the exposed medicinal materials into different categories, Han Yu began to look through the contents of the boxes.

A strange magic Baolian, the eighth stage great medicine level...

A purple ginseng, eight-pin drug level...

A piece of red rainbow sky glaze is priceless...

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