Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 871: Kill first

Chapter 871

Only a few people in Tianchan religion know Han Yu and have heard of Han Yu's name. The three middle-aged men were all taken aback when they heard this. Naturally, they had never heard of Han Yu.

"Grab him, to live." At this moment, from the depths of Tian Chan Sect, an indifferent voice came.

"Yin Shouyi, don't you want to know what happened in the Profound Sky Realm?" Han Yu shouted in a deep voice.

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar from all over the Tian Chan Sect, and the matter of the Xuantian Realm had already caused a stir in the Tian Chan Sect. But no one answered.

One of them couldn't tell, and rushed directly to Han Yu.

Han Yu snorted heavily and grabbed a strong force. This is the style of Tianchanism.

The man rushed to Han Yu and grabbed Han Yu's left shoulder directly, as if he was grabbing a person without the power to bind a chicken, with a thick look of disdain on his face.

The other two stood still. Although Han Yu had just killed a Wu Wang Yizhong, in their eyes, Han Yu still didn't look enough.

"Boy, although the elder wants me to catch alive, I will make you worse than dead!" The man's face was cold, and his murderous intent filled his eyes.


Han Yu exerted all his mighty steps in the void, dodge extremely fast.

The man's eyes were like lightning, thinking that he could see the mystery of Han Yu's body and slap in one direction, which is exactly where Han Yu is going to reach next.

However, it was blank.

The man reacted extremely quickly, hitting the air once and then attacking again. In a blink of an eye, there were more than ten moves, but none of them threatened Han Yu.

With the increase in strength, Han Yu's mastery of the void and ethereal steps has taken a step forward. Now that he has taken one step, he has eighteen changes, and it is not easy to say that he wants to truly capture his physical path.

Han Yu's body turned into a series of afterimages, appearing behind the man in a flash, engraving formation patterns with his left hand, and fighting with his right hand to attack, both hands were dispatched almost simultaneously.


The pattern jittered and quickly formed a pattern shield, which enveloped the man like a mucous membrane.

"Master Qi Tian?" Everyone was shocked.

"Huh, what can I do with a little trick?" The man dismissed it, his hands pressed, and the array shield exploded.


At the same time, the Qingyan spear pierced through the back from the man's heart in a direct attack on Huanglong.

The scene suddenly fell into deathly quiet, Han Yu actually only used two moves to kill a master of the Wuwang double layer, which made them feel incredible.

Han Yu's formation pattern and Qingyan spear cooperated tacitly and killed a man by surprise.

"Evil thief, let him go!" The other two men suddenly came out of the cage like beasts and rushed towards Han Yu at the same time.

"Give it back to you!" Han Yu shot his spear, and the man carrying the spear flew out and hit the fatter middle-aged man. The first reaction of the fat middle-aged is to reach out and catch it.

When the fat middle-aged just caught Su Na, the man's body suddenly "bumped" and exploded in the fat middle-aged's arms.


The sound of exclamation broke through the clouds. This **** scene hit the remaining two people too much, especially the fat middle-aged man, his body was covered with blood and flesh from the same family, his hands were still in a hug, standing in the void Stunned in a daze.


Han Yu broke through the rain of blood and stabbed the fat middle-aged man with a spear.

"Be careful!" The thin middle-aged was shocked and slammed Han Yu in the air. However, his attack was not as fast as Han Yu's.


The fat middle-aged slapped the spear with a palm. The spear pierced through his palm and pierced his shoulder. Han Yu applied a little force and his entire arm exploded.

Then Han Yu waved his left hand and met the thin young man in the air.

Han Yu was shocked and took a few steps backwards, he quickly stabilized and turned into lightning to kill the fat middle-aged.

The fat middle-aged was hit hard, so how dare he fight with Han Yu and run away desperately. Swish, countless formation patterns appeared, forming a cage in the void, encircling the fat middle-aged, Han Yu's whole body passed directly through the fat middle-aged body.

"Boom!" The fat middle-aged's body exploded in two and fell between the rice paddies.

The ordinary disciples of the Tianchan Sect were all cold from head to toe. Han Yu's actions were too cruel, too bloody, and too cruel. There is nothing more painful than death than death without a whole body.

Han Yu walked in the blood, killing the thin middle-aged.

The thin middle-aged was terrified, and two of the three were killed in Han Yu's hands in a blink of an eye. Now he is the only one left, so how could he be Han Yu's opponent.

The thin middle-aged decisively turned and ran to the mountain gate, yelling in panic: "Help me!"

The people of the Tianchan Sect have the feeling of being a world away. At their doorstep, not only many people are bloodbathed, but the rest are killed like mourning dogs. It is a great irony.


Han Yu threw the Qingyan spear abruptly. With a long cyan tail, the Qingyan spear was inserted into the thin middle-aged body from behind, and then the thin young man was heavily inserted on the stone ladder in front of the Tianchan Sect.


The Qingyan spear was inserted obliquely into the stone ladder, and the thin middle-aged man hung on the spear, struggling and screaming constantly, unable to break free, just waiting for the blood to drain and die.

The ordinary disciples in the mountain gate were already shocked, no one dared to come out to help.

Several figures rushed out of the core area, and the roar shook the sky. What happened today is a great shame to anyone who teaches Tianchan.

"Yin Shouyi, don't you want to come out yet? Do you want me to make the secrets in the Xuantian realm public so that you are willing to show up?" Han Yu roared.

"Han Yu, kid, stay a thread in everything, you've done too much today!" The previous voice sounded again, it was the great elder of Tianchan Sect.

"Huh? Ever? Your Heavenly Zen Buddhism deceived others, not only caused me to almost fall to the Profound Sky Realm, but also snatched my little horn. Who was it? Ask Yin Shou to speak, or I will kill you today!" Han Yu The voice is sonorous and powerful.

If he had said such things before, he would definitely be laughed out of his teeth, but at this moment, especially ordinary disciples, they were all shivering. Although Han Yu was only the cultivation base of Wu Zun's pinnacle, they believed that Han Yu could pose a threat to Tian Chan Sect. This idea can be said to be extremely absurd, but at this time it is true.

"Yellow mouth boy, how can this place be where you can presumptuously, catch me alive!" The elder ordered again.

Obviously they wanted to catch Han Yu, and then explore Han Yu's secret.

"Shoo!" A triple master of Wu Wang, who combined human swords, turned into a stream of light across the sky, and rushed directly towards Han Yu.

Han Yu grabbed it into the void, and the Qingyan spear flew back into his hand, holding the spear in both hands, rotating towards the master.


The long sword and Zhanqiu slammed into each other, and the metal vibrato pierced the gold and cracked stone. Both of them snorted and flew back.

"Swish swish..."

Immediately afterwards, several figures descended from the sky, surrounding Han Yu Tuantuan, the weakest being the masters of King Wu Sanzhong.

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