Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 876: Serial strategy

Chapter 876

Even if Tian Chan wants to fight Han Yuhua as a jade silk, but Han Yu doesn't want to, Han Yu will never let go of Tian Chan.

Yin Shouyi dared to put Xiaojiao's blood and hurt Xiaojiao. He was already on Han Yu's kill list.

"Little thief, don't think that if you hold Jin Chan, I can't deal with you!" Yin Shou was furious. Thinking about him, the leader of Tian Chan Sect, one of the overlords of Xiling, has he ever been so threatened, played and insulted like he is today.

"Come on, it's a big deal, I will die with her!" Han Yu pinched Yin Jinchan's neck and could send Yin Jinchan to the west at any time.

At this moment, Yin Jinchan was Han Yu's final trump card, and Han Yu had to fight hard to make Yin Shou look forward and backward, and dare not make a ruthless hand.

"You and Xiao Beast, two lives are exchanged for a golden cicada. When it's worth it, kill if you have the ability!" Yin Shou pressed forward step by step. How could it be a simple role for him to achieve the position of the leader of the Tianchan Sect.

Yin Shouyi had suffered a big loss from the exchange with Han Yu just now. He already knows a little about Han Yu. He must not let Han Yu take Yin Jinchan away, otherwise Yin Jinchan is really dangerous.

Han Yu is more ruthless, he is only more ruthless than Han Yu.

Han Yu's heart shuddered, and Yin Shouyi was really not easy to deal with. But on his face, he was fearless and shouted, "Do you really think I dare?"

"Do it? Let me see how fearless you are! Today you are buried with the little beast, and in the future, your family and friends will also pay the price of blood. Don’t think I don’t know where you came from now. I can’t find it out. I will use all the power of Heavenly Zen Buddhism, and everything you do will eventually pay the price!"

A horrible whirlwind blew around Yin Shou's body, and the whole person looked crazy.

Han Yu's mood fell to the bottom in an instant. If Tian Zen really did this, he would definitely be able to find out his origins, and the consequences would be disastrous. However, Han Yu also knew that Yin Shouyi was threatening, and he could not slack in the slightest.

"The little master is not scared, don't think that Tianchan is omnipotent. Stop it for me!" Han Yu's strength increased greatly.

Yin Jinchan's complexion turned from rosy to pale, from pale to black.

Yin Shouyi glared his eyes, and the breath on his body became more and more terrifying, forming a terrifying whirlwind, enveloping Han Yu, and his killing intent made Han Yu's skin pierced by steel needles. a feeling of.

Han Yu's heart was cold, Yin Shouyi decided to do it. Did he kill Yin Jinchan or not? After all, Han Yu underestimated Yin Shouyi.

Originally Yin Shouyi's problem was suddenly thrown to Han Yu.

Yin Shouyi is scheming and has an extraordinary experience. From the change in Han Yu's expression, he can see that Han Yu has been shaken. Forced again.

If it is an ordinary person, under Yin Shouyi's step by step, I am afraid that he has collapsed, even Han Yu is already cold sweating.

At this moment, he was completely forced to a dead end. It seems that no matter how he chooses, he cannot escape death today.

"No, it's not that Yin Shouyi is not afraid of Yin Jinchan being killed by me. He hates me more and shakes my determination. He believes that I am also afraid of death!" Han Yu reacted. This is a dead end for him, and it is also for Yin Shouyi.

Yin Shouyi thought that Han Yu was afraid of death, and then Han Yu had to show a state of unafraid of life and death, showing a state of madness.

This is a kind of psychological warfare, and it depends on who can persist to the end.


Han Yu's nails cut Yin Jinchan's skin, and the blood stained his fingers. Looking sullenly at Yin Shouyi: "I said, I will slap my back if I die."

Han Yu's calmness at this time made Yin Shouyi a little scared. However, he still pressed strongly.

"Then you can show it to me!"

"You have the ability to do it first?" Han Yu stared at Yin Shouyi.

The two were in a stalemate again. In the final analysis, Yin Shouyi was afraid of Yin Jinchan's death, and Han Yu was also afraid of death. But as the saying goes, rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, none of them dare to take the lead.

Han Yu quickly backed away, and Yin Shou was inseparable. The squally wind around, Yin Shouyi rushed into the sky with anger.


Suddenly there were two soft sounds, and two invisible forces penetrated Han Yu's shoulders from behind.

"Ah!" Han Yu exclaimed.

With his scream, three points are painful, and seven points are shocked. With all his concentration, he was successfully attacked by Yin Shouyi.

Both shoulders were injured at the same time, Han Yu instantly lost his strength in both hands, Yin Jinchan's body began to fall involuntarily.

Han Yu reacted quickly and kicked out. Yin Shouyi wanted to rescue Yin Jinchan under his nose, absolutely not.

However, Han Yu's speed is not better than Yin Shouyi after all. Yin Shouyi appeared in front of Han Yu like a ghost, slapped Han Yu's chest, Han Yu's body flew upside down, and Yin Jinchan had been caught by Yin Shouyi.

In this confrontation, after all, Yin Shou was the best one. As the saying goes, Jiang is still hot, even if Han Yu has done well enough, he is still not as good at calculations as Yin Shouyi.

During the stalemate with Han Yu, Yin Shouyi used three strategies one after another.

The first strategy was to show weakness first, let Han Yu relax his vigilance, and take the opportunity to start. This strategy was seen through by Han Yu.

The second strategy is to compete with Han Yu and engage in psychological warfare. Han Yu almost hit the plan. Fortunately, he reacted at the last minute and went back.

The third strategy is to disturb Han Yu's mind and the surrounding environment. At the stage when he was ruthless with Han Yu, he disturbed Han Yu's mind, and then took the opportunity to release a strong breath and disturb the surrounding environment. Han Yu's soul power is no matter how strong it is, in such a high-intensity game, it is difficult to take into account all aspects.

Amid the howling of the wind, the coercive attack quietly proceeded, and Han Yu was recruited.

The palm of Yin Shouyi was extremely reasonable. It shattered Han Yu's breastbone, causing him to lose most of his combat power, but it did not endanger his life. In this way, Yin Shouyi can capture Han Yu alive and explore Han Yu's secrets.

Han Yu took the package in front of him while flying upside down, because Xiaojiao was still in the package.


He slammed heavily on a mountain peak and slammed it directly through.

Han Yu's last move protected Xiaojiao. Otherwise, if you hit it like this, the little horn might be dead.

After crashing through a mountain, Han Yu smashed into the mountain behind, smashing into a huge pit, vomiting blood in his mouth, and many bones in his body were shattered, making it difficult to move.

At this moment, a white gas flew out of Han Yu's Dantian point, turning into a white light and disappearing.


Yin Shou turned over the opposite mountain, drew an arc, and landed heavily in front of Han Yu.

"Little thief, you are fighting with me, you are still a little tender!" Yin Shou revealed his murderous intentions, and pulled Han Yu out of the pit by grabbing Han Yu's clothes.

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