Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 879: Be suppressed

Chapter 879

Not long after Han Yu left, a man in his early thirties fell from the sky and landed in front of the dripping cliff. After standing for a while, his face gradually became gloomy, and he muttered to himself: "I want to see where you can escape. ?"

The man flew up and headed southwest. This person is Yin Chang's second apprentice Guo Jinglue, an eight-ring unloading master. Just now, the power of his soul has captured the remaining breath of Han Yu in the cave. It is estimated that Han Yu has not been away for long.

Guo Jing moved forward slightly, the power of the soul was always sweeping around, there was a little clue that could not escape his perception. However, Han Yu's clue was lost before he went far.

Guo Jinglue stopped and thought for a while, and continued to move southwest.

Two days later, Guo Jinglue and several disciples of Tian Chan Sect met, but Han Yu was not found. This made Guo Jinglue angry, and he also lost Han Yu.

Guo Jinglue looked for a direction and continued to pursue it. I have to say that Guo Jinglue's luck is very good. In the evening, in a valley area, he once again caught the breath of Han Yu remaining in the air. He quietly pursued this breath, and this breath broke again in a jungle.

Guo Jinglue's soul power was released, and it didn't take long to discover that the jungle he saw was an illusion, and it was actually a cliff.


Guo Jingluo took a photo with a palm, and the void suddenly distorted, the illusion disappeared, revealing the original appearance of the cliff, and there was a cave on the cliff. Guo Jinglue's soul power went in first.

Inside the cave, Han Yu, who was healing, was startled by the sound outside, and then he felt the power of a soul.

"Master Qi Tian?" Han Yu frowned, and the power of his soul was released, and he found Guo Jinglue outside the cave.

"Wu Wang Yizhong?" The corner of Han Yu's mouth rose slightly. Although his injury has not yet healed, the cultivation of Wang Wu Yizhong is not enough to threaten his life. Han Yu searched around and found no one else, completely relieved.

"Han Yu, kid, don't get out yet!" Guo Jing yelled slightly. He has found that Han Yu's breath is unstable and his injuries have not healed, so he is not afraid at all.

Han Yu carried the package with the small horns on his back and strode out.

Guo Jinglue is a beautiful man with a pale complexion and some feminine air between his brows. He has a white robe, white socks and white shoes, and his whole body is spotless.

Guo Jinglue saw that Han Yu's face was still abnormally pale, and he was even more relieved.

"You came here alone, I have to admire your courage." Han Yu sneered. The surroundings were as silent as death, and there was indeed no second person besides Guo Jinglue.

"Hmph, I might still be afraid of one or two in your heyday, but what is the difference between you and the bereaved dog now!" Guo Jinglue sarcastically said, "If you don't want to suffer from flesh and blood, just tell me your secret."

"You people of Tianchan, really can't change eating shit!" Han Yu cursed. Now he also knows why Guo Jinglue wants to walk alone. He has taken a fancy to Han Yu and wants to take the lead in catching Han Yu and swallowing Han Yu's secrets.

Han Yu guessed right. Guo Jinglue was indeed selfish. He most liked the secret of why Han Yu didn't wear Qi Tianjia.

"When death is imminent, it is hard to say!" Guo Jinglue's eyes were cold, and he came out like a tiger and culled Han Yu.

Don't look at Guo Jing's slightly weak, white face, but when he started his hands, it was violent.

"Boom boom boom..."

Guo Jinglue sent three punches, one to Han Yu's chest, one to Han Yu's neck, and one to Han Yu's face. No matter which punch hits Han Yu, it is fatal to Han Yu.

Moreover, Guo Jinglue's punches were extremely fast, even with Han Yu's eyesight, he could only see three phantoms. Obviously three punches were thrown in rapid succession, but it gave people the feeling that he had three hands and they moved together.

Guo Jinglue's fist was shining with a dazzling cyan light, just like the bright sun, which could affect the observation of his opponent.

With speed, strength, and piercing light, Guo Jinglue's three punches can be said to be deadly three punches. If Han Yu had the power of the soul, he would have to suffer a big loss under his fist if he observed the smallest details.

Han Yu quickly responded with three punches. With these three punches, Han Yu's strength, speed and accuracy were all just right.

"Boom boom..."

With the three punches, Han Yu's arm was numb, and he stepped back a few steps back. On his fist, there was a pain of cracked bone.

Han Yu was stunned. Although his injury was less than 50% healed, Han Yu's combat power was there. It would not be a piece of cake to deal with ordinary Wu Wang first heavy people, but he would definitely not waste too much energy.

Moreover, his physical strength is not covered, and his fist is even more indestructible. Even if he hits a low-level king's soldier, Han Yu's fist will not fall in the wind, and at this time he actually felt the pain of cracking bones.

Guo Jinglue's strength and boxing skills are incredible. Han Yu clearly realized that even in his heyday, Guo Jinglue's boxing techniques could pose a threat to him.

Han Yu's soul locks Guo Jinglue's double fists, on top of his double fists, at this moment, as if they are plated with bronze, this is the uniqueness of his fist technique.

"What is your boxing technique?" Han Yu asked. For this set of boxing, he was a little moved. If he learns this set of boxing with his physical strength, it will be no disadvantage in close combat in the future.

"Why, afraid? As long as you tell the secret why you don't need to wear Qi Tianjia, I can stop!" Guo Jinglue said proudly.

His boxing technique was obtained by him in an ancient tomb, and it was terrifying. In close combat, his brothers in the Triple Realm of King Wu were still beaten by him with no power to fight back. This is why he dared to come to Han Yu alone.

Even if Han Yu's injury has healed, he still has the courage to fight Han Yu.

"Humph!" Han Yu snorted heavily, and took the initiative to kill Guo Jinglue.

Han Yu's vitality gushed out, forming a layer of gloves on his fist, and his fists moved like two fans. The fist wind roared, and the trees within a radius of one hundred meters were shattered by the terrifying fist wind.

In the face of Han Yu's stormy fist, Guo Jing slightly curled his lips in disdain, and had no intention of avoiding it. The fist that met Han Yu was a hard shake.

"Boom boom..."

The fists of the two slammed into each other, like two sledgehammers colliding with each other, making terrifying loud noises.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them shook more than 30 punches, Han Yu's blue veins came out of pain, and the corners of his mouth sucked in cold air. However, Guo Jinglue was calm.

Suddenly, a string of blood flew out and was shattered by the fist wind. Han Yu's fist was actually worn out, and a crack appeared on his right middle finger.

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