Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 887: Encounter the enemy again

Chapter 887

"Senior Sister, why doesn't that old sloppy come back?"

There are two women, one large and one small, in a villa in Xiling. The older one is in his early twenties, dressed in white clothes like snow, slender and dusty, and the whole person is as cold as a frosty fairy; the younger one is twelve or thirteen years old, with a ball head pricked up, his eyelashes fluttering, making him look strange.

If Han Yu were here, he would definitely recognize these two people, they were Chu Xuehan and Yudie.

Chu Xuehan's brows suddenly wrinkled into the shape of Sichuan. Yudie was not too big or too small. He called her master old and sloppy, which made her speechless, and asked Yudie to change her mouth several times, but Yudie just refused to comply.

A white glance at Yudie, and angrily said: "Don't you hate my master? Wouldn't you be upset when he comes back?"

Yudie hurriedly said: "Where is there, I don't have a master who hates Senior Sister, I like him and it is too late! Senior Sister, just tell me when will the old sloppy come back."

Chu Xuehan patted Yudie's small head, and said, "His old man, the dragon, sees the head and the end, and I don't know when I will come back."

"Ah?" Yudie was surprised, with a deep worry on his face, and sighed: "What should I do, the old sloppy will not come back, who will help brother-in-law?"

Chu Xuehan had an even more headache. Yudie often talked about her brother-in-law, and she didn't know what Han Yu had to do with her.

Yudie held Chu Xuehan's hand and said, "Senior Sister, let's go find brother-in-law."

Chu Xuehan almost died of fainting, this is even more misleading, and there is no one else here. Under the stalking of Yudie, Chu Xuehan couldn't stand it, so she could only take Yudie to leave the villa and go down the mountain.

After Han Yu fought with the man of King Wu's Third Heavy, he found that he was one step closer to King Wu's First Heavy.

Fighting is the best method for cultivation and enlightenment, it is not an exaggeration. Enlightenment by fighting can create many opportunities for people to make breakthroughs. However, although one step closer, the film in the middle has not broken through.

The appearance of the man made Han Yu even more vigilant. He disguised himself and entered a city to learn about his current situation.

Tianchan Sect, Golden Bell Sect, and Ziyu Palace are looking for him all over the world, and they are issuing rewards. In particular, he has a lot of secrets in his body, making some sects that have nothing to do with him act.

There is almost no place for him in the entire Xiling land. This situation exceeded Han Yu's expectations.

Han Yu didn't stay too much in that city, and rushed towards Demon Huangling. As long as you enter the Demon Emperor Ridge, Tianchan Sect, Jinzhong Sect, and Ziyu Palace, you can't help Han Yu.

Yaohuangling is a very special place on the land of Xiling, the kingdom of monsters and the paradise of monsters. Human beings are not allowed to set foot in the sects, which are as strong as Heavenly Zen Buddhism, nor dare to enter the Demon Emperor Mountain to be presumptuous.

Not long after Han Yu left the city, he discovered that someone was following him secretly. This person's whereabouts are very strange, if it weren't for Han Yu Lingjue strong, it would be difficult to find him.

Han Yu didn't know and hurried as fast as he could.

No matter how fast Han Yu is, the opponent can always keep a certain distance from Han Yu. This almost showed that the opponent's cultivation base was much higher than Han Yu's, otherwise it would be difficult for ordinary people to catch up with the ethereal step.

Entering an uninhabited mountain, Han Yu stopped decisively, turned around and shouted in a deep voice: "I have been following for so long, don't you want to come out?"

Han Yu's voice dissipated in the void, and after a while, a middle-aged man rushed out of a forest in the northeast.

This man is tall and straight, suave, with the back of his hand behind him, with a relaxed and contented look, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and indifferently said: "It looks like, I guessed it right, you are Han Yu."

Han Yu was wrapped in a black robe at this time, with only a pair of eyes exposed, and a package on his back. The man felt strange when he saw Han Yu's dress, so he chased it all the way down.

"What about me?" Han Yu snorted coldly.

"It's you, you have to die!" The man's face became cold, and two substantial cold lights shot out in his eyes, and he rushed towards Han Yu murderously.

Suddenly, the powerful aura of King Wu's fourth layer surged toward Han Yu like a violent storm.

Not only was Han Yu not afraid, but he was fighting. He didn't know whether he would be a man's opponent, but the strength of a man happened to be an excellent target for Han Yu to enlighten Dao through battle.

The little horn inside the package left for the first time, Han Yu's vitality was surging, the blue light on his fists was strong, and a faint bronze color appeared on his skin.

After this period of practice, Han Yu's mastery of breaking fist has improved to a higher level.

Han Yu took a misty step under his feet and greeted him.

He didn't want to ask the other party's origin, nor did he want to know. Regardless of whether the opponent is a person of Tianchan sect or not a person of Tianchan sect, if he appears here at this time, it is his enemy, and he should taste the power of his breaking fist.

The two slammed into each other like a comet hitting the earth, and Han Yu moved his fists like a torrential rain meteor. The man's palm fist points to all kinds of tricks.


After more than 20 strokes in the blink of an eye, the two fisted for the first time.

The man snorted and stepped back in the void, his face suddenly flushed. And Han Yu, with a look of excitement and fighting spirit.

"What is your punching technique?" the man frowned and asked in astonishment.

"Broken fist!" Han Yu slammed forward, not giving the man a chance to breathe.

"Uh..." The man was taken aback, and for a while, he didn't know what to say.

The man had seen Han Yu's boxing skills, so he no longer had a head-to-head encounter with Han Yu, and focused on retreating, looking for flaws in Han Yu's boxing methods.

But Han Yu's boxing style has no fixed moves, and there are no rules at all. It is difficult to find flaws.

After a quarter of an hour disappeared, the man was forced to retreat and retreat by Han Yu. Although he mainly avoided defense, he inevitably played against Han Yu. Han Yu's boxing technique is extremely destructive. During this period of time, the man's arm had bruises in many places, exuding pain like cracked bones.

"This little thief is really against the sky, and he can force me to fight." The man's face was so gloomy that it almost dripped water.

Suddenly, the man's eyes lit up and he finally discovered the flaws in Han Yu's boxing technique.

After all, Han Yu's strength was too weak to be able to display the strongest power of breaking fist at any time. For a moment, Han Yu's fist was connected, and there was a moment of stagnation.

At this moment, it can be said to be harmless. But in the master fight, the slightest flaw will be a key factor to change the entire battle.

As for the man, he accurately caught this flaw and pointed his finger like a sword. He drew a strange arc with his finger and pierced Han Yu's left shoulder.

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