Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 894: Soul warming

Chapter 894

The monster beast outside the valley is huge, fierce and evil. But the little horn faced them without any fear, standing proudly, exuding the aura of a superior. That tiny body is standing upright at this time.

Han Yu did not appear in a hurry, leaning against the entrance of the cave, rapidly refining and refining medicinal materials.

Suddenly, Little Horn yelled in anger a few times, and the monster beasts were taken aback, and then fled in all directions. A crisis was easily resolved by Xiaojiao.

Xiaojiao snorted disdainfully, then turned and walked towards the cave.

After Xiaojiao came in and chatted with it for a while, Han Yu realized that it turned out that it was because they had summoned monsters to search for Sun Dahou, which alarmed the overlord in the vicinity and came to inquire. He was directly frightened off by the little horn's god.

After Xiaojiao finished the explanation, let Han Yu not worry about it. With it, he wouldn't be afraid of anything and let Han Yu smile.

Even without the deterrence of the little horns, there is a large formation of Beiming Xuansha in the cave, and ordinary monsters come in, undoubtedly looking for death. Of course, if there is a small horn, it is naturally the best to retreat without a bloodbath.

Han Yu didn't want to make enemies with Yaohuangling.

Han Yu was about to return to the cave, and just turned around, he was stunned. Inside the cave, there is a tuft of irregular purple objects, crystal clear, gleaming, and the size of a basin.

On this object, there is a sense of divinity, which seems to baptize people's hearts.

"Finally merged!" Han Yu was overjoyed. This object is exactly the product of the fusion of Zixiao Shensha under the flame of Phoenix feathers.

Beside Zixiao Shensha, the phoenix feathers were quietly inserted in the soil.

Han Yu was ecstatic, ran back and stretched out his hand to hug Zixiao Shensha, but this tuft of Zixiao Shensha was too heavy, and Han Yu hadn't picked it up.

Han Yu looked up and down at Zixiao Shensha, now he can start to temper his weapons.

However, Han Yu soon became unhappy.

Although Zixiao Shensha was smelted together, it was still hard and Han Yu couldn't temper at all. If you use the phoenix feathers, you have to fall asleep every time, and Han Yu can't do anything when the purple sand divine sand is smelted by the flames on the phoenix feathers.

At this stage, it seemed a little unrealistic to use Zixiao Divine Sand to refine one's life magic weapon.

But one's destiny magic weapon, a person can only refine one in his life, just like siblings. It is impossible for Han Yu to give up this magical material of Zixiao Shensha and choose other materials.

Han Yu thought for a while, decided to warm up first, and then slowly temper the magic weapon. Dripping water through the stone, Han Yu believes that one day, he will refine his favorite magic weapon.

The reason why a person can only refine one magic weapon in his life, it can be like siblings, the most important thing is warmth. Long-term company and long-term warmth make it difficult to part with the master.

There are two types of so-called warming. One is soul warming, the other is blood warming. The former is to use the soul to nourish the magic weapon of life for many years, so that the magic weapon of life is closely related to oneself, giving birth to constant contact with oneself; the latter is nourished with blood.

Most people choose the way of blood warming, because most people do not cultivate the power of soul. Han Yu decided to use his soul to warm up.

To some extent, soul warming is better than blood warming. The former is to establish contact from the depths of the soul, and the latter is to establish contact from the blood and flesh. The former connection will be more reliable, the natal magic weapon and the master will be more compatible, and the power will be stronger.

Of course, the difference between the two is not big, almost negligible. It mainly depends on how the owner chooses.

Han Yu first refined the heavenly materials and earth treasures to restore his vitality, and after he recovered, he began to use his soul to nourish the Zixiao divine sand. The way of warming the soul is actually very simple. It is to wrap the purple sand divine sand with the power of the soul regularly every day, so that the soul and the purple sand divine sand will be in close contact, and some connections will gradually develop.

This is a very long process. As long as a cultivator refines his natal magic weapon, he will spend his entire life warming and nurturing his natal magic weapon. There is no best fit, only a better fit.

The longer the time, the more the destiny and the master cannot be separated. After reaching a certain level, even if the master and the magic weapon are separated, there will be a sense between the two. Even if the owner is killed and the magic weapon of his life is taken away, the magic weapon of his life will not be recognized by the others.

In the past, the sword Han Yu obtained in the scar of the Haotianzong sword in Jingzhou was a magic weapon with which he had a strong connection with his master. Even if its owner is not around, it will find a way to return to its owner's side. It is difficult for others to surrender it, unless it has stronger strength than its owner and forcefully suppresses it.

As for the soldiers of the king that Han Yu had won before, it was because they hadn't established a relationship with their masters for a short time, and they were also very weak. When their owner was killed, Han Yu could easily gain their approval and could use it.

All the magic weapons above the Venerable Soldier have their own spirituality, which is based on the connection with the master.

Of course, in addition to the magic weapon of life, there are many magic weapons. Those magic weapons don't need warmth, they can be refined. That kind of magic weapon, the connection with the master is much weaker.

It's like the magic weapons that Han Yu seized. Although he has become the master, it is not his own magic weapons. When used, he does not have his own magic weapons, and it is difficult to control the power changes of the magic weapons.

As time passed day by day, many monsters would come to report their gains every day. In a blink of an eye, more than half a month passed, and there was still no news of Sun Dahou, he seemed to have suddenly disappeared from the middle area of ​​Demon Emperor Mountain.

But it wasn't nothing. Han Yu gathered the intelligence of many monsters and found that Sun Dahou had disappeared in a central area. This area is also famous in Yaohuangling, called Huaguo Shenshan, which is occupied by a relatively large group of monsters. This demonic beast population is all monkey demons. Different types of monkey monsters gather together to form a power represented by monkeys.

The Huaguo Shenshan is home to the monkey demon population, and Sun Dahou is the offspring of the fighting sage monkey. The fighting sacred monkey is the **** of the monkeys and the ancestor of the monkeys. When Sun Monkey disappeared in that area, it seemed less abrupt.

Han Yu felt that Sun Dahou might be within the sacred mountain of flowers and fruits.

This discovery made Han Yu rejoice in the past, put the Zixiao Shensha away, and prepared for the mountain of flowers and fruits ahead.

After this period of soul warming, although Zixiao Shensha has not changed in any way, Han Yu can clearly feel that he and Zixiao Shensha have a very strange connection.

This connection is still very weak, but it does exist. It won't be long before Han Yu can have a certain connection with Zixiao Shensha. He doesn't need vitality control, and he can control Zixiao Shensha with only his soul.

Han Yu asked Xiaojiao to jump on his shoulder and walk out of the cave. At this moment, a group of uninvited guests came.

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