Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 898: Bai Yuhu's induction

Chapter 898: Bai Yuhu's Induction

"It's really a cycle of cause and effect, retribution is unhappy! Han Yu, in Phoenix Mountain, when you sneak attack on me and take my treasure away from my injury, I am afraid that there will be today!" Bai Yuhu laughed, and Han Yu Injured, right in its arms.

"Humph!" Han Yu snorted heavily, and decisively turned to flee to the east. At this moment, his hands were injured and he could not fight, and he was not Bai Yuhu's opponent at all.

"Want to escape? Can you escape? The white tiger chased the clouds!"

Bai Yuhu sneered, and moved his four hoofs away, turning into a white light to chase Han Yu.

Han Yu's figure flickered, leaving countless afterimages, misty, like a fairy wandering; the white jade tiger walked like an electric light, running rampant.

"call out!"

The sound of breaking through the sky is sharp and harsh, like a meteor passing by.

Han Yu frowned, and Bai Yuhu's speed was comparable to that of his emptiness during his heyday. At this time, he was seriously injured, and his speed was more than weak.

Just over the three mountains, Bai Yuhu has already killed Han Yu.

The terrifying aura emanating from Bai Yuhu's body slammed into Han Yu's back like a big wave.

"Han Yu, I'm going to smash you into pieces!" An excitement appeared in Bai Yuhu's eyes, and he wanted to trample Han Yu under his feet all the time.

The distance between the two quickly narrowed.

One thousand feet, five hundred feet, one hundred feet...

Bai Yuhu gathered his vitality and launched the most terrifying impact.

"Boom bang bang..."

The big tree blocking the road, before being hit by Bai Yuhu, was crushed by its powerful aura, and there was nothing to stop him.

Seeing that Bai Yuhu was about to hit Han Yu's back, Han Yu's feet slammed on the ground, and his body was raised several feet in the blink of an eye. Bai Yuhu rushed past his feet, smashing all the way.

Han Yu turned around decisively and rushed away in the opposite direction. He fell in the forest again, using the forest cover.


Bai Yuhu turned around, roared, and chased him.

Han Yu escaped its blow. Not only was it not annoying, but it seemed even more excited. It liked the feeling of chasing and killing others and fleeing.


Xiao Jiao stood on Han Yu's shoulders, shouting at Bai Yuhu. The front feet were tightly packed, his eyes were murderous, and he made a posture to fight.

Had it not been for Han Yu's painstaking advice to Xiaojiao not to move rashly, the little guy would have been killed.

The White Jade Tiger of the Tier 1 Demon King level not only didn't make it feel scared, but also made it battle-conscious. Han Yu had to admire Xiaojiao's courage.

"Howl? Wait a minute, I'm going to swallow you alive. I have never eaten a monster with the blood of a beast in my body. You can take my blood to a higher level!" Bai Yuhu looked at The small horns showed a strong color of greed in his eyes.


Little Horn was furious.

The misty steps in the void are so strange that even if Bai Yuhu's speed is faster than Han Yu's, he is also taken in circles by Han Yu, and will not be able to catch Han Yu for a while. As long as Han Yu enters that valley and is guarded by the Beiming Xuansha array, he can sit back and relax.

This chasing and fleeing took half a day, during which Han Yu and Bai Yuhu passed by several times, and he relied on his excellent physical skills to avoid Bai Yuhu's fatal attack.

Bai Yuhu gradually lost his patience, and when he was twenty or thirty feet away from Han Yu again, he decisively launched a large-scale attack.

"White Tiger Roar!"

Bai Yuhu made a long roar, and the sound was earth-shaking, and the terrifying sound waves surged in all directions like a violent wind and huge waves, attacking indiscriminately within a hundred meters.

"Boom bang bang..."

Wherever the sound wave passed, it was decayed, flowers, plants, trees, sand, gravel and soil, and it burst into pieces.


Xiaojiao let out a scream, was shocked to cough up blood, and flew out involuntarily. Han Yu was also shocked with blood and blood, his head hummed, and he flew out and broke more than ten big trees.

"Boom boom..."

Bai Yuhu landed on all fours and rushed towards Han Yu. Every time he landed, he would tremble on the ground and step out of a deep pit.


Han Yu was furious, and the Dragon Lord Bible ran wildly, stopping the qi and blood from tumbling, his head was sober, he jumped up, his body spun quickly, and he displayed the Vulcan Drilling Legs.

Suddenly, Han Yu turned into a huge fire top, fell from the sky, and hit Bai Yuhu heavily.


A loud noise came out in the mountains, and the ground was cut off by the terrifying air waves. Han Yu and Bai Yuhu both flew out, tumbling all the way, smashing countless mountains, rocks and ancient trees.

After Han Yu stabilized, his body shook, and his face turned pale. He took a deep breath, rushed over and picked up the small horn, unleashing the ethereal steps at full speed, and rushed away.

Just now, although Han Yu propped up his vitality shield at the last moment, Xiaojiao was still severely injured, and the eight channels of the odd meridian were all broken. Han Yu was murderous, if he hadn't reacted quickly, with the power of Bai Yuhu's sound waves, Xiao Horn would definitely die.

Since Han Yu came to Demon Huangling, he has never wanted to be an enemy of the monsters in Demon Huangling, but Bai Yuhu successfully aroused Han Yu's killing intent today.

Bai Yuhu rolled on the ground for a while before he got up, looking at Han Yu's gleaming back, his eyes showed a deep jealousy.

Just now Han Yu's blow made it feel the coming of death. If Han Yu didn't have enough energy to stop, I'm afraid Bai Yuhu would have gone to see the King of Hades.

At this time, a large area of ​​its head was burned, and a small crack opened at the center of its eyebrows, spilling a trace of blood.

"What is the origin of this human being? How did I feel a familiar breath in him?" Bai Yuhu's eyes gradually changed from fear to anger and resentment.

With a roar, he once again used the White Tiger Chasing Cloud Step to chase Han Yu. You can see the color of caution from the look of Bai Yuhu. It was careless just now, wanting to kill Han Yu abruptly, and almost suffered a big loss, this time it would never careless.

Han Yu's speed was obviously slower by a few minutes, and it didn't take long before Bai Yuhu chased him closer.

"Han Yu, did you kill my Baihu clan?" Bai Yuhu asked angrily.

Just now, when he clashed with Han Yu, he felt a familiar breath on Han Yu. The breath was so weak that most people couldn't even notice it. But that breath made the power of Bai Yuhu's blood boil and agitate. This shows that the breath comes from the line of the white tiger. As for Han Yu, who is not in the same line as Baihu, the truth is obvious.

Han Yu must have been in contact with the descendants of the Baihu line before, and in all likelihood, he was stained with blood, and he would leave the original breath of the Baihu line.

"No matter how bad you are, you are the first to kill!" Han Yu responded in a deep voice. He didn't understand what Bai Yuhu was talking about.

"I admit it, it doesn't matter anymore. I sensed the original breath of my white tiger line in your body. You must have been blood-stained from my white tiger line. You **** human being, I will use your blood today. And the soul, pay tribute to the dead kin!" Bai Yuhu roared fiercely.

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