Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 910: Steal forty-ninth

Chapter 910

The ignorant boy, so rampant, ignored my reputation of stealing seventy-two places. Seeing you carry a bag, there must be weirdness in the bag. I love to hunt for strange things. I will be right tonight. When the moon comes to take it, solve the mystery!

Inscribed "Forty-ninth Land Steal".

These short sentences reveal several very important information.

First, the words of Han Yu and the shopkeeper fell into the ears of Thief No. 49, when he should be nearby. He not only heard what Han Yu said, but also knew that Han Yu was carrying a package.

Second, not only did this person call for someone to steal something from Han Yu, he also set a specific time. It shows that this person is arrogant, or that he has full confidence in himself.

The third is his identity, forty-ninth stealing, only forty-nine out of 72 stealing.

Han Yu disagreed, and threw the note on the table at will. Not only was he not nervous, but he also had a faint expectation in his heart. He wanted to see how the forty-ninth place was stolen and how to steal things.

When time came quietly, the world was quiet, and the silence was a bit terrible. Whether it is in the restaurant or on the street outside the restaurant, the silence is audible.

And this is just the calm on the eve of the storm.

At that moment, a cold wind suddenly blew outside, and the wind became more and more frantic. As if entering the deep winter season.

The clouds pushed from nowhere slowly flooded the bright moon in the sky, and the sky and the earth were instantly plunged into the darkness of invisible hand.

"Kang Dang!"

The window was blown open by the strong wind, swinging wildly. The gale entered the house, raging and raging, and it didn't take long for the house to be messy.

Han Yu sat cross-legged, motionless, did not close the window, and ignored the furniture swept by the wind. In the darkness, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and a look of excitement emerged from the depths of his pupils.

From the windows, the cracks in the doors, and even the cracks on the ground, bursts of white mist came in. This white mist is like steam that evaporates after the rain. After a while, the whole house is shrouded in the white mist.

Of course, because it is too dark, no one can see the existence of white mist.

The wind outside is getting stronger and stronger, as if it is about to rain. But there was only wind, no thunder, and no rain.

Han Yu slowly closed his eyes, seeming to be too tired, then fell on the bed and fell asleep faintly. Even the little corner on the side was asleep and silent.

Suddenly, a figure drifted in with the white mist from the window like a ghost.

This is a figure wrapped in black clothes, even less visible in the darkness. His body was as ethereal as a cloud, and he made no sound when he moved.

The man was dressed in black, with a black mask on his face, only a pair of bright eyes were exposed.

These are a pair of big and round eyes, looking at Han Yu lying on the bed, there is a look of contempt in his eyes. However, he did not act rashly, paying close attention to Han Yu, and found that Han Yu was really asleep, and he was completely relieved.

"No one can still fall under the drunken smoke of Grandma Auntie!" The man in black muttered to himself, judging from the voice that she was a young woman, her voice was full of arrogance. situation.

The woman walked over and kicked Han Yu's thigh, kicked Han Yu into a circle, and sarcastically said: "I thought it was so capable and dared to provoke the prestige of stealing seventy-two places. It turned out to be just a big talker. This time I will spare you once, and next time I dare to steal and disrespect us, and see how grandma teaches you."

The woman scribbled at Han Yu and reached out to pick Han Yu's parcel on the bedside.


At this moment, one hand came out of a hole like a python, and quickly grabbed the woman's wrist.

"Stealing forty-ninth is nothing but you!" Han Yu opened his eyes, and a flirtatious expression appeared on his face.

"You?" There was an incomparable shock in the woman's big eyes.

"I want to see what you are like a sneaky guy." Han Yu tugged with his right hand, pulling the woman's body towards him, and quickly took off the woman's mask with his left hand.

The panic in the woman's eyes was fleeting, and she quickly moved her hand.


The woman's hand seemed to be smeared with butter in an instant, and she quietly pulled it out of Han Yu's hand, and after she stepped back a few meters, she looked like blue smoke.

"I want to see how grandma looks like, next life!" The woman leaped and rushed out from the window like a breeze.

Han Yu immediately got up and chased him down.

Outside, the white fog is rolling, making people invisible to the street and the houses on both sides of the street. Even after entering the white mist, even the loop could not be found.

This is a maze, and the woman is a Qitian master.

"No wonder you dare to come and steal things so arrogantly, you are really capable, but this little maze is acceptable to ordinary people, in my eyes, it is a small Doer!" Han Yu smiled slightly, and chased in one direction. .

He used the misty steps at full speed, and the speed was extremely fast, and it didn't take long for the woman's back to appear in Han Yu's sight.

The woman heard the sound of breaking through the air behind her, turned her head and saw that Han Yu was chasing after her, she screamed. Both hands were pointed as swords, and a series of formation patterns were quickly drawn into the void, and the formation was laid to block Han Yu.

She was trapped in Han Yu's eyes, not much different from pediatrics, and had no effect on him at all. The women's speed was affected because of distraction and carving.

"Sure enough, it's you!" The woman exclaimed. She looked familiar with Han Yu just now. Now that Han Yu can crack her formation without any effort, it reminds her of Han Yu's true identity.

Han Yu frowned. He didn't know the woman, but the woman said this, indicating that the woman had seen his identity. After all, the portrait of Han Yu a year ago was posted all over the streets of Xiling.

With regard to the seventy-two land stealing, Han Yu only had the mentality of learning from him and making fun of him, but when the woman recognized his identity, she had to make long-term plans.


Han Yu quickly engraved the formation pattern in his hands, forming a huge formation pattern shield, covering both him and the woman.

The woman hurriedly waved a palm, broke through the barriers and fled. However, immediately after another formation shield appeared, the woman had not had time to make a second shot, and Han Yu had already caught up behind her. Sticking out his right hand, he grabbed the woman's shoulder.

The woman was frightened in a cold sweat and dodged with her body, but no matter how she dodged, she couldn't avoid Han Yu's hand.

Although the woman's body style is not bad, there is a big gap between the strengths of the two after all, and Han Yu's careful observation can clearly see the essence of the woman's body style.

Han Yu grabbed the woman's shoulder, the strength in his hand was so great that the woman was half-weakened instantly. At this moment, the woman suddenly raised her left hand and sprinkled a handful of white powder into Han Yu's eyes.

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