Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 914: Steal

Chapter 914

Hu Lielie coldly snorted, raised his hand, holding a Qiankun bag in his hand, and said: "This Qiankun bag is the result of my labor this time. There are countless belongings in it, which together are equivalent to nine plants of the seventh-grade medicine. What did you steal, show it to me?"

Hu Lie Lie looked proud, and he decided Mo Xiaoxiao. Since Mo Xiaoxiao's debut, the most valuable thing he stolen has not exceeded three seven-stage drugs. He is confident that he will beat Mo Xiaoxiao in this competition.

Before Mo Xiaoxiao could speak, Hu Lilieie rushed and said, "Are you embarrassed to take it out? It's okay, I won't laugh at you, I have already thought it out, you just have to do something very simple for me. That's it."

Mo Xiaoxiao glanced at Hu Lielie and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Hu Lilieie said with some hope: "Be my maid for a month, just serve me tea, pour water, wash and cook."

"Bah!" Mo Xiaoxiao smeared and cursed: "Hu Lielie, you are really daydreaming. I want my grandma to serve you. In the next life you will!"

Hu Lilie spread his hands and said, "If you lose, you have to listen to me. No way, no discussion."

Mo Xiaoxiao cursed silently for a while, squinting at Hu Lie, "Do you think grandma is discussing with you? Do you think you will win me?"

Hu Lieli took his hands and said with a look of an old god: "I know you are embarrassed, but slowly I get used to it. I can give you a three-day adjustment period."

Mo Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, took out the big medicine Han Yu gave her, and said, "Keep your dog's eyes open and see, this is the result of grandma's work this time!"

Hu Lie curled his lips in disdain, and said: "Just stole a medicinal plant? This wants to win me? Hahaha...Mo Xiaoxiao, I think you want to win and want to be crazy!"

As soon as Hu Lielie’s voice fell, the smile on his face stiffened, because he smelled the scent of the medicinal material in Mo Xiaoxiao’s hand. The scent of this medicinal material was stronger than any of the seven-class medicine he had stolen. Seductive.

"Eight...Eight...Eight-Rank Medicine?" Hu Lie's eyes widened, unable to believe his eyes.

"You don't need to call you father if you lose? Besides, if you call him, you are also called mother." Mo Xiaoxiao laughed, very happy.

Hu Liliee didn't care that Mo Xiaoxiao was taking advantage of him. He rushed in front of Mo Xiaoxiao and almost stared at the medicinal materials in Mo Xiaoxiao's hand. Unbelievable: "How could you steal such precious medicinal materials?"

Mo Xiaoxiao said triumphantly: "Because grandma is stronger than you, she can steal more precious things."

Hu Liliei shifted his gaze from the Eighth Stage Drug to Mo Xiaoxiao, and he didn't believe that Mo Xiaoxiao's stealing skills would be higher than his.

The reason why Seventy-two Land Steal has never missed a hand is that one is because of their superb methods, and the other is because of their unique vision and precise planning.

Before each action, they have to make a detailed observation of the target to determine whether the target is suitable for the target, not blindly catching who is who.

A person who can carry the Eighth Stage Medicine with him is definitely not a good crop. He doesn't believe that Mo Xiaoxiao can steal an Eighth Stage Medicine from that kind of person.

However, the Eight-Rank Medicine was right in front of him, and he couldn't bear to believe it.

"You only stole an eighth-grade medicine?" Hu Lilie asked Mo Xiaoxiao suspiciously.

"One Eight-Rank drug can beat you. What else do I need?" Mo Xiaoxiao said nonchalantly.

"There are many treasures in the Qiankun bag who can carry the Eight-Rank Great Medicine with them. Would you be unwilling?" Hu Lilie asked, his eyes sharpened, staring at Mo Xiaoxiao's eyes.

Mo Xiaoxiao was not afraid, and stared back, saying: "He does have a lot of precious things in his Qiankun bag, but my grandmother is also good at stealing, and my purpose is to win you, not to rob him. ."

"Bah!" Hu Lie grinned with a sip of water.

Mo Xiaoxiao grabbed Hu Lilielie's clothes and said maliciously: "Why, Hulielie, you want to regret it?"

Hu Lielie knocked off Mo Xiaoxiao's hand and said, "I Hu Lilieie said that one is one, and two is two. If you lose, you will lose, but Mo Xiaoxiao, don't let me find you cheating, or I can't spare you. ."

Mo Xiaoxiao curled his lips and stretched out his hand: "Come on?"

Hu Lilie took out a token and threw it to Mo Xiaoxiao. This is a round token with a clown pattern engraved with the words "Thirty Six" in the middle of the pattern. This is the symbol of seventy-two land stealing status, land stealing token.

It is made of a very special material. There are only seventy-two yuan in the whole world. Others want to fake it. The number above represents the ranking in seventy-two places.

Mo Xiaoxiao caught the token, and rubbed it with joy, all the urge to vomit blood. With his own efforts, he managed to get to the position of the thirty-sixth place to steal, but now he has to hand over others.

The happier Mo Xiaoxiao, the more angry Hu Lilie, and shouted: "Hey, my token has been given to you, give me your token."

Mo Xiaoxiao glanced at Hu Lielie, and scolded, "How do you talk? No big or small!"

Hu Lilie was almost dizzy, unexpectedly Mo Xiaoxiao would put on airs with him.

Seventy-two land stealing has strict status level restrictions. Now Mo Xiaoxiao is upgraded to 36 land stealing, and Hu Lilielie is downgraded to 49 land stealing. According to the ranking, Hu Lilielie is smaller than Mo Xiaoxiao, so he must be called Mo Xiaoxiao said thirty-six sisters.

"You haven't seen me respect me before!" Hu Lilie suddenly looked like a grudge, and his voice became less high-pitched.

"Before, it was because you were incapable and couldn't scare grandma, you know? You can mix with grandma in the future. If grandma eats meat, you will definitely have a bowl of soup." Mo Xiaoxiao said, took out a token and threw it to Hu Lilie. The style of this token is exactly the same as the one just now, except that the words on it have been replaced with "forty-nine".

"Forty-nine brother, let's go?" Mo Xiaoxiao patted Hu Lilie's shoulder, stunned.

Hu Lilie rolled his eyes and turned decisively to leave.

"Which **** is it? You don't have the strength, so what do you still bring an eighth-grade medicine with you? Don't let me find you, or I will steal you to the bankruptcy!" Hu Lilie was angrily in his heart, turning around and looking forward Yue Cheng rushed.

Mo Xiaoxiao weighed the token in his hand and was overjoyed. He put it away and rushed to Wangyue City. She had promised to return the Eight-Rank Medicine to Han Yu, and naturally she would not break her promise.

At dawn, Han Yu got up to leave and opened the door. The shopkeeper was sneaking outside. Seeing Han Yu coming out, he was shocked.

"The shopkeeper, what are you doing?" Han Yu asked curiously.

"Guest, were you okay last night?" The shopkeeper asked carefully.

"What's the matter?" Han Yu pretended not to understand.

"Just... Didn't you lose your things?"


"No? Guest officer, forty-ninth, I secretly said that I was here to fetch your things last night, why didn't you lose anything?"

"He said he would come to take it?" Han Yu rolled his eyes.

"Guest, it's not a shame to be stolen by the forty-ninth place, no one will laugh at you when you say it."

Han Yu gave the shopkeeper a big eye, and this guy seemed to come to see him joke.

"Oh, it must be a big loss!" The shopkeeper sighed with pride looking at Han Yu's departure.

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