Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 936: Steal four orders

Chapter 936

Phoenix has become more lively than ever before, and everyone can talk about what happened last night. Although everyone didn't know what happened, they could all guess that Han Yu must be here. They are all looking forward to a battle between Han Yu and Yin Jinchan two days later.

However, Yin Jinchan did not come out again after returning to Junxiu Villa, and the discussion stopped.

When the sun went down in the evening, Hu Lilie awoke.

"Brother Miao, what about Brother Han and Brother Gui?" Hu Lilie saw that only Miao Shouqing came in, and asked anxiously.

"Big Brother Han hasn't come back yet, Stealing Heart and Bag Kong are healing, and Mo Xiaoxiao is still sleeping." Miaoshou Qing said, not too emotional.

"Brother Han hasn't come back? When is it now?" Hu Lielie's face changed slightly, he was already pale as paper, and now he became even more ugly.

"Youshi seven quarters!" Miaoshou Qing said.

Hu Lilie silently calculated, his heart sank. It has been fifteen or six hours since Han Yu came out of Junxiu Villa.

"Brother Hu, have you found out who the person was arrested?" Miao Shouqing walked to Hu Lilie's bed and sat down.

"I've found out, Tian Chan Sect is dying." Hu Lilie's eyes showed a monstrous killing intent.

"Who is it?" Miaoshou Qingyixi asked hurriedly. Their purpose last night was to find out who was arrested, and now they have completed their task.


At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a young man in his early twenties walked in.

This person has a handsome face, a tall figure, a small white beast squatting on his shoulders, his face is a little pale, and he doesn't seem to be in good condition.

"Brother Han!" Miao Shouqing and Hu Lilie were overjoyed. It was Han Yu who came in.

Miao Shouqing hurriedly stood up and greeted him. Hu Lilie wanted to get up, but found that he was weak and unable to move.

"Big Brother Han, you are finally back, you really scared me to death." Miao Shou Qinghuan danced with joy.

"You are fine!" Han Yu smiled faintly.

Hao Jianian’s attack last night was indeed dangerous, but it was blocked by the swords of the Zixiao Shensha and the low-level king’s soldiers, and most of the power was resolved. In the end, Han Yu was only shocked by force, shocked with blood. Tumbled, couldn't help vomiting blood, but didn't suffer much injury.

After that, he played hide-and-seek with Hao Jianian for a long time, which made him consume a lot and was exhausted, so it seems that he is not in good condition now.

After returning, Han Yu released the power of soul for the first time and found the two of them. He also knew that this time the loss was heavy, but no important personnel were lost.

Xiao Jiao stayed in this house all the time. The little guy was extremely keen. When Han Yu came back, he smelled Han Yu's breath and found Han Yu.

"Brother Han, you came just right. Brother Hu has already found out who the arrested person is." Miaoshou said happily.

Han Yu had already heard their previous conversation. Han Yu walked to Hu Lilie's bed and asked, "Old Hu, who is it?"

After last night's events, Han Yu became closer to Hu Lilie and the others.

"It's Chu Xuehan." Hu Liege said with a sigh.

Han Yu was not surprised. He had already prepared in his heart. The people who could be arrested in Xiling and who were still related to Han Yu were Chu Xuehan and Yudie. Asked: "How is she now? Where is Yudie?"

With Miao Shouqing’s help, Hu Lilie sat up and leaned against the bed and said, “She’s okay. We were going to rescue her, but the helper of Tian Chan sect killed us. We didn’t have enough time. Was injured. Yudie was not with her and was hidden by her, but she hadn't had time to tell us."

Han Yu breathed a long sigh of relief. Yudie couldn't suffer a little bit of damage due to physical reasons. Not being caught is the best result.

"It turned out to be Chu Xuehan, **** it, Tian Chan Sect dared to move our people!" Miao Shou gritted his teeth, his eyes grew stronger.

"Brother Miao, send a letter to go home and let those old antiques in the house come out. This time, I want Heavenly Chan Sect to pay the price of blood!" Hu Lielie said murderously.

Chu Xuehan was arrested, Mo Xiaoxiao was severely wounded, and their subordinates were wiped out. Hu Lielie couldn't wait to eat the blood of the Zen Buddhism.

If it is an ordinary person, even if the thirty-six thieves know, those old antiques will definitely not take action, but Chu Xuehan is different, he is the disciple of the sloppy man, and the sloppy man is not at home, and any thief and ground thief are there. Responsibility to protect the safety of Chu Xuehan.

"Okay, I'm going now." Miaoshouqing turned around in a hurry, and he was suffocating in his heart. He had never suffered such a big loss.

"Is it too late to send the letter back now?" Han Yu asked. If the Thirty-Six Heavenly Thieves would make a move, that would naturally be better. But now it is more than two days before Yin Jinchan's deadline. No matter whether Han Yu should fight or not, Chu Xuehan's safety will not be guaranteed.

"It will take about seven or eight days to come and go, it's too late!" Miao Shouqing turned around, a little angrily.

"Fuck, let those old guys know if you knew it!" Hu Lilie punched the wall angrily, complaining a little.

Han Yu comforted: "You can't be blamed for this. You didn't know that Chu Xuehan was arrested before. Even if you send the letter back, I'm afraid it won't work."

Thirty-six Heavenly Thieves will not care about irrelevant things no matter how they are idle. Hu Lilie and waiting to help Han Yu have already made Han Yu very grateful and moved.

"Even if we don't have time to inform those old guys at home, we won't be afraid of the small Tianchan Sect of stealing seventy-two places, and we will directly reveal our identity, and see if it is not a good friend of Tianchan!" Miao Shouqing is a little proud The way.

Han Yuxi said: "It's so good!"

The name of the seventy-two stolen, Han Yu has seen, it can be said that it is dreadful.

After some discussions, several people started to take action.

In the middle of the night, four explosions suddenly sounded in the night sky, and four fireworks burst into the sky from four corners of Phoenix, exploding, forming four dazzling faces in the dark sky.

At first glance, these four grimacing faces are extremely similar, but there are some differences in details. This is the ground stealing order. Every land stealing order is different. Of course, only land stealing can tell the difference in these land stealing orders, and which land stealing order represents which land stealing.

The inside of Phoenix instantly exploded. Although many people did not know how to steal orders, there were still some strong people who knew about the existence of steal orders, which caused an uproar.

Every time a sneak appears, it can be said to be a disaster for ordinary people, but this time, four sneak orders were launched at the same time. Doesn't this mean that there are already four big land stealers in Phoenix, and there will be more land stealers and thieves coming toward Phoenix.

These four secret orders were from Miao Shouqing, Gui Taoxin, Yu Daikong and Mo Xiaoxiao.

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