Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 940: Yin Shisan

Chapter 940

Hu Lilielie nodded, took a bit in his ear, and took out a piece of sand the size of a grain of sand. The thing quickly grew bigger in Hu Lilie's hand and turned into a crescent-shaped mirror, which is exactly the waning moon mirror.

The magic weapon of the Imperial Soldier level can be changed in size at will.

Hu Lielie handed the waning moon mirror to Han Yu, and then told Han Yu the formula for using the waning moon mirror. As long as he had the formula, Han Yu could unlock the waning moon mirror and use the waning moon mirror.

The Wanyue Mirror is not big, but weighs ten thousand jins. Han Yu held it in his hand as if he was holding a small mountain. From the waning moon mirror, there was a breath of if there was nothing, this breath is simple and majestic, like a sleeping beast, once awakened, it will kill the world.

At this moment, because of the seal, even if Han Yu held the Waning Moon Mirror in his hand, he couldn't activate it and exert its power.

Han Yu read the formula again, the brilliance on the waning moon mirror was fleeting, and the seal was unlocked, then Han Yu could use the waning moon mirror.

Han Yu injected a ray of vitality into the waning moon mirror, and with a thought, the wan moon mirror began to shrink rapidly, and soon it became the size of a needle, and then was hidden by Han Yu between the tips of the hair on his forehead, under the cover of the hair, without seeing anything. To.

"Brother Han, what are your plans next?" Hu Lilie asked. He already knows everything that happened before.

"If it doesn't work, I will fight Yin Jinchan to the death!" Han Yu's eyes gradually showed a sense of war.

Hu Lilie nodded and said, "Brothers will help you out!"

Although Hu Lilie knew that even Han Yu was not necessarily Yin Jinchan's opponent, but at this time, there was no need to say much.

Han Yu smiled faintly, patted Hu Lilie's shoulder, and said, "Then you can rest as soon as possible, the battle will start!"

At this moment, Miao Shouqing walked in, with a smile on his face, and said: "Brother Han, Brother Hu, Brother Thirteen are here, I want to see you!"

Hu Lilie was overjoyed and said, "It's great, Brother Han, let's go."

In the lobby, there were more than a dozen people sitting, and during the period they came to steal a few more. Above the main seat, sat a tall man with thick eyebrows and big eyes. This man seemed to be twenty-five and sixty years old. Although he was not very old, his whole person revealed a sense of maturity and stability.

Sit here, like a big mountain, even if the sky falls, everyone will not panic. This person is the thirteenth land steal that Miao Shouqing and others have been mentioning, Yin Shisan.

Han Yu walked in and saw Yin Shisan at first sight. Xindao really has an extraordinary temperament, no wonder they admire it so much.

"Brother Thirteen, this is Han Yu Han Shaoxia!" Miao Shouqing introduced immediately.

Yin Shisan looked at Han Yu, his big eyes were piercing, and deep in his eyes, a beam of light was beating. This beam of light looked like a beast, but it didn't look like it closely.

"Han Shaoxia, admire the name for a long time!" Yin Shisan said lightly. Even though he said that, he couldn't see that he had been leaning back for a long time, sitting still in place.

Han Yu frowned slightly. From Yin Shisan's behavior, he seemed to be somewhat hostile to Han Yu.

"Haha, Brother Han, I didn't lie to you, we stole seventy-two. Many people admire and admire you. Brother Thirteen talked to us about you more than once." Hu grinned.

Miaoshouqing is not as big as Hu Lilie, and can see some potential meaning.

"Long admiring the name!" Han Yu arched his hands, his attitude was also very cold.

"It's all my own, let's sit down first!" Miao Shouqing hurriedly finished the game.

"Han Shaoxia, Yin Jinchan issued a war note early on, why shouldn't you?" Yin Shisan stared at Han Yu with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to see Han Yu clearly after dissecting it.

"Don't dare to chant, everyone can see it!" Qin Fengliu said sarcastically.

Yin Shisan did not look at Qin Fengliu, but kept staring at Han Yu.

Han Yu Gujing Wubo said lightly: "I can't meet this challenge!"

Yin Shisan asked: "Why?"

Yin Shisan's attitude and questioning tone made Han Yu a little disgusted. Rhetorically asked: "If it were you, would you challenge it?"

No one thought that Han Yu would say that, nor did Yin Shisan. After a moment of surprise, he laughed and said, "Neither would I."

Han Yu smiled faintly, and said: "If this is the case, why are you asking me?"

Yin Shisan nodded and said, "It seems I really shouldn't ask!"

Han Yu Shi Shiran went to a seat and sat down without saying much.

As long as you are not a fool, Yin Jinchan's challenge, although it seems to be a challenge, is actually a trap. Jumping in even knowing that it was a trap is really a fool.

There is no fool present, so this topic will end here.

Yin Shisan swept over the people present and said, "Although this incident was caused by Han Yu, Chu Xuehan is a disciple of the Fifth Master, and we have the responsibility to protect her safety. After Qin Fengliu reported his identity, Not only did Tianchan not let people go, it also insulted and satirized Qin Fengliu by stealing and wounding Qin Fengliu. This was a secret declaration of war against us.

Yin Shisan's voice was sonorous and vigorous, and his words not only dared to refute, but also resonated with everyone. It can be seen that Yin Shisan not only has an extraordinary position in the minds of Miao Shouqing and Hu Lilie, but also has a heavy weight in the stealing of seventy-two places.

"We have been stealing seventy-two places. Since our establishment, although we have always focused on stealing, we have the right to steal, and we have the virtue of stealing. We are worthy of our heart and worthy of the heaven and earth. I have never been afraid of anything or anyone. Today, I will declare war with the Zen Buddhism in the name of stealing seventy-two places!"

"Listen to Brother Thirteen, fight to the death with Tian Chan Sect!"

"I want to take Yin Jinchan's stinky lady back to warm the bed!"

"The land steals the battle, and there is no grass!"

In the lobby, the fighting spirit rushed into the sky for a while, murderous. Just because of Yin Shisan's few words, the group of people who originally had the heart of secret fighting have twisted into a rope.

"Okay, old ghost, you immediately send out the war stickers. Tomorrow noon, fight with Tianchan Church at Junxiu Villa, so that they can be prepared. I will steal in the name of fighting and stealing!" Yin Shisan stood up, impossibly arrogant. .

Everyone stood up, and their blood boiled over. Guitoxin rushed out of the lobby for the first time, wishing to sue the world now.

Yin Shisan looked at Han Yu and said, "Han Shaoxia, are you willing to fight side by side with me?"

Han Yu smiled and said, "I'm so happy!"

Yin Shisan's decisiveness, fearlessness, and domineering behavior made Han Yu take a high look.

"Well, with Han Shaoxia's help, we are even more powerful!" Yin Shisan laughed, and looked at Han Yu's eyes, not as aggressive and admiring as when they first met.

As the so-called hero cherishes heroes, Han Yu's deeds, Yin Shisan has never heard of it.

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