Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 976: Big waves scouring sand and rocks into gold

Chapter 976

At the end of the seven-turned passage, there is a huge underground palace. The construction of this palace is quite strange. It is an octagonal building with a circular top. The materials used to build this palace are all blue big stones, each stone is almost the same size, seven or eight meters long and seven or eight meters high.

Each wall is engraved with mysterious patterns, implying the death of the dead, indicating that this is the location of a tomb. The ground is also engraved with many lines, one finger wide and three inches deep, like a small ditch, forming a huge pattern of thousands of rivers and mountains.

Eight huge pillars are located in the eight corners, and a brazier is on top of the pillars. The fire in the basin is raging and will last forever.

In the center of this palace, there is a tall stone monument, which can be as high as three or four feet tall, thick and heavy. It seems that this stone monument can suppress everything here. There is nothing else, the entire underground palace is extremely empty.

Xiaolidao and a few of his attendants sat cross-legged beside the stone monument. Hearing the footsteps, they just cast their eyes and did not stand up. It was Han Yu and others who came.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a majestic building under the Malgobi!" Miaoshou sighed. The size of this palace is what he has seen in his life.

Several people walked towards Xiaolidao, Xiaolidao glanced at a few people, and simply closed their eyes and Qing ignored them. Several of his followers wanted to stand up and say hello, but seeing Xiaolidao like this, they could only sit still. move.

Xiaolidao is a person who hides a knife in laughter, and generally doesn't show his emotions on the surface. However, a few days ago, Yin Shisan and others almost made him mad, and simply directly targeted him.

"Xiao Lidao, didn't you say that this is a tomb? Why can't you even see a ghost?" Hu Lie grinned with a smile and shouted uncomfortably. I want to say that Laozi grew up together, so do you use this attitude to deal with Laozi?

Xiaoli Dao slowly opened his eyes, glanced at Hu Lilie faintly, and said sarcastically: "The world's graves are all strange. If the general generation can see the beauty of this place, then I am the name of the golden ghost. , That's a joke!"

"Huh, isn't it just to find a tomb, what's so great?" Hu Lielie suddenly felt a little dry.

Xiaolidao ignored Hu Lilie, and said to Han Yu: "The entrance to the tomb of the fourth-level king is here. If you can find the entrance, we will continue to compete. If you can't find it, then we have no need to continue the comparison. , You have already lost!"

Han Yu didn't say much, turning his attention to the stone monument in the center.

Although Xiaolidao's words were a bit ugly, they were not unreasonable. If Han Yu couldn't even find the entrance, he would have lost.

"Huh, Xiaolidao, you didn't even find the entrance by yourself, use Big Brother Han?" Hu Lie grin looked at Xiaolidao aggressively, as if with a hook.

I was mocked by Xiaolidao just now, and now I can finally fight back.

Xiaolidao directly closed his eyes as if he could not hear anything.

"Look, I guessed it. This guy didn't find the entrance by himself." Hu Lie grinned and shouted, "Big Brother Han, don't fall into his tricks."

Han Yu didn't pay attention to Hu Lian grin. It didn't matter whether the knife had found the entrance or not. Even if he didn't continue the competition, Han Yu definitely didn't have any reason to come here.

Yin Shisan and others ignored Hu Lilie, and followed Han Yu towards the stele. Now there is not much need to take advantage of the moment of speech.

Upon seeing this, Hu Lie grinned, and could only snorted heavily at the smile, and caught up with Han Yu and others.

On this stone stele, many words are carved to introduce the origin of this tomb.

"Unexpectedly, this tomb turned out to be Tao Langsha's tomb!" Yin Shisan suddenly exclaimed.

Han Yu and others all looked at Yin Shisan, and Han Yu asked, "Brother Shisan, do you know this Tao Langsha?"

Yin Thirteen nodded and said, "Tao Langsha has a lot of status in the cultivation history of Xiling. He was a figure seven hundred years ago, and he created a peculiar exercise method called'Big Waves, Sand and Rock Changes. Jin’, it’s said that even a person of mediocre aptitude can obtain extremely high achievements by practicing this technique. It can transform mortals into spiritual bodies, spiritual bodies into kings, and stones into gold, which is unpredictable. A terrifying practice method."

"So powerful?" Even Han Yu was shocked. A person's physique level was determined by nature. If you want to change your physique, unless you strengthen exercise the day after tomorrow and temper your body with a special liquid medicine, there are limitations to achieving results.

The ordinary system becomes the spirit body and the spirit body becomes the king body. This is a big upgrade. As far as Han Yu knows, I am afraid that only the thunder tribulation liquid and the indestructible golden body liquid can make a person's The body has undergone such a radical change.

Yin Shisan nodded and said, "I saw it in an ancient book. This ancient book has an unusual status and shouldn't be fake."

"Doesn't that mean that the king's body can be turned into an invincible physique?" Miao Shouqing asked in a frightening voice.

The invincible system has been rare since ancient times, and if one appears, it will be a shock to the past. In contrast, the royal body is much more widespread. If the big waves scoured the sand and the stone to turn into gold have such a miraculous effect, once it is spread to the world, it will leave a thick ink color in the cultivation world.

Han Yu suddenly thought, could it be that this big wave of scouring sand and stone has the effect of sublimating blood? Does that also have the miraculous effect of rejuvenating blood? If he gets it, give it to Xiaojiao to practice? Isn't it hopeful that Xiaojiao's blood will be fully restored?

Han Yu's eyes became hot instantly, staring at Yin Shisan and listening to the following.

Hu Lilieie suddenly said with suspicion: "If Dalang is really so good at scouring sand and stone into gold, Tao Langsha's achievements are more than Wu Wang Jiuzhong? Moreover, after only seven hundred years of death, why has Xiling hardly mentioned this person? I'm afraid it's a bit too big, right?"

Yu Daikong, Gui Touxin, Mo Xiaoxiao and others also expressed doubts.

The conversation here attracted the attention of Xiaolidao and others, and Xiaolidao also listened obliquely. He didn't know much about Tao Langsha, and wanted to hear if he could hear more useful news.

Yin Thirteen said: "The next thing I want to say is related to your question. The big wave, the sandstone and the gold can turn the mortal body into the spirit body, and the spirit body into the king's body. This is a sure thing. Because of this matter, It happened to Tao Langsha. He grew from a mortal body to the final king body step by step, all relying on this earth-shattering exercise."

"As for whether the king's body can be turned into an invincible system, it is still a question now. It should not be possible. Tao Langsha was attacked by terror when he attacked the invincible system.

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